Titles - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T The U V W X Y Z

Sad Desk Salad - Jessica Grose (2012)
Sad desk salad refers to the working woman's lunch, eaten at her desk while catching up on the latest news and gossip via the internet. Alex Lyons is no different from any other working woman, except she is the one writing the gossip (and she sits on her couch, not at a desk). Alex writes for a popular blog which covers everything from politics to celebrities. When an anonymous video lands in her inbox, detailing the drug dalliances of a would-be Senator's daughter, Alex doesn't hesitate to post it, knowing how huge it will be for both the website and for her career. Once the video is posted, however, she begins to have second thoughts and worries herself into a frenzy about the girl in the video, her own credibility as a writer, and how to get to the bottom of the person writing a hate blog aimed at her for the content of her posts. When her situation eventually takes a toll on her relationship with her boyfriend, Alex decides it's time to slow down and put things back in perspective. Sad Desk Salad is a sharp, funny look at what happens when you put too much stock into what you read on the internet, let your imagination get away from you, and when you lose sight of what's important and real in your life. I'm looking forward to reading more from this debut author. (LEK)

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Safe and Sound - T.S. Krupa (2014)
When Jill Greenfield's husband dies suddenly while outside on a routine run, it throws his widow into a tailspin of grief, loss and depression. With the help of her best friends Lanie and Stella, Jill tries to get through the devastation. It isn't until she finds out that her husband had been keeping a big secret from her that she finally finds a bit of herself again. As she uproots her life and begins to have hope again, she meets someone who could just change her life again forever, but is she willing to let someone else in again? Can she adjust to the secret her husband had kept from her? Can she really ever move on from that loss? In T.S. Krupa's debut novel, we follow Jill as she learns to treat every day with a new hope, a new perspective, and maybe even the gift of a new love. It's heart warming, at times funny, and a real page turner. Jill's story is one readers will really enjoy. (JP)

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Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks (2010)
Alex, the owner of a store in the North Carolina town of Southport, is a single parent, after losing his wife recently. One day Katie moves into the area, leaving Alex and others in the close-knit town wondering where she has come from and what is her story. Katie has a secret that she doesn't want anyone to know. Alex finds himself becoming more and more intrigued by her and is desperate to know Katie's story. The two fall in love and face the darkness of their lives together. The characters are very easy to warm to as with all Nicholas Sparks' characters. The novel is very predictable - I quickly guessed the secret that Katie was harbouring - but on the other hand very well written. This epic love story is definitely a must-read for people who believe in true love. (SG)

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Salaam, Paris - Kavita Daswani (2006)
Tanaya Shah has always been captivated by Paris - ever since watching Audrey Hepburn in the movie Sabrina. So when her grandfather decrees she will marry the grandson of one of his friends - a man living in Paris - Tanaya seizes the opportunity to leave her traditional Muslim family and head to France. But when she meets her intended, Tariq, she makes it clear that she does not want an arranged marriage. After refusing to return to India, she is disowned by her family. Tanaya soon finds her way in her new world, becoming a successful model. But when she meets up with Tariq again, Tanaya begins to wonder about the life she walked away from.

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Salem Falls - Jodi Picoult (2001)
This follows the story of teacher Jack St Bride, who is wrongly accused of raping a girl. He has served a prison sentence and moves to Salem Falls. He finds work in a diner, working for a lady called Addie. Just as he is beginning to form a relationship with Addie, Jack is again accused of sexual assault. His defence attorney Jordan is brought in to make sure that he is not convicted of the same offence again. The story does tell of the sexual assault so is not to be read by anyone who may be disturbed by this topic. The book flits from past to present and the reader is left guessing whether Jack was actually innocent in the first place. I found myself reading this book under my desk at work, in my lunch break and did not put it down when I got home until I had finished. (SG)

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Saints v Sinners - Katie Agnew (2010)
The patriarch of the ultra-wealthy LaFata family has gone missing - presumed drowned after his yacht is found drifting off the coast of Monaco. For the children that Fatty left behind - daughters Francesca and Angelica and son Carlo - their troubles are only beginning. Francesca has been running the family company but is unaware of the shady deals her father's been involved in. Angel is a regular on the wild party scene - how low does she need to go to hit rock bottom? Carlos has just slept with his best friend's girl and even with all the mayhem surrounding his dad's disappearance, he can't get her out of his mind. Meanwhile a Scottish journalist called Robbie has been after Fatty for years and is about to join the media pack descending on Monaco. This is a fast-paced read which has as many twists as the Cote d'Azur roads - but most are too obviously signposted to take the reader by surprise. For those who like stories about what is rotten behind the facade of glam lives.

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Salting Roses - Lorelle Marinello (2010)
Have you ever been so angry you wanted to salt your neighbour's roses? No? Well, it is a Southern thing so maybe you haven't heard of it. However, Gracie Calloway, the heroine in Salting Roses, has and she proves that you don't need a fortune to know exactly where you belong. When Gracie was just a baby, she was left in a coal bucket on a front porch in Alabama. She grew up well taken care of but always wanting to know who her parents are. When she suddenly finds herself faced with the possibility of knowing her parents, Gracie isn't sure she wants any part of it. Especially after she finds out she is the kidnapped heiress of a mega millionaire. To make things worse, Gracie's father has passed away and left her as the sole heir to his entire fortune. Though reluctant at first, Gracie soon warms up to the idea with some help from the gorgeous Yankee her grandmother hired to break the news. Sam Fontana is everything Gracie hates but yet she is totally smitten with him. Will she decide to step up to the plate when it counts the most and claim her true place in society or will she let the past dictate her future? Gracie is a sassy, spunky character who makes you laugh even when she's being serious. She's someone you can easily picture being content with life in a small Southern town - afraid to make a change when one is presented on a silver platter. This debut novel is full of heart, soul and a whole lot of Southern charm. (AS)

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Samantha Smythe's Modern Family Journal - Lucy Cavendish (2007)
aka The Invisible Woman
Samantha lives in a state of happy chaos with her three sons - Edward, 8, Bennie, 2, and baby Jamie - and her husband John. As a freelance writer, she spends a lot of time staring into celebrities' fridges, chatting with her best friend Dougie, and hanging out with the playgroup mothers. But then her first husband - also called John and the father of Edward - returns to spend time with his dying mother. But he seems to be spending most of his time with the au pair Santa. Samantha has to ensure that John the First doesn't upset her family's tenuous balance as her sister Julia's marriage goes into meltdown. From trips to the hospital emergency department, fighting over who gets to sleep in and tailing Julia's errant husband, this is a gotta-laugh-or-you'll-cry look at the minutiae of life with a young family.

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Sammi Ever After - Soma Helmi (2010)
Indonesian Soma Helmi is already established as a filmmaker, art director and graphic artist and I predict it won't be long before she adds "acclaimed women's fiction novelist" to her list of credits. This debut novel is a highly enjoyable read full of romance, friendship, travel and the search for one's self. A true fairy tale, this classic chick lit story takes readers from Indonesia to Australia to London to the Greek isles and then back to London as Sammi embarks on the journey of her lifetime. Left stranded in London's Heathrow Airport by the love of her life, Max, Sammi wonders if love will ever work out for her the way she imagines it should. In search of her Prince Charming since she was a little girl, Sammi begins to wonder if she will ever get her "happily ever after"? (CH)

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Sammy's Hill - Kristin Gore (2004)
As the daughter of former US vice-president Al Gore, the author has used her insider's view of political life in Washington to create a book that the critics have likened to a blend of The West Wing meets Sex and the City. Samantha Joyce is making her mark in Washington as a health care advisor for an up-and-coming senator, Robert Gray of Ohio. But she still has time to be prepared for anything, like refining her defence tactics for wild animal attacks or practising dressing for work with only one arm, just in case. And when her BlackBerry isn't reminding her of significant events, like the 29th anniversary of The Partridge Family TV series finale, she's encouraging her favourite telemarketers to call more often or trying to stop her Japanese fighting fish from committing hara-kiri. Then Sammy falls for Aaron Driver, a hot-shot speechwriter for another not-so-nice senator John Bramen. She mistakenly sends a risqué email message for Aaron to 200 of Washington's power players and her humiliation is compounded when the story makes The Washington Post. But Sammy bounces back when Gray gets selected as the running mate of a presidential contender.

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Sammy's House - Kristin Gore (2007)
In this sequel to Sammy's Hill, Samantha Joyce is now working in the White House as a health care advisor under vice-president Robert Gray. The previous administration staff are still playing practical jokes, there's an insider leaking damaging information to a blog and her relationship with Washington Post reporter Charlie is under threat. But there's worse to come when Sammy discovers a secret that could spell the end for president Max Wye.

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Santa Baby - Katie Price (2011)
Angel Summer and her husband, Cal, are fairly happy. They have one beautiful child and would like to have another in the near future. But that idea is put on the back burner when Angel meets her half-sister, Tiffany, and the two gel together like glue. Tiffany soon lands a job on Angel's TV show, which works out well for both girls. However, Angel's bodyguard, Sean, isn't so welcoming to Tiffany since it's his job to be protective of Angel at all times. When he finally feels like he can let his guard down - at a Christmas party at Angel's home - danger strikes. Will Angel, Cal and Tiffany be alright or will Sean's misstep haunt them all forever? This is one of those guilty pleasures that you can't quite decide if you love or hate. Some parts are really well written, while others aren't. It is, however, addictive and will leave you wanting to know what happens next to Katie Price's most famous characters. (AS)

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Sapphire - Katie Price (2009)
Sapphire is happy to be an independent businesswoman - she runs a lingerie boutique and hens weekend company. Divorced from the philandering Alfie, she doesn't want another serious relationship and is dating younger personal trainer Jay. But with Jay wanting to settle down, Sapphire's eye is drawn to Alfie's smooth business partner, Ryan. When a hens weekend for a soapie star goes awry, Sapphire begins to lose control of her business and personal life. Watch out for appearances by her friend Cal, the footballer from Price's novels about glamour model Angel.

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Sari & Sins - Nisha Minhas (2003)
Indian bride Kareena thinks her parents have chosen well when she weds Samir in an arranged marriage. But she is unaware he has been seeing Cloey for six years. Cloey wants Sammy - and more importantly his house - for herself so is prepared to fight dirty. But Kareena isn't the timid bride she was expecting.

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Save as Draft - Cavanaugh Lee (2011)
Izabell is a single Atlanta woman who can't meet a man - she blames this on Atlanta's 1:8 man to woman ratio. After joining eHarmony.com, she meets someone who she instantly clicks with, Martin. Though they had a good date, she ends up "hooking up" with her long-time best friend, Peter. That's where things get complicated. Written in e-mails, Twitter-feeds and Facebook status updates, this book is definitely up to speed with the latest social networking. You get to see the emails that are left unsent, or in other words "saved as draft". You are left wondering what would have happened differently had those drafted emails been received by their intended party. This quick and funny read left me anxious for part 2. (AV)

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Save Karyn: One Shopaholic's Journey to Debt and Back - Karyn Bosnak (2003)
In 2002, after Karyn Bosnak accrued more than $20,000 dollars in debt and lost her job as a producer at a big cable network, she started a website asking others for help in "banishing debt from (her) life". It started out as a silly but creative project with a few humorous emails from her ad on Craigslist (that was taken down shortly after she posted it), tips on how to live frugally via the Daily Buck, a thank you page to all those who were kind of enough to send her a dollar or two (or hundred as some did) and later, a Me-Mail page in which Karyn included all the mail (and hate mail) written to her and her responses to them. Over the course of 20 weeks, the site evolved to contain valuable and insightful messages in how to be kind, live life more fully or pay it forward. Karyn's low-budget website gained so much notoriety, she was interviewed by various newspapers, magazines, radio personalities and even, Matt Lauder on NBC's the Today Show. By the end, Sony Pictures provided an all-expense paid trip for Karyn to fly from Brooklyn to Hollywood where she discussed bringing her story to the big screen and of course, publishers made a deal with her to get the whole story in print. And, above all - you may not believe this part - it worked! In 20 weeks, her goal of gaining $1 from 20,000 people (or $2 from 10,000 people or $5 from 4000 people) worked and Karyn became debt-free for the first time in her life!! This (mostly) autobiographical tale is the hilarious recount of the entire saga, from living most of her life in Chicago to racking up $20 grand in debt in New York City to how she ultimately learned a valuable lesson about the evil of credit cards and how she gained more insight into herself at age 29 through the kindness and generosity of strangers all of the world via the internet than in any other endeavour in her life thus far. To anyone who's ever been in debt, had an obsessive shopping habit or just enjoys an uplifting read, this is the book for you. (CH)

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Save The Date - Jenny B. Jones (2011)
For the past two years, Lucy Wiltshire has put all her time and effort into creating a home for homeless girls called Saving Grace. However it seems that the dream may be coming to a close as her funding has been cut and if she doesn't find the cash soon, then the girls will be back on the streets. Enter Alex Sinclair, a wealthy ex-football player with political aspirations. The two of them concoct a plan to pretend to get married for publicity reasons - and of course they end up slowly falling in love with each other for real. Meanwhile, Lucy has just discovered the truth about her father and grandparents, and her ex has also asked her to marry him. Alex's twin brother Will has disappeared and as the days pass, Alex is becoming estranged from his family. Should people save the date for a big wedding or not? (PP)

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Save The Date - Allie Spencer (2013)
Ailsa Stuart has been invited to her cousin Jessica's wedding but she is not sure if she really wants to go and deal with her totally insane family. To be honest things are not going great with Ailsa but it would be nuts not to accept the all-expenses-paid trip to Tuscany for one whole week. Her RSVP has been sent and now a beautiful hotel in breathtaking Tuscany is waiting for her. Everything is going better than expected until she comes face-to-face with the one man she least expected to meet. And to make matters worse, she seems to have been adopted by a stray dog. Things get even messier when the wedding is nearly called off. While I loved Ailsa for her quirkiness and wittiness, I found Jessica irritating and immature. Though the story has been set against the beautiful backdrop of Tuscany, it is somewhat predictable. As much as I loved the twists and turns along the way, I felt disappointed by the slow pace. All in all it's a good summery and funny read but don't expect too much. (SS)

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Saving Grace - Ciara Geraghty (2008)
Grace is in a long-distance relationship with Shane, her friend Caroline's brother. But a night out with an out-of-date bottle of Baileys sees her end up with more than a hangover - she wakes up in bed with her new work colleague, IT geek Bernard. With Grace still blaming herself for her brother Patrick's drowning in Spain, she finds she has a lot in common with Bernard. And she can't seem to get him out of her mind, especially when someone else close to her falls for him on a blind date. A promising debut about guilt and forgiveness that's smoother than Irish Cream.

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Saving Grace - Jane Green (2014)
Grace appears to lead an enviable life with her husband Ted, a best-selling author, and works as a chef at a charity home for troubled families. But behind the scenes, Ted's books aren't selling so well anymore and Grace has to deal with his terrible mood swings. With his long-time assistant having stepped down to look after her ailing mother, they are on the lookout for a new helper. When they meet Beth at a function she seems perfect, a godsend who quickly organises not only Ted's life but Grace's as well. But there is something about Beth that makes Grace uneasy. This is another darker tale from Green, a psychological drama about a woman who feels she is losing her grip not only on her household and marriage but her sanity as well. It features recipes at the end of some chapters, which seems a mismatch for the book's overall disturbing tone.

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Saving Saffron Sweeting - Pauline Wiles (2013)
Life is what happens to you when you are busy planning other things! Grace Palmer learns this the hard way when she finds out that while she was too busy floundering in her designing business in America, her husband was cheating on her with her best client. Unable to face the failure in both her business as well as her marriage, Grace runs back to her home on the other side of the Atlantic. Between hiding from her husband and picking up the pieces of her life, Grace decides to settle down in the quaint English village of Saffron Sweeting for a while. However, Saffron Sweeting is going through a transition which puts the tranquility of the village in danger. In spite of her initial reluctance, Grace somehow finds herself getting more involved with the locals and ends up helping them to revive their businesses. But will she be able to save her own self and her failing marriage while she is in the midst of saving Saffron Sweeting? From the outset, this is a light, fluffy read that will keep the readers hooked with Grace's journey as she struggles through the road less travelled and yet carves out a path for herself. The author has a knack for sketching beautiful and vivid descriptions that literally transported me to the English village. The writing is refreshing and crisp, making it a warm and enjoyable read. There is a wonderful assortment of characters that just add to the charm of this read. (PD)

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Savour The Moment - Nora Roberts (2010)
Welcome back to Greenwich Connecticut to help the four friends, MacKensie, Parker, Emma and Laurel, plan weddings. This boos focuses on baker Laurel and lawyer Del, who is Parker's older brother. Laurel and Del have known each since childhood. Del has always thought of Laurel like the little sister he never had. But Laurel would like their relationship to be something more. One day they have an argument and Laurel makes her move which seems to thoroughly confuse Del. Will Laurel and Del get their signals straight and figure out their relationship? I loved this romantic story - the third book in the Brides Quartet series - and was gladly transported back to the wedding scene in Greenwich Connecticut. I can't wait to read the final book in the series. (JG)

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Scandalous - Martel Maxwell (2010)
Sisters Max and Lucy Summers may be completely different in many ways but they are still best friends. Max is a top-notch showbiz reporter and Lucy works at a fabulous fashion magazine. Both lead a charmed life but neither has a lively love life. That all changes when the beautiful Lucy meets the Earl of Balmyle, Hartley. He's ranked as Britain's most eligible bachelor and once he sets his sights on Lucy, he can think of no one else. This infuriates Hartley's ex, Lady Bridget Beames, who believes Hartley should only be with a woman of the same social standing as him. It seems she will go to any length to get Hartley back. Max, on the other hand, hasn't had a serious love interest since she was 17. When she finally meets a man who makes her heart beat faster, Lucy warns her that he is the wrong man for her. Soon things spiral out of control when Lucy is accused of setting up the very private Hartley for a paparazzi shot and Max is forced to ignore her dream man for the sake of saving her relationship with her sister. Throw in a gorgeous, but sleazy male celebrity, lots of relationship drama and some sibling conflict and you've got yourself a novel that has everything a girl could want. The characters are described so well it is easy to imagine them transferred from page to film. In addition it's written with information that only an insider could have. It's fun, feisty and blooming with romance - but above anything else, it's totally scandalous. (AS)

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Scandalous - Tilly Bagshawe (2010)
Sasha Miller is an academically gifted girl with a passion for science. But after being betrayed by her Cambridge professor Theo Dexter, she leaves in disgrace to study business at Harvard. As Theo's star continues to rise - taking science to the masses through his TV series - Sasha becomes a high-flying businesswoman. But her greed for money is solely motivated by her desire to ruin Theo. You know all along that the villain is going to get his just deserts, that his downtrodden wife Theresa is going to triumph and that Sasha is going to get her man, but just sit back and enjoy the ride. (PS Dear cover designer, pretty sure there was never a yacht in sight.)

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Scandalous Housewives - Madhuri Banerjee (2014)
They run their homes like clockwork, their children look like angels and their husbands could be movie stars - but what goes on behind closed doors? Are there chinks in the armour? That is the question that the author explores in her gripping novel, Scandalous Housewives, where she takes us through the lives and times of the women who live in Sapphire Towers, an apartment block in Mumbai. We meet Gita, Sarita, Natasha and Aarti, four housewives who take great pride in their homes and families, but take a closer look and you would see that their lives are far from perfect. Gita has a husband who does not appreciate her and her in-laws hate her because she was not able to produce a son. Sarita lives in a penny-pinching household where each rupee is accounted for by her miserly husband and his parents. Natasha is a former model with an abusive husband. As for the fourth protagonist Aarti, she is a working woman who harbours a little secret in her heart that could destroy her family. The four women meet every evening to chat but they always manage to keep their perfect facades intact so that no one knows what is really going on in their lives. But soon and inevitably, things begin to unravel and the reader is caught up in a whirlpool of scandal, deceit and gossip that has the women doubting everything they had ever believed in, including their friendship. Is the book enjoyable? Yes, because the author knows how to add a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter that keeps you riveted to the story. The flaw, however, lies in the fact that some of the stories are perhaps too far-fetched. There is a lot of ill will and rancour towards the end of the book which gets tiring after a while. But if you are looking for a quick read that will give you a glimpse of urban India and the lives of four chic women, pick up this book and you won't be disappointed. (AC)

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Scared Scriptless - Alison Sweeney (2014)
Maddy Carson, a twenty-something script supervisor working in Hollywood, is great at her job. She's meticulous and detailed, her whole life following a perfect script. She dreams of sitting in the director's chair someday, but doesn't think she's creative enough. When an opportunity to do a reality show about her home town comes up, she wonders if it's worth pursuing. It doesn't fit into her plan, after all. She doesn't like ad libbing, in her own life or otherwise. Questions about what she wants to get out of life get a whole lot more complicated when a handsome TV actor, Adam Devin, takes an interest in her. Should Maddy follow the script of her life, or try ad libbing and see where it takes her? I liked this book overall. It has a good mix of humour, drama, and heart. I enjoyed learning more about what goes on behind the scenes of our favourite TV shows. However, I felt like the story fizzled out towards the end. (CK)

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Scarlet Nights - Jude Deveraux (2010)
Edilean is a small town in Virginia where everyone knows everyone. Sara Shaw is engaged to Greg Anders who is a very shady character. Everyone including Sara's friends and family try to persuade her to break off the engagement. Then all of the sudden he disappears. Enter Mike Newland, a detective who has ties to the Edilean area. He had been investigating Greg and is sent there to protect Sara. Mike arranges for Sara is to use her friend Tess' apartment that has a secret compartment. But Sara is suspicious about Mike's real mission. This is my first time reading Jude Deveraux and I enjoyed this romantic suspense story enough to want to go back and read the first two books of the Endilean series. (JG)

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Schooled - Anisha Lakhani (2008)
Ivy League graduate Anna Taggert isn't interested in joining the rest of her classmates in high-earning careers in law and investment banking. Instead she has a passion for teaching. She scores a position as seventh grade English teacher at an elite private school in Manhattan but her creative lesson plans don't seem to win favour with the principal or the parents. With her pay check barely covering the rent on her fifth-floor walk-up apartment, Anna soon uncovers the secret of one of her designer-clad colleagues, Randi - she works as a tutor, earning about $250 an hour to do the student's homework. Anna's moral objections soon fade as she enters the tutoring pool and finds her shopping sprees are improving her standing at the school. An eye-opening read for those wanting another insider expose of Manhattan's elite.

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School of Fortune - Amanda Brown (with Janice Weber) (2007)
Socialite Pippa Walker was supposed to get married in the biggest wedding in Texas' history. Her mother, Thayne, worked endlessly to ensure that everything was perfect right down to the exact size of all of Pippa's bridesmaids. But when Pippa suddenly finds out something isn't right with her handsome husband-to-be Lance, she calls off her wedding at the altar, causing a frenzy. Pippa also fears that she has inadvertently caused the sudden death of her beloved grandfather from shock. Suddenly disowned by her parents, not to mention sought by the paparazzi, Pippa finds the only person who will talk to her is the family lawyer, who informs her that she has been left a good chunk of her grandfather's money - about a billion dollars - but she can only claim this money if she gets a diploma. Since her grandfather wasn't specific about what kind of diploma, Pippa starts out on a hilarious journey of misadventures, using various aliases along the way to keep her identity hidden, that include driving school, where she accidentally drives Lance's blue Maserati into a hotel pool; matchmaking school, where she has an insane teacher just trying to make a quick buck; and even a clown academy where Pippa is chased by a large elephant and loved by a possessive dancing bear. But still Pippa is without a diploma. She finally calls her old friend Ginny who tells Pippa to enrol at the Mountbatten Savoy School of Household Management in Aspen, where Ginny has a vacation home. Pippa accepts this as a last resort and becomes the servant of a socialite in Las Vegas. With the help of a valet and a crazy chef, Pippa finally finds her own version of happiness. (AS)

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Scot on the Rocks - Brenda Janowitz (2007)
Manhattan attorney Brooke Miller has no qualms about attending her ex-boyfriend's wedding to a Hollywood actress. After all she'll be with her Scottish boyfriend Douglas, who'll probably have put a ring on her own finger by then. But when Douglas breaks up with her, she desperately needs someone else to fill his kilt on the day. With best friend Vanessa and colleague Jack in tow, Brooke heads off to LA, determined to survive the wedding with her dignity ever-- intact. After all, they've crammed up on Scottish facts, her bikini line is waxed and she's got a shiny (but fake) sparkler on her ring finger. But will lost luggage, a high school nemesis and a rogue Australian accent be her undoing? Brooke is an engaging character who'll keep you smiling as she lurches from mishap to mishap.

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Screen Play - Chris Coppernoll (2010)
Thirty-year-old Harper Gray has had a year of constant struggles from her boyfriend leaving her and finding herself constantly out of work and broke. As an actress, she knows about living paycheck to paycheck and that there is a high chance that you'll never make it. After a year of getting to know God and trying to reach out to him and hear her prayers, it may have paid off. Harper receives a phone call from two old friends Ben (now a theatre director) and Avril (now a leading actress), asking her if she would consider being an understudy in a Broadway play that Ben is directing called Apartment 19. As she arrives in New York City, Harper realises that this may very well be the start of a new chapter in her life. After hearing Avril rave on about internet dating site LoveSetMatch.Com, Harper signs up but only seems to find matches who live far away. This is an awesome Christian lit story that threads together inspiration, friendship, love and faith. (PP)

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Searching For Spice - Megan DiMaria (2008)
Linda Revere has a steady job as a photographer, two teenage kids and a husband, Jerry, who works as a no-nonsense science teacher at the community college. One day Linda discovers via a magazine quiz that the passion has definitely left her marriage. Realising she longs for a sizzling affair with the guy she fell in love with 25 years ago, instead problems with their children, her boss, customers, the family dog and personal health keep getting in the way. Linda has romantic dreams of sitting on the porch with Jerry surrounded by a lush garden with twinkling lights on the bordering Aspen trees, sipping pale nectar from china goblets and listening to music from the 70s - instead she finds herself dancing with Betty, her vacuum cleaner. Then a family crisis sees the couple taking opposite sides and Linda prays to God to help give her what she's been longing for in her marriage. (PP)

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Searching for Tina Turner - Jacqueline E. Luckett (2010)
Lena Spencer appears to have the perfect life. Her gorgeous husband, Randall, is rich, successful and makes sure she wants for nothing, including a beautiful home and luxury cars. She dotes on her two beautiful children, Kendrick and Camille, even though they are almost grown and out on their own. Even Lena would admit that she has led a charmed life. However, she still feels something is missing. Her own life has been put on the back burner to care for her family, to the point that she no longer knows who she is. When she tries to tell her husband she would like to get back into photography, he essentially tells her she's lucky to have the life that she does and to stop behaving like a child. Drawing on inspiration from her idol, Tina Turner, Lena decides it's time to figure out who she really is after more than two decades of being known simply as Randall's wife. Although I found the author's writing style a little hard to follow, this story will inspire all who read it to follow their passion. (LEK)

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Search Me - Erin Petscher (2010)
Who doesn't have a plan for their life and how it is supposed to go? Emily Johnson certainly has a plan. She already has some great friends in Liza and Rachel but now has her eyes set on Peter, a guy she met at a football game during her senior year of high school. For Emily it is love at first sight and she believes that she has found her soul mate. She finally asks him out to a New Year's concert with disastrous results. But she and Peter eventually hook up and Emily feels that life is great and that nothing can go wrong. Then college starts and her plans start to truly go awry. Will she be able to find her way out of the events that happen during that first semester? Is Peter truly her soul mate? For a first outing, author Erin Petscher gives us a compelling read about true faith. I liked the theme and the message she leaves for her readers. (JG)

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Second Chance - Jane Green (2007)
When Tom is killed in a terrorist attack on a train, his death brings together a group of friends that haven't seen each other for 20 years. Holly is now not-so-happily married to pompous lawyer Marcus and has two young children. Saffron is a small-time actress still waiting for her big break - and for her secret boyfriend, actor superstar Pearce, to leave his wife. Freelance journalist Paul is married to successful businesswoman Anna, but they are desperately trying to have children. Olivia works at an animal shelter and is still getting used to being single after her long-time lover left her. It seems even in death, Tom's influence over his friends is far from over. Holly finds herself drawn to his younger brother Will; Olivia goes on a blind date with one of his American colleagues; and Saffron has to face up to her addiction. Will Tom's tragic death help them find the strength to make a fresh start - and rediscover the power of friendship?

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Second Chances - Martina Reilly (2008)
Lizzie is living in Dublin when she bumps into someone from her past - the boy who went to jail for her older sister's murder. Megan's body washed up on a beach, with a severe head injury, and Joe was the last person to see her on his dad's boat. Joe had always protested his innocence but some of his explanations in court just didn't stack up. Joe now lives a quiet life, looking after his pigeons. Lizzie, who works for a crisis phone line, enters Joe's life without telling him who she is - and looks to get revenge. This is an engrossing story with a dark side.

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Second Chances - Charity Norman (2012)
aka After The Fall
Martha has moved her family - partner Kit, teenage daughter Sasha and five-year-old twins Finn and Charlie - from the UK to New Zealand for a fresh start. They settle into a remote farmhouse but disaster strikes one night when Finn ends up in a coma after a serious fall. Martha tells the authorities he fell from the veranda while sleepwalking but something doesn't add up. The story alternates between hospital scenes to earlier episodes as the family finds their bearings in their new home. This is a real page-turner with a serious message and a very evocative setting.

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Second Time Around - Beth Kendrick (2010)
Arden, Jamie, Brooke, Cait and Anna were all English majors in college. Every year the girls got together for a reunion and talked about how they wished they could change their career paths. When Arden passes away, she leaves $1 million to the four remaining friends to live out their dream careers. The friends reunite in their old college town and attempt to restart their lives. Jamie becomes an event planner and finds herself planning a wedding for an old flame. Brooke buys a bed and breakfast and quickly realises that she has bought a money pit. Cait decides to become a romance novelist and ends up falling for her former English professor. Anna has been struggling with fertility issues with her husband. When her husband announces that he needs a break from their marriage, she decides to use her $250,000 to become a pastry chef. This is a fantastic novel about lasting friendships and second chances. (AO)

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Second Time Around - Erin Kaye (2012)
Divorcee Jennifer Irwin is a mother of two and a successful businesswoman. Having spent her entire life ensuring that Lucy and Matt make the best of their lives, Jennifer realises that it's now time to prioritise her needs first and the first thing she wants to do is to get back into the dating game. Twenty-eight-year-old Ben Crawford, voted as Northern Ireland's most eligible bachelor, has sacrificed his ambition of becoming a teacher to manage his father's restaurants. Though unhappy and trapped in the lifestyle and job that he hates, Ben struggles to find the courage to leave it all. When Jennifer meets Ben, they can't deny their attraction towards each other - but with the age gap and the differences between them, their route to love becomes an arduous journey. Though I felt that the story between Ben and Jennifer was slightly overshadowed by the rest of the events, it was nonetheless an enjoyable read about a cougar relationship, and I particularly thought that the descriptions about the family dynamics were relatable. (XT)

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Second Time Lucky - Sophie King (2007)
Bridgewater House used to be a grand country house but over the years it has been converted into several separate apartments, housing different kinds of characters. Louise used to be a happily married woman, until her husband left her for his mistress. She's now a single mum with no job and three children to take care of, and forced to move from a large mansion to a small apartment. Roddy used to be the heir to Bridgewater House but is now a recovering alcoholic trying to do everything in his power to be able to see his two kids, whom he loves more than anything in the world. Then there's Molly, who used to be a famous actress and has just lost her beloved husband Gideon. However, she's still able to see him and can't stand the thought of being left alone. Last but not least, there's Marcie, an American PhD student, who has turned her dream of marrying a true English gentleman into reality by marrying businessman David. Yet, her two awful stepchildren weren't part of her perfect picture and neither were their problems to have a baby together. All the residents of Bridgewater House have their own secrets but nothing can stay hidden for long from your neighbours. One of the things I really love about Sophie King's novels is her ability to create a truly fascinating and entertaining group of various characters who are all dealing with their own personal secrets and desires. This not only provides the reader with several interesting storylines to enjoy but it also results in the novel dealing with numerous issues which I am sure most readers will be able to relate to. It's an easy-to-read, enjoyable and lovely read. (JoH)

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Secret Celebrity - Carol Wolper (2002)
Christine Chase, a divorced 35-year-old filmmaker, decides to do a documentary on elusive actor and musician Richard Gault, who went underground in the 1970s.

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Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA - Ellen Meister (2006)
When a location scout announces that Applewood school may make the perfect setting for an upcoming George Clooney movie, the mothers of the PTA think their fantasies are about to become real. This is their chance to get up close and personal with the hunky actor - oh, and their school will finally get its much-needed stadium. But Maddie Schein, Ruth Moss and Lisa Slotnick need to band together to save the project because PTA president Suzanne Podobinski has decided that the movie threatens historic Applewood Rock. The trio also face dramas on the home front - Maddie thinks her husband is having an affair with his cousin; Ruth is looking for some loving after her husband's stroke left him impotent and Lisa has to deal with an alcoholic mother.

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Secret Diary of a Demented Housewife - Niamh Greene (2007)
This is the diary of Susie Hunt, a scatty stay-at-home mother to Katie and Jack. The Dublin housewife is obsessed with celebrity gossip, drinking Starbucks coffee, watching Oprah and Dr Phil, and hiding all her undone housework from her mother-in-law. Susie's facing an exhausting, trying year. Not only has she a massive princess birthday party to organise and a son to entice to sleep through the night, she's worried about the dwindling romance in her marriage after husband Joe gets her a Thigh Master for Christmas. Meanwhile he's working all hours going for a promotion, and has a gorgeous new assistant Becky. Susie's also trying not to feel intimidated by Eco-mother or guilty about her flirtation with Lone Father at mother-and-toddler group. Perfect as a hilarious antidote to your own at-home days from hell.

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Secret Society Girl - Diana Peterfreund (2006)
Amy Haskel is in her Junior year at the prestigious Eli University, an editor for Eli's literary magazine and a self-proclaimed commitment-phobe. Amy's life takes a surprising turn when she is 'tapped' by the elite and mysterious secret society Rose & Grave, also known to only have male members. Amy thought initiation would be the hardest part of her Junior year but she isn't prepared for the backlash that comes from Rose & Grave's powerful alumni for letting women into their "boy's only" club. She soon finds her career, kind-of boyfriend, and her social life is on the line. I loved the way this book, the first in the Ivy League series, went into details of "initiation" and all of the rules a secret society brings. (AV)

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Secrets - Freya North (2009)
Single mother Tess needs to leave London - and in a hurry. She heads up north to the seaside town Saltburn, moving into bridge engineer Joe's rambling old house as his housesitter. But who is she running from, why is she so broke and why does she detest the beach? Joe is an emotionally distant character who spends a lot of time overseas - with a girlfriend in every port - but he soon finds he misses being away from the home that Tess has been building with her toddler Em. But he's also keeping something from Tess - will they soon trust each other enough to share their secrets? Now you know that these two are going to get it together but it takes nearly 500 pages of often mind-numbing tedium to get there. Perhaps the only question readers really need answered is why was this book so boring and slow?

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Secrets & Lies - Jaishree Misra (2009)
Anita, Zeba, Bubbles and Sam have been best friends since they met in the early 90s at a Delhi private girls school called St Judes. They were the Queen Bees, the popular chicks. Everything was going great, until the headmistress' niece Lily started at the school and threatened their superiority. On the night of their prom, Lily is found dead. Now 15 years later the headmistress is retiring and decides to hold a reunion of the four girls and find out what really happened that night. Anita is now a BBC correspondent, Zeba a Bollywood actress, Bubbles is married to a billionaire and Sam is a trophy wife. Can any of them afford their secrets and lies to be revealed? An enthralling read which seems like a mix between Tilly Bagshawe and Tasmina Perry. (PP)

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Secrets and Sins - Jaishree Misra (2010)
For Aman and Riva, the 10 days at the Cannes film festival is like escape therapy. Both are going through rocky patches in their marriages. Fifteen years ago their paths first crossed in Leeds University where they had a brief but passionate affair. They couldn't have come from more diametrically opposite worlds. Indian born but raised in London, Riva was confident, witty, intelligent, a passionate feminist who would never think twice before protesting against anything unfair. Aman was a handsome freshman from India, a teetotaller who wasn't so streetwise and had shyness bordering on aloofness. However, despite their passion, Riva chose reliability and security with the familiar Ben. Riva marries while Aman returns to Mumbai nursing a broken heart ... Fast forward to a time when Riva is a bestselling novelist and Aman is a Bollywood star and they follow each other's careers from a distance. When fate conspires and their worlds collide again at Cannes, they create a world of illusion for themselves, with renewed passion for each other. But when the colourful and romantic journey comes to an end, Riva finds herself standing at the same crossroads as she stood 15 years earlier - struggling to make a difficult choice between her husband and her old flame. Jaishree Misra has captured a heart-rending account of how infidelity can be both brutal and beautiful. I especially loved the crisp writing and the vivid yet simple description of how there are secrets in every marriage - even the seemingly happy ones. (PD)

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Secrets of the Hollywood Girls Club - Maggie Marr (2008)
The girls of the Hollywood Girls Club are back. Celeste is thinking it's time for a facelift while a sex tape - the one she thought was destroyed at the time of her divorce - seems to be making the rounds. And she's desperate to keep both secrets from her new husband, Worldwide Pictures boss Ted Robinoff. Mary Anne has started seeing hot leading man Holden Humphrey - a fact that infuriates his co-star Vieve. Jessica, now happily married with a baby son, is still promoting her list of clients. And Lydia is running the studio and receiving mysterious notes threatening to expose a big secret. Meanwhile publicist Kiki seems to know everyone's secrets - and is willing to use them to her own advantage.

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Secrets She Left Behind - Diane Chamberlain (2009)
In this sequel to Before the Storm, Andy's sister Maggie has returned to the village. Each chapter of this book is either narrated by single mother Sara, her son Keith, Maggie or Andy therefore there are several different stories running throughout the book although all four characters are drawn together in one way or another. It is quite a lengthy read (around 500 pages) but hard to put down. There are many twists and turns and the gripping story leaves the reader eager for answers. (SG)

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Seduction - Kate Forster (2013)
Oscar-winning actress Willow Carruthers is getting divorced from her rock star husband Kerr - and is shocked to discover they've overspent all their money. Her nanny, Kitty, suggests she and the three children relocate to her family home near Bristol. Middlemist House is falling apart but Kitty's gardener brother, Merritt, doesn't have the money to restore it. Meanwhile Willow has been cast for a period piece set in Victorian England and the director desperately needs a manor home for his location. Cue rest of predictable story. Willow is a hard-to-like character, she is so self-absorbed and doesn't have much time for her kids even though her five-year-old Lucian doesn't speak. I am yet to be seduced by Forster's writing. This escapist fiction is all a bit over-dramatic and ridiculous for me - it's got elements of a bonkbuster but without the cleverness of more seasoned writers. Fans of The Perfect Location will be pleased to see a brief mention of some of its characters.

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Seeing Me Naked - Liza Palmer (2008)
Elisabeth Page is having a hard time living up to her wealthy family's expectations. The daughter of a legendary novelist and well-bred socialite and the sister of a literary wunderkid, she's just a pastry chef - even though she works in the hottest French restaurant in LA. Her five-year plan to open her own patisserie hasn't eventuated after 11 years and she is still dating (if you can call it that) her family-approved childhood sweetheart Will, a globe-trotting journalist who's rarely home. Elisabeth's life is going nowhere - her routine takes her from the food markets, to the restaurant and back home to catch up on TiVoed shows. But then she meets basketball coach Daniel Sullivan, who bids on a cooking lesson with her, and he's everything that her family and Will are not. Her career also looks like taking on a different direction when she gets approached to host a Food Network TV show. Can she find success - and love - on her own terms? A fully flavoured book about food, family dynamics and finding your way.

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See Jane Date - Melissa Senate (2001)
Assistant editor Jane Gregg thinks her life will be perfect once she gets a promotion and finds a man. And she enlists her friends' help in setting her up with blind dates. But first she has to make it through her cousin Dana's wedding as a bridesmaid in peach; and edit her childhood nemesis Natasha Nutley's memoirs about her affair with a famous actor.

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See Jane Score - Rachel Gibson (2003)
Journalist Jane Alcott writes a single girl in the city column in Seattle. To supplement her income, she also writes a wildly popular raunchy column for a male magazine. When Jane is given the chance at a long-term assignment, she jumps at the opportunity. Unfortunately, the assignment involves travelling and reporting on the Seattle Chinooks professional hockey team. Luc Martineau is the bad boy goalie for the Seattle Chinooks. He refuses to give interviews and makes his hatred of reporters immediately clear to Jane. The constant sparring that Luc and Jane engage in eventually leads to the inevitable passion between them. When Jane's identity as the author of the raunchy male column is revealed, it threatens to destroy any relationship that Luc and Jane have. This plain Jane meets hot athlete storyline is overdone, however, the characters are truly likeable and I found myself rooting for a happily-ever-after conclusion. (AO)

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Semi-Charmed Life - Nora Zelevansky (2012)
In this charming and witty debut, Beatrice Bernstein, an Upper West Side college student, gets herself mixed up with some not-so-kosher characters while living in student housing at The Dorchester. While Beatrice has lived a sheltered life, full of art and not much else, it seems as though the wonderfully, captivating socialite Veruca Pfeffernoose has lived so much more. So, it's no surprise that Beatrice is so enthralled with the socialite and the chance to travel outside of New York. In exchange for glamorous parties, free products and international escapades, Beatrice must ghost write the socialite's blog and make it sound as though Veruca is up to date with the latest and greatest on the art scene. It sounds easy enough, but Beatrice is often told what to do, what to wear and how to act. Soon enough she finds herself distanced from her own friends and family and enclosed in a world of shady dealings and strange magical occurrences. In addition, Beatrice is totally infatuated with Ben, Veruca's gorgeous boyfriend. But obviously, he's off-limits, making it so much harder for Beatrice to hang out with Veruca and her super snobby H.O.S. crew. Will Beatrice see the truth before it's too late or is her desire to hang with the popular kids more important than her real family and friends? With lots of mystical elements (that are sometimes a little too over the top) and a cast of really charming and whimsical characters, this is an excellent debut that shows the lengths one girl will go to break out on her own and feel free. (AS)

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Send Me a Lover - Carol Mason (2008)
Angela's husband once told her that if he died he'd send someone for her to love again. She just never thought she'd lose Jonathan at age 36 - the victim of a car accident. Still finding it hard to get over her grief, she leaves behind her unfulfilling advertising job in Vancouver to visit her mum back in England. Together they go on a package holiday to Greece, to the island of Zante, where she meets two men who just might have been sent for her. But is Angela ready to love again and if so which man is right for her? Read it for the antics of her mum getting her groove back and the page-turning teaser of who Angela will end up with.

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Sense and Sensibility - Joanna Trollope (2013)
So we all know Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility story about the Dashwood girls but if you've ever wondered what it would look like circa 2013, Joanna Trollope's modernisation answers that very question. She transplants the story into the world of Facebook, Aston Martins and iPods, while keeping to the original plot of a story following the Dashwood sisters. After the death of their father leaves them pretty much high and dry, Elinor, the pragmatic sister, seeks to keep her family afloat, while Marianne, the romantic one, is busy looking for love, and Margaret, the youngest, is the very essence of a teenager. For any Austen fans, the publication of this book comes both with huge anticipation and equal trepidation. And whilst I appreciated the book being brought to a new audience, it didn't feel as contemporary as I expected and there was no sense of Trollope leaving her mark. For those not familiar with the Austen original, I suspect this book will offer more but for me the ghost of Austen loomed too large over the narrative. (JC)

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Separate Beds - Elizabeth Buchan (2010)
New empty-nesters Annie and Tom are finding their newfound peace to be disturbing. Without their kids Mia, Jake and Emily to focus on, they begin to question their marriage. They have long slept in separate beds, and have told themselves that this is normal, and that this makes them happy. So why are they now second-guessing their sleeping arrangements after all these years? Are they married out of habit or security, or do they still love each other? Then Tom gets some bad news and everyone's life is turned upside down. With the house full once again, will Tom and Annie face the elephant in the room - their unhappy marriage? A story about financial burdens, a fractured marriage, and family dynamics, this book was interesting with many well fleshed-out characters. (AV)

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Separate Lives - Kathryn Flett (2012)
When Susie reads a mysterious text on her partner Alex's phone, she assumes he's having an affair, but in this wonderfully imagined book nothing is ever black or white. In turns Susie, Alex and Pippa recount their version of events, filling in the gaps in each others' stories to create a portrait of a marriage on the rocks. This is a thoroughly modern story with realistic characters each with flaws and insecurities. It is cleverly and interestingly told by three unreliable narrators and across overlapping timeframes. I felt the ending was a bit vague and rather disappointing but it suits the tenor and mood of the book. Overall a great debut that introduces a modern, witty and original voice that is definitely one to look out for. (JC)

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Serendipity - Melanie La'Brooy (2007)
When Australian magazine sub-editor Hero Hathway meets Oscar Martin bar-tending on her last night in New York, she is masquerading as trapeze artist Lola. Sparks fly but the next day when Hero panics and runs away, it's the end of the affair. Two years later, they bump into each other in Sydney and he is determined to show her that they are in love with one another - except Hero is about to get engaged to another man.

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Serve Cool - Lauren McCrossan (2001)
It's a bad start to the new year when Newcastle girl Jen is dumped by boyfriend Jack, she loses her solicitor training position (due to her behaviour after eating hash muffins) and she's evicted from her flat. She moves in with best friend Maz (who dreams of being the next Ricky Lake) and joins her behind the bar at the rundown Scrap Inn. But her future is still looking shaky as Jack is working on a deal to sell the pub for redevelopment. Then a chance meeting at a TV talk show may well change Jen's life. This is a funny story with a Georgie flavour - but it was ruined somewhat by Jen's total over-reaction to certain events.

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Set Up in Soho - Dee Davis (2009)
Andrea Sevalas' long-term boyfriend, Dillon, announces at a party that he's been seeing someone else. And that someone else is Diana Merrick, Andrea's worst enemy. Diana is the girl who stands for everything Andrea hates about the Upper East Side and the ultra rich. Though Andrea's family is one of those rich society families, she still doesn't care for the way most of them live - only socialising with those who are in the same social class and shunning everyone else. The shock of Dillon's deception is too much, so Andrea leaves the party, not wanting to be subjected to questions from her family or friends. Finding herself on the streets of Manhattan without a cab in sight, Andrea decides to walk home, which is not a good move considering she's had a few drinks and is wearing high heels. Before she knows what happened, Andrea falls into a cellar, and is covered in blood and mushed vegetables. In walks a handsome stranger, who helps her out and gallantly lends her his Armani jacket. Her rescuer takes her to the hospital and when she awakes, he's gone and all that remains are her memories of him. Andrea's matchmaking aunt, Althea, helps her get back on her feet and before long she is out and about again. As luck, or fate, would have it Andrea bumps into the handsome stranger again, while walking her dog in the park and the two begin a whirlwind romance with a lot of drama - due to the fact that Andrea has a tendency to jump to conclusions. Her new beau Ethan just happens to be the creme de la creme of Manhattan society. His family is old money with a capital "O" and true-blue bloods. With a lot of drama at work, where Andrea hosts a popular cooking show, and much more drama in her personal life, this book flows perfectly. Although sometimes predictable, this sequel to A Match Made on Madison is an enjoyable read that will leave you wanting more.(AS)

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Seven Days to Tell You - Ruby Soames (2011)
One day, Kate's husband, Marc, walks out of their apartment and doesn't come back. Devastated, Kate spends the next three years obsessively hunting him down, to no avail, while sleeping with other men and breaking their hearts as hers has been broken. Then one morning she wakes up to find Marc beside her in bed again. He asks for seven days for them to start afresh, and after that Kate can decide whether or not she wants to take him back. But can Kate ever trust him again? Seven Days to Tell You was chosen by reading groups around the UK to be published by Hookline Books, and it's certainly an original read. A vast proportion of the narrative is in the second person, a technique that could be over-utilised in certain situations but works for this particular story. Ruby Soames writes with an eloquence and lyricism that belies the fact that this is her first novel, and absolutely nails the characterisation. However, although convincing, I occasionally found Kate and her dubious, if understandable, actions hard work. It's a book that may be too bleak in its realistic depiction of the complexity of the human condition for some readers, but if you're looking for a sombre, unpredictable and compelling read with fresh metaphors and a rich array of imagery, this book is for you. (SBB)

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Seven Deadlies - Gigi Levangie (2013)
Perry Gonzales is not like the other people who attend the prestigious school of St Marks. She is Latina, on a scholarship, and from a single-parent family. She dreams of one day going to university to study journalism. After school, the super-smart Perry is the go-to girl for those needing tutoring and as a result she ends up teaching a whole bunch of pretentious spoilt rich kids. During her tutoring experiences she decides to write her college essay in the format of the seven deadly sins with each client portraying one of the sins. Seven Deadlies was a fast-paced book that will have readers not wanting to put it down. What I loved most was the twist I did not see coming at the very end of the novel. It made me go WOW. (PP)

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Seven Exes Are Eight Too Many - Heather Wardell (2010)
Madeleine-Cora Spencer hopes to get away from the dating scene and settle down. Although she is the last person who would want her private life to be captured in the media, when her ex's wife points out her "desperately single status", humiliation drives her to sign up for reality TV show Find Your Price, reminiscence of The Bachelorette. But instead of choosing from a pool of eligible bachelors, the seven contestants all turn out to be men Madeleine had dumped. Stranded on a remote island with no way to back out (unless she can afford to pay the penalties of $250,000), Madeleine lives her nightmare one step at a time, with love as the last thing on her mind. This book is an interesting take on reality TV, with a slight twist at the end. (XT)

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Seven Up - Janet Evanovich (2001)
Semi-retired mob guy Eddie Gooch has missed his bail date. The old guy is normally not really a threat and he owes Vinnie bail money so the file is given to Stephanie. For Stephanie, this case turns out to be personal as Eddie had a fling recently with her grandmother Mazur and it seems that Eddie did business with some old classmates of hers, Dougie and Mooner. When Eddie is nowhere to be found and Stephanie finds a dead body in his garage, she wonders has he done a runner? As usual Stephanie isn't short of male company as a couple of Eddie's friends want her help in locating him. However it seems that this case isn't exactly going anywhere, so Stephanie does what she always does when she gets in a jam - calls Ranger for help. Ranger is willing to help her, in return of a favour - she is to spend the whole night with him. This would normally not be awkward but it seems wedding plans are circulating about Joe and Stephanie. Meanwhile, her sister Val and her two daughters make a surprise visit to her parents' house. (PP)

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Seven Year Switch - Claire Cook (2010)
Jill Murray was abandoned by her husband Seth seven years ago, when their daughter Anastasia was just three years old. On her own Jill has had to work two crazy and very humorous jobs just to make ends meet. Without warning, Seth contacts her and lets her know he is back, and ready to be a part of his daughter's life. Jill wants to keep him away from Anastasia but softens when she sees her daughter's reaction to the news. On one of her many side jobs, Jill meets a fascinating businessman headed to Japan. Just as she thinks her life is getting back to normal, she finds out Seth wants her back. Does she need to move on and see what the future holds with somebody new, or rekindle an old flame and have her family back intact? If you want to take a vacation from your own life, this book is a breath of fresh air. (AV)

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7 Years Bad Sex - Nicky Wells (2015)
Casey and Alex, members of an upcoming London-based rock band, are young, happy, and very much in love. When they're inexplicably unable to make love on their wedding night, they shrug it off as a one time thing. But when one night turns into a several month dry spell, Casey and Alex embark on a desperate (and often hilarious) quest for answers. The first half of the book was very good, but my attention started to wane after a while. The situations Alex and Casey found themselves in towards the end of the book become more and more outlandish, and hard to believe. That being said, I have to give the author credit because I think it would be difficult to drive a plot from start to finish based on whether or not the hero and heroine can copulate, and Nicky Wells does a good job of finding new, original plot twists. Overall, this is a fast, lighthearted read that will make you laugh from start to finish. (CK)

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Sex as a Second Language - Alisa Kwitney (2006)
Katherine Miner is a teacher of English as a second language but it's just her day job until she can score another acting gig. As her divorce to actor Logan progresses, Kat is asked to audition for her former daytime soap role. Then her estranged father makes contact with her and an Icelandic student moves in as her boarder. Suddenly Kat is questioning herself about who she can trust.

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Sex, Lies and Bonsai - Lisa Walker (2013)
After being unceremoniously dumped by text message, Edie flees Sydney to her hometown of Darling Head. As a non-surfer and non-swimmer, it's hard being back at home in the shadow of her famous world champion surfer father. Dark memories return and awkward Edie finds she's lost direction and purpose. She pines for her lost boyfriend; gets a job drawing crab larvae for attractive Professor Brown and relies upon her best friend and life coach, Sally, for dubious advice. Her father lives with a woman who enjoys naked gardening and the girlfriend's brother Jay, who has his own troubles, moves in. In a bid to turn her life around, Edie starts writing erotic fiction and bases her characters on the crush she holds for Professor Brown. Accidentally, her writing is printed on the back of flyers for Sally's new business and suddenly everyone in the small town is talking about it. Can she mess up and complicate her life any more? Edie finds herself on a journey of self-discovery, finding love and more importantly, learning to love herself. She feels a connection to Jay but does he really understand her? Can she sort out her life or is it destined to only get worse? There's plenty of humour in this novel with crabs having sex and talking bonsais. But there is fantastic depth and despite all of her failings, or because of them, you'll grow to love Edie. (LF)

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Sex, Lies, and Online Dating - Rachel Gibson (2006)
Lucy Rothschild is a mystery writer. As research for her next novel, Lucy has been dating countless losers through online dating sites. When "hardluvnman" convinces her to meet him for a date, Lucy is shocked to meet Quinn, a sexy plumber. Lucy lies and tells Quinn she is actually a nurse. Quinn is actually a cop who is working undercover to hunt a female serial killer. The police believe the serial killer is a woman who meets her victims through online dating sites and then ties them up during sex and kills them. Lucy is the number one suspect and Quinn's undercover assignment is to become her next target. Quinn is determined to keep his mind on his job, however, every time he is with Lucy he has a hard time remembering that she could be a cold-blooded killer. This is a fun story but totally predictable. (AO)

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Sex, Murder and a Double Latte - Kyra Davis (2005)
All over the country people are beginning to be murdered and mystery writer Sophie Katz knows she's next. It starts with the phone calls, then the break-in. Of course the police don't believe her but she recognises the signs. Someone is trying to kill her in the exact way she killed a character in one of her books. But who could it be? Anatoly, her new Russian love hunk? Her best friend's weird new boyfriend who keeps popping up wherever she goes? Or a complete stranger? Sophie realises it's up to her to save her own life. In this witty, suspenseful novel that starts off the very successful Sophie Katz series, Kyra Davis manages to mix girl power, romance, and a little mystery all into one hilarious bundle. (SN)

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Shall We Dance? - Maggie Alderson (2010)
It just wouldn't be a Maggie Alderson novel without fashion and a gay friend. In this case, the heroine Loulou runs a successful vintage clothing shop in London. And she not only has the very camp Keith in her life, she also is very close to rock legend Richard, who has a penchant for much younger women. Her petulant 21-year-old daughter Theo never seems to date and Loulou is wondering if her own reluctance in this field may be partly responsible. With her 49th birthday looming (much to her dismay she's going camping at a music festival), Loulou organises a matchmaking party for her daughter. And both women meet someone - someone not entirely suitable. Told from the viewpoints of both Loulou and Theo, this throws the spotlight on the fraught mother-daughter relationship, not losing your cool as you grow older, and whether attraction should overrule commonsense.

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Shelf Life - Christina George (2013)
Shelf Life picks up the story of publicist Kate Mitchell where the first book, The Publicist, left off. When one of Kate's big authors is suddenly hauled away in handcuffs right before his book launch, the workings of the publishing house slowly begin to implode, taking Kate and her married lover, the company's editor, MacDermott Ellis, with it. Wondering what's next for her career and her relationship with Mac, Kate heads to California to sort things out, staying at the home of her friend, Nate, who also happens to be in love with Kate. But he is willing to give her the space and time she needs to get her life back together. After some soul searching, and an ace of a book up her sleeve, Kate decides to start her own publishing company and with the love and support of Nate, transitions from publicist to publisher in record time. However, when Mac comes back into the picture with some news of his own, Kate begins to wonder if she can truly be happy with Nate if she's still in love with Mac. It has been some time since I read The Publicist but it didn't take long to slip back into Kate and Mac's story. This book moves along more quickly and fluidly than the first book and would have no problem standing on its own. However, the back story that The Publicist provides is helpful. Shelf Life is an enjoyable read that wraps up Kate and Mac's story very nicely. (LEK)

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She's Gone Country - Jane Porter (2010)
Shey Darcy, a former supermodel, lived the perfect life in New York City with her dreamy photographer husband and three sons. Shey's life is shattered when one of her brothers passes away and her husband decides he is gay. Shey moves back with her sons to her mother's dilapidated ranch in Texas, where she struggles to find her old self. She soon comes face to face with Dane Kelly, the man who broke her heart years ago. The sparks still exist between the two, however, Dane is adamant not to move their relationship to the next level. This is a well-written novel about a woman who fights for her family and believes in second chances. (AO)

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She's Got Issues - Stephanie Lessing (2005)
Despite stepping off on the wrong floor and walking into the wrong interview, Chloe Rose lands a job on Issues magazine. Although she is only an assistant to the assistant in the promotions department, clueless Chloe dreams of one day rising to be shoe editor (not that the magazine has such a position). Even though she falls foul of the editors, who write a bitchy column about an overly ambitious, manipulative assistant, life is still good because she's got access to the shoe closet. Then she meets Stan, who might just be able to help her put her right foot forward.

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She's Got Issues - Stephanie Lessing (2005)
Despite stepping off on the wrong floor and walking into the wrong interview, Chloe Rose lands a job on Issues magazine. Although she is only an assistant to the assistant in the promotions department, clueless Chloe dreams of one day rising to be shoe editor (not that the magazine has such a position). Even though she falls foul of the editors, who write a bitchy column about an overly ambitious, manipulative assistant, life is still good because she's got access to the shoe closet. Then she meets Stan, who might just be able to help her put her right foot forward.

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She's Having Her Baby - Lauren Sams (2015)
Magazine editor Georgie doesn't want to have kids but her best friend Nina is desperate to start a family. But several attempts at IVF have failed and she has been told she is unlikely to maintain a successful pregnancy. So when Nina asks Georgie to carry her baby as a surrogate, what's a girl to say? As Georgie comes to grips with her world being turned upside down, the last thing she wants is to morph into someone like her other friend, Ellie, who takes professional mothering to a whole new level. Meanwhile, Georgie is digging in her heels as her Jolie magazine is brought into the digital age. While I enjoyed the work setting, I didn't really warm to Georgie, who comes across as self-absorbed and a tad irresponsible for her age and profession. While I absolutely loved the surprise turn the plot took and Sams' writing impressed, the rest of the story just didn't break any new ground to make it stand out for me.

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She Tells All - Judah Lee Davis (2010)
Madison Miller has an affection for bar hopping, dancing and (sometimes very unattractive) Latin men. She doesn't see anything wrong with her lifestyle or sleeping with complete strangers, but knows her church-going Southern mom wouldn't be proud. She recounts the loss of someone close and how that may have led her into this lifestyle and all of her one-night stands. When tragedy strikes again, she is forced to take a hard look at her relationship with others and most importantly, her relationship with God. This kept me laughing and at some points on the verge of tears. It's a book with a life lesson, and a lot of humour with a little vulgarity - in a good way. (AV)

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She Went All the Way - Meg Cabot (2002)
Hollywood screenwriter Lou Calabrese has just been dumped by her boyfriend of 10 years. To make matters worse, she is stuck in a helicopter with gorgeous Hollywood playboy Jack Townsend, star of her screenplay and the man whose ex just ran off with Lou's boyfriend. In the middle of their flight, the pilot attempts to kill Jack and the helicopter crashes in the Alaskan wilderness. Jack and Lou must now find their way back to civilisation, with Lou determined that she is not going to give in to the sexy star. (AO)

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Shoe Addicts Anonymous - Beth Harbison (2007)
Helene discovers in a shoe shop that her politician husband has cancelled her credit cards; waitress Lorna is deep in debt but can't resist checking out eBay bargains on designer shoes; Sandra is agoraphobic so pays her shoe bills by working as a sex-phone operator; and Joss is an overworked nanny who is just desperate to get out of the house. These four women come together each Tuesday night for a meeting of Shoe Addicts Anonymous - to swap shoes and life stories.

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Shopaholic Abroad - Sophie Kinsella (2001)
Also known as Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
In the second instalment of the series, Rebecca Bloomwood is now a financial adviser on a morning TV show and having settled her debts, her new motto is Buy Only What You Need. But then the Big Apple's luxury department stores and designer sales beckon when she moves with boyfriend Luke Brandon to New York. But will Becky's extravagant spending habits return to ruin their Manhattan life?

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Shopaholic & Baby - Sophie Kinsella (2007)
Rebecca Brandon is back with a bump . . . and is househunting for the perfect home with a Shoe Room in time for the arrival of their first child. After discovering that shopping cures morning sickness, she embarks on getting everything ready for the baby - from five prams, two nurseries and a celebrity obstetrician. But as she shops for two, she fears there are three in her marriage - her glamorous doctor is Luke's former college girlfriend, Venetia. Could Becky's marriage crumble before her baby is born?

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Shopaholic & Sister - Sophie Kinsella (2004)
Rebecca Brandon (nee Bloomwood) returns to London after a 10-month honeymoon travelling the world with Luke. As two lorries deliver her honeymoon purchases, her long-lost half-sister Jess turns up to meet her father. Rebecca, who had thought she was an only child, embraces her new sister but is disturbed to find she's a skinflint who hates shopping. But is Rebecca willing to learn some frugal ways in a bid to strengthen sibling ties?

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Shopaholic Ties the Knot - Sophie Kinsella (2002)
Rebecca Bloomwood is now a personal shopper at Barney's in New York when boyfriend Luke Brandon proposes. Rebecca gets stuck into planning her wedding but the trouble is her mum wants a backyard wedding at home while Luke's frosty society mother books The Plaza in New York. How is Becky going to pull off two weddings on either side of the Atlantic?

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Shopaholic to the Stars - Sophie Kinsella (2014)
When husband Luke gets a job in LA, Becky Brandon has her sights set on fame. She's determined to become best friends with up-and-coming actress Sage Seymour, hang out at the celeb hotspots and go to all the red-carpet events. And this is her perfect opportunity to launch a new career as personal stylist to the stars. She just needs a way in. When she becomes embroiled in a feud between Sage and her long-time rival Lois Kellerton, Becky suddenly finds herself in the middle of a media storm. But she's going to have to learn quickly what it takes to be famous and find out whether it's worth it. Sophie Kinsella's seventh book in the Shopaholic series is an illustration of classic chick lit, with a fun and entertaining plot centred on the bumbling, guileless antics of heroine Becky. Although at times Becky's behaviour did border on the insufferable and it took her longer than it should to come to her senses. It was also a shame that romance didn't feature more especially when Luke offers such swoonworthy lines as 'I'm your husband. If you're lost, it's up to me to come and find you'. Having not read the other books in the series, I'm not sure how this compares but in its own right it's an enjoyable, playful read; chick lit through and through. (JC)

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Shopping With The Enemy - Carmen Reid (2012)
Annie Valentine has no idea how and when she has lost her sense of fashion and style but this is surely a threat to her fabulous job as makeover guru on national television. She's also about to have a spectacular falling-out with her daughter Lana while her best friend Svetlana's relationship with her daughter Elena hits a rough patch too. When Elena and Lana present Annie and Svetlana with a business plan to save their fashion label Perfect Dresses which is partly owned by the mothers, they are turned down without much explanation. While Svetlana wants to pamper herself after the ugly row, Annie wants to take some time off and recharge her batteries in order regain her formidable fashion sense. Hence Svetlana whisks Annie away on an all-expense-paid trip to a luxurious Italian spa which promises to help you lose ten pounds in just five days. Bags are packed and spirits are high and the pair are about to have an unforgettable experience. This book - the sixth instalment in the series - is a light and fun read, full of surprises and fabulous wardrobe choices. (SS)

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Short Change - Julia Notaro (2000)
Lisa's high-flying brother, John, suggests that she turn her job-seeking attentions to banking, getting her an interview with the London branch of the Japanese Haru bank. When Lisa's cheeky, don't-really-care attitude actually scores her a post as a trainee dealer, she can't believe her good fortunes. But life on the trading floor is far from easy, especially for a woman who is several inches under 5 feet tall. No one seems willing to show her the ropes, and many of her colleagues go out of their way to undermine her. But soon Lisa is relishing her competitive job and isn't going to be short changed by anyone. With the author herself having worked for a Japanese bank, you feel ensured that you are getting a true glimpse into the wheeling and dealing involved in the money markets.

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Short Girls - Bich Minh Nguyen (2009)
Van and Linny Luong, the children of Vietnamese immigrants, are both at a point in their lives where they are experiencing some sort of turmoil. Their mother died suddenly of a stroke nine years ago and the only other family the sisters have left is their inventor father, Dinh, who has finally decided to take his oath of American citizenship after 28 years. Van and Linny return home to share in this special moment with a celebration done the old way - with a reunion of the other Vietnamese families who used to gather in the late 70s and 80s. Linny's affair with a married man has ended in humiliating fashion, while Van's husband, Miles, has left her. Van remembers the day Miles used her father's invention, the Luong Arm, to grab a vase from the top of the refrigerator and watched it crash to the floor because all his inventions, designed to improve the lives of short people, were never reliable. He had given her the Luong Arm, saying, "Short girls need to take care of themselves". Throughout the book you experience the relationships of Van, Linny and Dinh, among other excellently crafted characters - and how their lives are all so different yet so similar. Nguyen paints an excellent portrait of the immigrant community and the lives of the Luong family as a whole. (AS)

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Should I Stay or Should I Go? - Jessica Adams (2009)
aka Vintage Alice
Two years after she first fell head over heels in love with Nash, Alice Templeton isn't that sure about her feelings anymore. Well at least that's what the quizzes in the self-help book Should I Stay or Should I Go tell her. Amid their bickering over money matters, Alice decides to move from England to Australia with Nash to start afresh. But when she learns that Nash has betrayed her, she decides to leave alone to take a break and work to get enough funds to start her clothing line, Vintage Alice. She arrives in Bondi and meets her cousin, Joel, who fortunately isn't actually a blood relative as she finds him hard to resist. I think the story could have been developed more, such as how she deals with the challenges of settling into a new environment, but in general it was a sweet read. Many will love the heroine, Alice, as she struggles to resolve the love-hate relationship with Nash and make the right decisions in life. (XT)

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Sight Reading - Daphne Kalotay (2013)
Hazel has moved on with her life. She's managed to pick herself up, shed the grief she once wore like a cloak, and has forgiven those who've hurt her. But forgiveness doesn't mean she isn't shocked when she seems Remy again: the woman her first husband, Nicholas, left her for over twenty years ago. Flash back to 1987, and we meet Nicholas, a talented young composer, who has arrived in Boston to work with a symphony orchestra. With a budding international career, he travels a lot and often leaves Hazel to pack up their lives, and chase after him. While in Boston, he meets Remy: a gifted violinist who is nothing like his wife. They eventually become friends, and find a soul mate in one another. Hazel is devastated that her husband, the man she thought was the love of her life, has left her, and wonders how she'll ever be happy again. This complex love triangle was written in such a way that I felt empathy for each character, even if I didn't agree with what they were doing. I sometimes became bored though, especially while reading Nicholas' chapters. Some of the plot twists also didn't seem necessary (the whole affair with Yoni comes to mind), but just added bulk to the story. Details about Nicholas' past and Yoni's complicated feelings for Remy and Nicholas were never fully explained either, which is frustrating for me as a reader. Overall, I enjoyed this book, and could hear classical music playing in my head while I read it. (CK)

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Silver Girl - Elin Hilderbrand (2011)
Meredith's husband, Freddy, was the mastermind behind a multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme which left thousands of rich investors seriously out of pocket. As their property is seized and Freddy is jailed for the rest of his life, Meredith is left to pick up the pieces. And most people seem to think she must have been a conspirator too - how could she have not known what her husband was up to? The only person she can think to turn to is her old best friend, Connie, who is still grieving her late husband Wolf. The pair head off to Nantucket for the summer but it seems someone knows exactly where Meredith is hiding. This is an impressive portrayal of a woman who finds she was living a lie but regains the strength to face the world through a resurrected friendship. It's told from the alternating viewpoints of the two women, and with its Nantucket setting, will no doubt be slung into more than a few beach bags this year.

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Simply From Scratch - Alicia Bessette (2010)
aka A Pinch of Love
Zell is still recovering from the sudden death of her husband Nick, a photographer who died during a post-Katrina relief mission. Through a disastrous cooking experiment, she meets her next-door-neighbour, nine-year-old Ingrid, who believes celebrity chef Polly Pinch is her mother. With an eye on the $20,000 prize money (the amount Nick wanted to raise for the New Orleans victims), the two join forces to try to win her baking competition. This mixes the ingredients of a woman looking for a reason to live again with a girl desperate for female company. Stir in some quirky small townsfolk, a much-loved dog and some flashbacks to when Nick was alive and you get a debut novel that's full of warmth and soul.

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Simply Irresistible - Rachel Gibson (1998)
Twenty-two-year-old, Texan-born Georgeanne Howard is set to marry Virgil Duffy, the wealthy owner of the Seattle Chinooks professional hockey team. The day of the wedding, Georgeanne suddenly realises that not for all the money in the world could she marry an elderly man who reminds her of Ross Perot. She leaves him at the altar and runs out of the wedding in her ridiculous shrink-wrapped satin dress. One of Virgil's hockey players, John Kowalsky, unknowingly helps Georgeanne escape. A night of mistakes and passion occurs and Georganne finds herself being driven to an airport the next morning for a flight back to Texas. John has made it clear that he won't risk his hockey career for her. Fast forward seven years and Georgeanne's career has brought her and her six-year-old daughter back to Seattle. A chance encounter between Georgeanne and John alters both of their lives. John must decide if he is willing to risk his career for his heart. This is the first novel in the author's popular series about the Seattle Chinooks. (AO)

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Since I Don't Have You - Louise Candlish (2007)
At the birth of their daughters, best friends Rachel, Mariel and Jenny vow to care for each other's girls if disaster strikes. And in a mother's worst nightmare, disaster does strike when the girls are six - Rachel's daughter Emma dies and she flees her home and husband and heads to Oia, on the Greek island of Santorini, where her mother was brought up. As Rachel slowly tries to deal with her grief, she realises she owes the girls left behind - and hires a private detective, Johnny Palmer, to send updates on their progress. A moving tale of a heartbroken woman finding the will to live after her greatest loss.

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Since You've Been Gone - Anouska Knight (2013)
This book was the winner of the 2013 Mills and Boon and ITV Lorraine's Racy Reads contest. Holly knows her life will never be the same again after the tragedy she suffers. Then she meets a man. The perfect man. Will Ciaran be the missing piece of Holly's life and help her put her life back together? The book was an easy read, likeable, light-hearted and funny in a lot of parts. But it was also very predictable. (SG)

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Sinful Deceptions - Zoe Miller (2010)
This tells the story of two sisters, Alix and Emma, who live under the shadow of secrets. Alix is a famous make-up artist based in Paris. Her life is a whirlwind of glamour and travel, and the launch of her signature brand of make-up is set to propel her straight to the top of the cosmetics industry. Her older sister Emma lives a life of domestic bliss with her husband and children in an affluent Dublin suburb ... or so it seems. But having a life where all the domestic boxes are ticked on the surface doesn't mean Emma feels appreciated and fulfilled. When she does something totally out of character that has the potential to destroy her family, her life becomes dominated by her deception. She's not alone - as the launch of Alix's cosmetics range approaches, a secret from her past starts to take control of her life and threatens to expose past betrayals. The sisters are about to find out how high a price a person has to pay for a mistake. This book is easy to engage with from page one. The descriptive and lyrical style of writing conjures up every scene to perfection, and despite the mistakes the characters have made, you'll be rooting for them all the way. It's escapism at its best, and is a perfect holiday read. (SBB)

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Single in the City - Michele Gorman (2010)
Hannah has decided on a whim to move 3000 miles away from her life in America to start a new life in London. However, Hannah is in for a shock when she realises the cars drive on the other side of the road, she doesn't know the lingo at all, she has trouble making friends, and she can't find a job. Then things take a change for the better - but not before a few disastrous mishaps - when she meets a man who gets her a job at his company. She finally makes some friends, but on the downside, the boss is a certified bitch. What can she do? She has no other choice but to deal with it and soon she moves into a house with three Australian men who like to walk around half naked. Not that she minds really, but it's a shame that she has no feelings for any of them. In truth, she's really smitten with the man who got her the job. Trouble is, he's married. Will Hannah ever find her true love and will she be able to settle down in London? This is a hilarious book, full of romance and laugh-out-loud situations that no woman would want to be in. Hannah is a smart and sassy character, looking to make her way in the world - though maybe she should have prepared a bit first before jumping on a plane to Britain. Though all in all, that makes her all the more admirable and fun to travel along with on her journey. (AS)

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Single White E-mail - Jessica Adams (1998)
Take yourself back to the world of the 1990s, when the internet was still a strange world understood only by computer boffins and it was rare to have an email address. Touted as the Down Under version of Bridget Jones's Diary, this book is based in Sydney, so there's lots of local flavour for Australian readers but it is still written in a way to have universal appeal. Dumped on her 30th birthday by Dan, the man she thought she was going to marry, Victoria Shepworth is feeling so desperate she cuts her hair (you know the rule: new haircut = new life), has a fling with an advertising colleague and spends a fortune of fortune tellers - one of which tells her that she'll meet her soulmate through computers. With the help of neighbour Bill the Boffin, Victoria goes online where she meets Pierre Dubrois, an Englishman in Paris. But things start going awry one night when she finds out her mystery man isn't all that he first appeared.

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Sin Tropez - Aita Ighodaro (2010)
Abena wants a career, Natalya wants an oligarch and Tara just wants to party in Sin Tropez. As the three girls enter the fast world of St Tropez complete with wild parties, sex and rich men, they get more than they bargained for. The glamorous lifestyle soon fades to show the darker side with violent lovers, affairs and addiction. Can each girl find what they're looking for without getting lost on the way? Sexy, smutty and rather good, this is a bonkbuster with potential to make you blush. Even though the characters are all a bit spoilt and living dream lifestyles, by the end of the book you really warm to them. A perfect beach read giving you an insight into a world of the privileged playboys and their female followers. (AB)

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Singletini - Amanda Trimble (2006)
A singletini is defined as a glamorous girl, typically found in urban settings and possessing an unusual fear of growing up and settling down. Victoria Hart, from Chicago, has made a pledge to remain a singletini. With her lackadaisical approach to work (wake up too late for work, then just pretend you put in for an annual day), she is soon out of a job. As all her friends start moving on, getting engaged and promoted, Victoria becomes a wingwoman - helping shy or busy guys pick up women. One of her clients is Patrick, her friend Kimmie's boss, and Victoria is so tempted to break one of the wingwomen's cardinal rules - never date a client. Meanwhile she's been roped in to help organise her Bridezilla friend Gywnn's wedding.

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Sing You Home - Jodi Picoult (2011)
Zoe has been trying to get pregnant for more than 10 years. One day she discovers she is pregnant but sadly miscarries. Her world collapses and she divorces husband Max. Zoe, a musical therapist, throws herself into her work and finds herself developing a friendship with Vanessa whom she works with. They become involved in a sexual and emotional relationship and Zoe's desire for children returns. Zoe and Max have some remaining frozen embryos. Zoe needs Max's permission to use the embryos for her and Vanessa to have a child together. However Max will not grant his permission and as a result Zoe and Vanessa face a courtroom battle with him. I did not enjoy this novel as much as I have enjoyed other works of Picoult's. For some reason I found it hard to sympathise and connect with the characters. If you are new to Picoult, start with another book. (SG)

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Sisterhood Everlasting - Ann Brashares (2011)
This fifth novel in the Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants series is by far the best. The Septembers - Lena, Bridget, Carmen and Tibby - are all now 29 years old and living lives filled with sadness and longing. Bridget is as restless as ever; Carmen is an acclaimed actress who is marrying a man she doesn't love; Tibby has taken off to Australia suddenly and barely keeps in touch; and Lena is still pining after Kostos, 15 years later. When Tibby invites all of the girls to get together in Greece for an impromptu reunion, they all believe this is exactly what they need to reignite the spark in their lives. Then tragedy strikes, breaking apart the bond they have shared so deeply for their entire lives. Within one week, the girls find themselves drifting farther away from each other than they ever could have thought. But, through carefully written letters and instructions, maybe everything will finally find its place in their lives. Sometimes the road we don't want to take is the only road that will bring us happiness. That's exactly what these girls find after avoiding the truth for so long. Written in alternating accounts by each of the characters, this is a heart-wrenching and tear-jerking novel. It's definitely more than was expected and is guaranteed to make the reader see the friendship that the Septembers share in a new and awe-inspiring light. (AS)

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Sisteria - Sue Margolis (1999)
When mother-of-two Beverley's sister Naomi finally gets in touch, she's got a favour to ask. Naomi, a self-centred TV presenter, wants Beverley to be a surrogate mother - taking sperm from her director boyfriend, Tom. Beverley's husband, Melvin, isn't too keen on the idea but he's got a lot on his mind, including more failing schemes with a Russian businessman and an ex-girlfriend who made her fortune off one of his ideas. With Naomi hiding her ulterior motive for having a baby and Beverley falling for her sister's man, it seems these sisters have serious trouble ahead.

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Sister Pact - Ali Ahearn and Ros Baxter (2012)
Sisters Joni and Frankie have been estranged for the past seven years. But when their beloved grandmother, G, dies, she leaves them a million pounds each. But it comes with a condition -they must go on reality TV show Endurance Island as a team. Joni, who works at an animal shelter, is running from debt collectors. And Frankie, who is married to the wealthy Edward, desperately wants the money but isn't admitting why. So off to the island the feuding heiresses go where they face off against the other contestants including sorority sisters who want the prize money for cosmetic surgery; the outback exes who want to save the farm; two Irish boys who are up for some craic; and Japanese game show samurais who will go all out to preserve their honour. The sisters know that although their antagonistic relationship will top the ratings, if they are going to survive this ordeal, then they have to find a way to work together. If you are looking for an escapist read and harbour a reality TV addiction, this is the book for you.

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Sisters in Law - Nina Bell (2009)
When Kate Fox invites a new friend, Sasha, into her family's life, she never imagined the newly separated mother of two would wreak so much havoc. But is Sasha after her partner Jonny, who seems reluctant to marry Kate even after 15 years? Or does she have her eye on her brothers, successful head of the family Si who is married to high-flying divorce lawyer Olivia, or her impulsive youngest brother Jack, whose meek wife Heather has stood by him as a loyal army wife. A totally absorbing read about three very different women related by marriage who are trying to keep their relationships afloat. With one very nasty villain, this is among this year's best reads.

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Sisters of Spicefield - Fran Cusworth (2013)
Zoo vet Jessica once made a decision to help out a couple wanting to have a child together. Now, seven years later, she finds out that the new girl at her children's school, Mia, is the result of her leftover embryo. Jessica is still reeling from the death of her young son, Eeeny, and even two years later can't bear to pack away his bedroom. With her husband, Matt, never wanting to know what happened to the embryo, Jessica is torn as she realises Mia needs her help. But having already lost a child, can she bear opening her heart to another? This is an emotionally tender story with a fascinating premise. The side story of her sister Abby, who runs an orphanage in Thailand, adds another dimension about what happens to the children no one wants. Well worth a read.

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666 Park Avenue - Gabriella Pierce (2011)
When Paris-based American Jane meets Malcolm at an art auction, she is swept up into a world with all the wealth you could ever dream of. And when he proposes just a month later, it seems that plain Jane is about to start living her very own fairytale - in New York. But on a last visit to her grandmother's farmhouse in France, Jane finds her grandmother has passed on, leaving a letter explaining that Jane is in fact a witch. As Jane learns to cope with her new-found witchiness, she goes up against her nasty socialite mother-in-law. The sequel, The Dark Glamour is out later in 2011. (PP)

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Size Eight in a Size Zero World - Meredith Cagen (2009)
Meet Lindsay: She's a mother of two with a husband, Grant, who is less than thankful for her hard work and dedication. Between taking care of the kids, working all day in the office, and taking endless phone calls from Grant to pick up his dry cleaning, Lindsay has barely enough time and energy in the day for herself. Lindsay's relationship with her husband leaves much to be desired - in fact, it leaves a relationship to be desired. Grant has no problem telling Lindsay that she isn't good enough and the last time he spent any time with the kids, well let's just say, it has been a long, long time. When a handsome man in her building catches Lindsay's eye, she can't help but notice the goosebumps that are appearing all over her body. Soon a relationship develops between Lindsay and "The Man" that will take Lindsay on a journey that is both terrifying and awakening. This book is relatable for anyone who has ever been in a relationship where the sweet words of a man have made your heart believe things your mind never would. Through her relationship with The Man, Lindsay embarks on a personal journey that has her reevaluating her life, herself and the people she surrounds herself with. (JE)

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Size 12 Is Not Fat - Meg Cabot (2006)
For Heather Wells, proclaiming her individuality was the biggest mistake. It made her lose almost everything - her life savings, a recording contract, her heart-throb boyfriend. But she soon settles into a job as an assistant residence hall director at the New York College to pay off her tuition fees; while living with her ex's private eye brother, Cooper, whose charms she finds it hard to resist. When girls from the dorm start turning up dead, Heather decides to investigate. Can she solve the crime before she ends up being one of the victims? (XT)

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Size 14 Is Not Fat Either - Meg Cabot (2006)
In this sequel to Size 12 is Not Fat, just as Heather Wells thought that the year would get better (after her near-death experience last year), a series of problems pop out of nowhere: her dad arrives on her doorstep hoping to move in; ex-fiance Jordan Cartwright comes back to declare his undying love for her and the head of a cheerleader is found among the pots of the residence's cafeteria. Once again, her heroine nature comes to the fore as she tries to crack the case, along with her hot landlord (and crush) Cooper. Can Heather save the day and set things straight? (XT)

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Skeletons - Jane Fallon (2014)
Holding on to a secret is hard. Holding on to a secret which could destroy a family is even more difficult. Jen is part of the Masterson family, marrying the only son of real estate millionaire Charles. With both daughters now at college, Jen and husband Jason are settling into the routine of empty nesters and struggling to find common ground on topics which don't revolve around their doting children. The Mastersons are a close-knit family where on the surface, the bond between each family member is impenetrable. Jen discovers a secret which would destroy the very essence of this family or at least her own part in the Masterson clan. As secrets go, there is no one way to expose it without destroying lives in the process. As the days pass, the pressure of holding the past and future of her family in her hands begins to take a toll of Jen - both physically and mentally. As Jen attempts to mend fences with her own family, she finds herself confiding in a stranger. A chance for her to offload the secret but at the same time burdening her with another. Actions of sharing secrets have repercussions and with repercussions come consequences. Jane Fallon has produced a magnificent story of a family where, with the utterance of one secret, could destroy all family connections. The characters and the sense of family are totally relatable. As the reader begins the journey of Jen Masterson's story, you begin to think you know what is going to happen but then there is a twist and a turn leading the reader down a completely different path! Superbly written and clever in its delivery, it's colourful, funny, intimate and most of all unpredictable. (MP)

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Skipping a Beat - Sarah Pekkanen (2011)
Julia and Michael were high school sweethearts from a small town in West Virginia. Immediately after high school, they moved east and scraped by as they worked their way through college. Fast forward a few years and Michael is the owner of a company valued at $70 million. Their lives are now filled with missed anniversaries and broken promises. Then one fateful day Michael collapses from cardiac arrest at a board meeting. In the four minutes and eight seconds it takes to jump start his heart, he becomes a changed man with different priorities. Julia has to decide if the damage done to their marriage is too great to ever forgive. Even when I wasn't reading this book, I found myself constantly thinking about the characters. The novel explores marriage and forgiveness beautifully. The ending was so shocking, yet completely satisfying. This novel has moved to the top of my favourites list. (AO)

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Skinny - Diana Spechler (2011)
Twenty-six-year-old Gray Lachmann has counted calories all her life, adopting a similar dietary routine as her weight-obsessed mother. But with her father's death, everything changes and Gray finds herself developing an insatiable hunger for food. This subsequently develops into a binge eating routine, and she discovers that she might have a teenage step-sister. Deciding to deal with her food problem and to meet the child, Gray leaves her life and boyfriend in New York and enrols herself as a counsellor for Camp Carolina, a summer weight-loss program. This dark novel illuminates the deliberate association between food and body image, captured by moments of Gray's erratic cycles of bingeing and starving in relation to the different characters she meets throughout. I found some of the characters too stereotypical and while the story started strong, my interest waned as it progressed. (XT)

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Skinny Bitch In Love - Kim Barnouin (2013)
Clementine Cooper is a vegan chef who has bagged a job cooking at one of the most sought-after restaurants in LA. But when she is sabotaged by a fellow co-worker and blacklisted from every restaurant in LA, she needs to change her game plan. Instead of moping around, Clementine opens her own business offering vegan cooking classes and personal chef services called Skinny Bitch. The business is off to a hopping start but it all comes to a halt when a handsome and extremely arrogant man opens up a restaurant right across the street called the Silver Steer - complete with a dead animal on its sign. Clementine isn't going to stand for anything getting in her way of success, so she confronts the owner, only to find that he's more handsome than she expected. Of course, falling for a meat-eating man who doesn't care about his carbon footprint would be so wrong, but why does it feel so right? Follow Clementine on her journey to fulfill her dream of owning her own restaurant and possibly finding true love in the process - you won't be sorry you did. (AS)

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Skinnydipping - Bethenny Frankel (2012)
New Yorker Faith turns up on her estranged father's doorstep in LA, determined to make it as an actress. With tons of ambition, she tries to get ahead in a land where it's not what you know but who you know. She works in a number of jobs, from waitress to production assistant, making some good contacts along the way. But eventually Faith gets fed up with the LA scene and heads back to New York where she sets up an organic muffin business. This sees her get chosen for a reality TV show based around the empire of Domestic Goddess Sybil Hunter. But it seems Sybil has taken an instant dislike to the outspoken contestant and of course there's lots of bitching and backstabbing on set. This first novel from Frankel, best known as one of the Real Housewives of New York City, is obviously heavily influenced by her own experiences. You can hardly miss the parallels with her own life such as her stint on The Apprentice: Martha Stewart or her involvement with a natural foods bakery and her Skinnygirl business. It is certainly a pacy read full of juicy behind-the-scene stuff. Real addictive. You don't need to be a fan to enjoy dipping into it.

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Slacker Girl - Alexandra Koslow (2007)
Jane Cooper is a self-proclaimed leisure connoisseur, other than her hours working as a "relationship manager" at Leetsmann & Stone; she spends most of her time loitering at cafes, embroidering at her apartment or chilling with her best friend Rebecka. However, when the company starts to drop revenue, the heads decide to reduce expenses by laying off workers. But somehow Jane's job is spared despite her poor performances. Oblivious to the fact that her boss Ray has saved her job, she flies off to Florida on a vacation with Rebecka, thinking that she deserves a break. When she realises that Ray's being fired, Jane decides to do whatever she can to help her man get his job back, even at the expense of her leisure time. (XT)

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Sleeping Over - Stacey Ballis (2005)
Spending the night together does not always mean romance is on the cards for these five friends. Fresh from a stint in the Peace Corps, Jess is staying with a family friend, Harrison, a sexy doctor, until she can find a place of her own. Chef Robin has a crush on restaurant owner Michael, while Lilith is carrying a torch for an actor. Anne meets her dream guy, while her sister Beth reconnects with a former classmate.

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Sleeping Arrangements - Madeleine Wickham (2001)
Chloe is desperate for a break and when old friend Gerard offers his Spanish villa, she thinks it'll be the perfect place for partner Philip to escape his work problems. For workaholic Hugh and high-maintenance Amanda, they need to be out of their house while it is renovated. Gerard too offers them use of his villa - for the same week. As the families - including an outrageous Australian nanny - try to settle into the villa without stepping on each other's toes, it seems Chloe and Hugh have a past history. Was it all an innocent mistake or did Gerard plan it all along? You could just see this comedy of manners being played out on the stage.

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Sleeping Around: Flings and Faux Pas of an American Girl in London - Catherine Townsend (2009)
This is the book Sex and the City should have been. With non-stop sex and numerous lovers, this memoir makes you take a look at how to handle the men who come in and out of your life. The book is loosely based on the author's life detailing her descriptive sexual experiences. Catherine, an American, is trying to find love in the wrong places, which makes the book more interesting to see the type of men who enter her life - starting with the man who she was moving to London for, just to be dumped as she was set to fly to the UK. She ends up staying in London anyway to conquer the city as a writer to prove to him that she can still make it. With her best friend Victoria at her side to help her sort out her life and career (she becomes a sex columnist) it's a great escape! I recommend reading this book with an open mind and you will enjoy all its quirks. A UK version of this book was released in 2007, subtitled Secrets of a Sexual Adventuress. (CG)

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Sleeping Partners - Lou Wakefield (2004)
Pauline Watkins decides her routine life needs some excitement - her sex life with husband Mick certainly does. She hopes a change of scenery will do the trick, so puts her council estate semi in Leicester, England, into a house swap scheme on the internet. In Australia, Lorna Mackenzie wants to get her cheating spouse Greg away from his lover. Her mum wanting to attend a family wedding in Leicester offers the perfect excuse. Soon the Watkins and their rebellious teenager Gemma move into their palatial Melbourne abode, with use of the BMW and yacht thrown in. And Lorna, Greg and June move into the Watkins' crowded house.

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Sleeping with Schubert - Bonnie Marson (2004)
"Help, I have the spirit of Schubert living inside of me." - Liza Durbin. Christmas shopping can be stressful but on one particular shopping expedition at Nordstrom's, Liza's life as she knows it is about to change. Nineteenth-century composer Franz Schubert is looking for a body to inhabit and he has chosen Liza, a 21st century lawyer. Soon Schubert has Liza pounding out symphonies after symphonies, and she is accepted into Juilliard - New York's prestigious performing arts school. However, Liza is worried that if she tells somebody that Schubert won't leave her body, they will cart her off to the looney bin. Will Liza ever get her own body and life back? This is a fun, spirited story, which reminds me of Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella with a hint of the film Kate and Leopold. (PP)

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Sleeping with Ward Cleaver - Jenny Gardiner (2008)
Claire Doolittle is not-so-happily married to Jack, who has morphed from dream man into a modern version of bossy, dull Ward Cleaver of 50s sitcom fame. Sex has been relegated to a Sunday night chore, her body is showing signs of her five pregnancies and with little help around the house she tells Jack, that unlike Jerry Maguire's famous line of 'you complete me', he diminishes her. But while their marriage needs resuscitation, it seems both partners can still attract the opposite sex. An old boyfriend gets back in touch with Claire while one of Jack's sexy, young colleagues turns on the charm. Will they both be tempted or can they ignite their passion for each other? This debut novel, winner of the American Title III competition, is an engaging, thought-provoking and humorous insight into what happens when harried meets surly. You won't be sleeping til you've finished it.

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Sleepless Nights - Sarah Bilston (2008)
The story of Quinn, a British lawyer living in New York, continues after baby Samuel arrives. Wondering how she's ever going to slip back into the fast-paced world of being a lawyer, Q instead decides to slip out of the city and stay at a friend's holiday home in Connecticut. She hopes this will give her and husband Tom the space to consider their future options. If only Samuel would stop crying! Also arriving on the scene is Q's younger sister Jeanie, who has just finished her social work degree and now needs to join the real world. Even though this is a sequel to Bed Rest, you don't need to read that title first. In fact, this one, with its alternating viewpoints from the two sisters, is actually better.

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Sleigh Belles - Beth Albright (2013)
In this third book in the Sassy Belles series, Christmas is here and it's not the sleigh bells that you have to be excited about but the Sleigh Belles of Tuscaloosa. Vivi has just had a cute baby girl, Tallulah, to her longtime on-off lover and now husband Lewis - the announcer for the Crimson Tides football team. Blake, after witnessing her husband Henry cheat on her, thought she may never find love again. But it did in the form of her old high-school boyfriend now chief of police, Sonny. In this story, the focus is on a third Belle - Dallas Dubois - who will also discover the true meaning of love and family. Dallas has always been the type of girl who has had to look out for herself and she's been Blake's arch-enemy since they were youngsters. Indeed Dallas was the last straw that caused Blake to leave her husband. When Dallas learns that the "anchor chair" is opening up at her news station, she knows she is the perfect candidate. But what happens when it seems that the way to the promotion is through a series of charity and minor news stories. Will this task see Dallas turn a new leaf as she starts to actually enjoy herself and start to feel? Enter Cal - when they were in high school Dallas had a huge crush on him but he saw her as the 'Ice Queen'. Has Dallas changed or can Cal be the one to melt the ice around her heart and help her to move on from her past - the past that has been causing so much pain and agony? This is another wonderful instalment in the series with plenty of Southern charm. (PP)

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Slightly Engaged - Wendy Markham (2006)
Tracey Spadolini was let in on a little secret by her boyfriend Jack's mother - Jack has asked for the family diamond ring! This can only mean one thing - Jack is going to ask Tracey to marry him. But when? On the Sweetest Day? Thanksgiving? Christmas? New Year's Eve? As each day passes without a new sparkling diamond ring to show off to her friends, Tracey starts to think Jack doesn't want to marry her at all. Is this all she is ever going to have? A small apartment on the Upper East Side with a live-in boyfriend and a job where her promised promotion is still unfulfilled? Tracey is convinced there has to be more. In this third book in the series, Tracey commits to quitting smoking (for real this time!), reaches new heights in her relationship with Jack, and once again finds the confidence and trust within herself to take charge of her life and go after what she really wants - happiness. (JE)

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Slightly Settled - Wendy Markham (2004)
Tracey Spadolini is back and oh, how her world has changed. She is back at her job with a new boss and a new title. With her dream of becoming a copywriter actually within sight and a boss who doesn't make her run his personal errands, things are looking up for Tracey. Not to mention the dress sizes she has shed in the meantime. But there is just one thing ... Why does she keep thinking she sees her ex-boyfriend Will all over New York? Follow Tracey as she works through her feelings for Will, questions her "friendly" relationship with Buckley and cheer for her as she embarks on a new relationship - with her boss' roommate! Joined once again by Raphael and Kate as her faithful friends, this story has more character than the first book in the series. Though I, at times, found the constant second-guessing of herself a little repetitive, it does exemplify the inner trouble women go through in the search for self-acceptance and love. (JE)

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Slightly Single - Wendy Markham (2002)
Tracey Spadolini isn't so different from other 20-something New Yorkers trying to find their place in the city. She isn't thrilled to go to work where she is a secretary for a boss who thinks her most important job is running his personal errands. Her non-air-conditioned apartment without furniture leaves much to be desired and her boyfriend of three years, Will, the self-proclaimed next great American actor, is about to leave her behind for the summer. As Tracey ponders how she will survive the summer heat, she decides to spend the time reinventing herself. Surrounded by colourful friends who add character to a somewhat run-of-the-mill story, this book may be a pleasant read but it lacks the depth and originality of a great story. (JE)

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Slim Chance - Jackie Rose (2003)
Evie's determined to lose weight for her wedding to long-time boyfriend Bruce, especially after she picks up a Vera Wang gown at a sample sale. She only needs to drop 40, maybe 50 pounds to fit into her dream dress. So the self-absorbed Evie hits the gym, starts dieting like mad and spends up big on making the most of her new look. But Bruce doesn't seem to like the slimmed-down Evie. Is she about to lose more than a few dress sizes?

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Smart Casual - Niamh Shaw (2009)
Dedicated career woman Olivia Anderson is running late for a business meeting after a run-in with an arrogant, queue-jumping American. Then she discovers the same man - Luke Wylie - has taken her promotion as projects director of a computer company. But a hefty pay rise and Luke's considerable charms lessen the blow - a bit. But something is rotten in the state of Puttock Leavitt and it seems as if Liv could well be the fall girl. A promising debut with lots of witticisms about surviving - and thriving - amid office politics.

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Smart vs. Pretty - Valerie Frankel (2001)
The Greenfield sisters - Frank the smart one and Amanda the pretty one - are going to have to put their differences aside to save their family coffee shop. When marketing student Clarissa walks through their door, brimming with ideas such as running a Mr Coffee of the Week competition and renaming the shop Romancing the Bean, it seems their worries are over. Or is more trouble brewing? With a dead body, grudges galore, a revolving cast of characters that are hard to keep track of, and dialogue that's weaker than a skinny decaf latte - this book was nothing like I expected. Look elsewhere if you want a good chick lit read about sibling rivalry.

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Smokin' Seventeen - Janet Evanovich (2011)
The bail bonds office was bombed so while building a new office, construction workers find a hand sticking out of a shallow grave and the pinky has a ring on it. Crime Scene Techs find another body buried deeper and when a third body turns up, this one has a note addressed to Stephanie. What is the connection? Stephanie, who is a bit on edge, has to still get on with her bounty hunting. When she and Lula set out to find an old man who thinks he is a vampire and another who always answers his door naked, well, you can only imagine how things will turn out. When Stephanie's mum tries to set her up with a high school jock, she has to come up with ways to either juggle having a third man in her life, or find a way to get rid of him. But when he cooks up a storm in her kitchen, she has a hard time deciding what to do. The laughter keeps coming in this 17th instalment of the Stephanie Plum series. (ZP)

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Snap Happy - Fiona Walker (1999)
Juno has just turned thirty. She squeezes into size 16 clothes, struggles in her comedy career, has been dumped by a cheating boyfriend, and is unable to withdraw cash from the ATM. No one can blame her for not being in a celebratory mood. When her brother/landlord swaps flats with mysterious New Yorker Jay Mulligan, the cold depressing birthday weekend heats up! Except the weekend high ends almost as low as it started. Self-esteem in need of a boost, this funny girl has lots of well-meaning family and friends but they are far from adept at giving her thirties a cheer. Besides, whoever said that because people speak English means they comprehend English? A culture shock of pop culture dialogue, this book is saturated with witty writing and quirky characters. A delicious read, it is guaranteed to entertain its reader on a long weekend. (SARI)

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Snapped - Pamela Klaffke (2010)
Sara B, editor and style guru of the magazine Snap, has it all: great friends including Ted, her business partner; Gen, her ex-80s rock chick best friend, and Jack, her boyfriend. She also is the force behind Snap's much-loved column "The Do's and Don'ts" which features fashion divas and victims and shows Sara B's snarky take on what's hot and what's not. Then along comes young go-getter Eva B, who has idolised Sara B since she was a little girl and has asked if she can tag-a-long. But soon Eva becomes the rising trendspotting star and Sara B, who is nearing 40, feels that she is losing the cool factor. As Sara B deals with doubt and self-loathing - and too many alcoholic and nicotine binges, can she re-invent herself or will she become a thing of the past? This is a brash, darkly funny novel that will have you laughing with Sara B as she rips into her fashion observations and sympathising with her as her world slowly comes closing in on her. But like the main character, this story is sometimes confusing and all over the place. (PP)

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Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake - Sue Watson (2014)
Tamsin and Sam Angel are sisters but also complete opposites. Tamsin is married to a wealthy man and worries most about the brand of shoes she's wearing and whether she will host the best Christmas party in the neighbourhood. Sam, on the other hand, is a down-to-earth single mum to her son Jacob, who runs her own bakery and lives in the small apartment above it. When it becomes clear Tamsin's husband has been making a big mess of the family's finances, Tamsin is suddenly left without a home, a husband or any money. She moves in with Sam, just until she's able to get by on her own again. But will the Angel sisters be able to live together, without meddling in each other's business too much? Both sisters are both fascinating and well-drawn characters. Tamsin loves everything glamorous and feels like her world has come to an end when she's no longer wealthy. While this sounds a bit shallow, the author managed to make sure readers would instantly warm to Tamsin just like they most likely would to Sam, who is a bit calmer and more down-to-earth. When the sisters are forced to live together, they really bond with one another. Tamsin needs to learn to stand on her own two feet, while Sam needs to learn how to open her heart again to another man. They help each other and I just honestly couldn't get enough of them and their story. Sue Watson really tried to make this a festive read; her amazing Christmassy descriptions of decorations and yummy treats at Sam's bakery made it feel like Christmas straight away. Her writing style was easy to read and comfortable; well-paced and detailed enough to keep my attention at all times. I don't really have anything negative to say about this book; it was quite simply a wonderful Christmas read! (JoH)

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Social Lives - Wendy Walker (2009)
A glimpse into the lives of the rich and privileged, this book follows the women of different suburban families. Roslyn Barlow is the queen bee of the town however her carefully manipulated social plans all come undone when her teenage daughter Caitlin gets caught with a boy doing unspeakable things. Roslyn's husband is a rich entrepreneur who is suffering a mid-life crisis and soon finds himself in the arms of Jacks Halstead, a suburban socialite and his wife's best friend. However Jacks has a master plan to get her husband out of the financial hole he's dug them into. The young Sarah Livingston is new in town and is struggling with finding her feet in a place that's all about cocktail parties and country clubs. This is an easy read that offers you a sneak peek into the lives of the people we often envy and reinforces that money doesn't always buy happiness. (GF)

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So Damn Lucky - Deborah Coonts (2012)
Lucky O'Toole, the director of customer relations for The Babylon, a premier hotel in Las Vegas, is back in the third instalment of the Lucky series. At a farewell party at The Babylon, famed magician Dimitri Fortunoff is set to perform his grand finale of Houdini's water torture cell. When something goes terribly wrong during the finale and murder is suspected, Lucky is on the case. While Lucky concentrates on solving the mystery, her personal life starts to unravel. Her relationship with her true father is put to the test and she feels abandoned by her boyfriend Teddie who is travelling the world chasing his dreams of becoming a famous singer. As distance puts a strain on their relationship, Lucky's eyes start to wander to two attractive and interested co-workers. This is an over-the-top murder-mystery with Las Vegas glitz and glamour that will keep you relatively interested. (AO)

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So 5 Minutes Ago - Hilary De Vries (2004)
Being a celebrity publicist at a Los Angeles PR firm isn't the glamour job Alex Davidson thought it would be. When her firm is bought out by a rival agency wanting to chase bigger clients, it looks like her boss and many of the staff will be forced out. But Alex can't seem to fall out of favour with the new boss, Doug Graydon, known as G. Something just doesn't add up. As Alex handles an actor just out of rehab and romantic interest from a New York-based colleague, can she keep her wits about her and find out what G is up to.

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Softly and Tenderly - Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck (2011)
Just when life was starting to look up for Jade Benson - she's married lawyer Max and reunited with her mother Beryl - a whole new set of challenges come along. Desperate for a baby, Jade is heartbroken when her doctor informs her that she cannot carry full-term and her mother is diagnosed with leukaemia. When Max and his mother June start pressuring her for a child, Jade is torn between God's way and the modern options of surrogacy and adoption. When tragedy strikes and Max's ex-girlfriend is found dead, it seems that she left behind something for Max - a son. This revelation causes Jade to re-evaluate her marriage. Softly and Tenderly, the sequel to The Sweet By and By, is the sort of novel that shows that when your whole world comes crumbling down, good friends and family can help save the day. (PP)

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Soldiers' Wives - Fiona Field (2014)
For Chrissie Summers the army offers the perfect answer after the death of her mother. Unfortunately she's in for a bit of a rude awakening, training as an army medic, but Chrissie has the will and determination to succeed. Life as an army wife leaves a lot to be desired for new mum Maddy. With a degree from Oxford under her belt, getting used to playing second fiddle to her husband's career doesn't come easily, especially with a screaming baby. Jenna has wanted nothing more than to be an army wife - well nothing more than the perks of a house of her own. It's far from the cushy pad she wanted though, but never mind she'll just make some alterations even if her husband tells her it's against army rules. Set in and around an army base, Fiona Field has created a really great and different context for women's fiction. Whilst the prospect of seeing the lives of various women involved in army life was appealing, unfortunately Maddy is rather underdeveloped as a character and Jenna somewhat caricatured. Chrissie, however, not a soldier's wife but a soldier herself, was a more compelling character as too was her story. The writing and dialogue is quite macho and stylised, in part to be expected from the setting and I would have liked a bit more drama, a few more ups and downs. For me, it was the portrayal of women's lives in the army rather than as soldiers' wives that was the real success of this story. (JC)

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Solo - Jill Mansell (1992)
Tessa Duval is a strong and independent struggling artist. She's self-sufficient and doesn't need a man to fulfill her life. Dragged along to a high society party, she meets bad boy, hotel owner Ross Monahan. Enjoying his charm for one night only means they will be forever intricately linked. Despite the consequences of that night, Tessa rejects him; a course of action the attractive and wealthy Ross is not used to. When she doesn't fall effortlessly for him, he becomes determined to win her over and prove he can be faithful to her and her alone. She is equally determined that she will not become involved with a man who doesn't understand the definition of monogamy. Just as Ross starts to pull at Tessa's heart, his string of past liaisons are destined to keep them apart. Ghastly best friend Holly is in love with Ross' self-indulgent, author brother, Max. A string of other key characters, past and present lovers, long-lost daughters and friends are woven in and out of the story through the doors of the hotel. Mansell keeps us guessing as to whether Tessa will give in to love and team up, or go it alone. (LF)

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Somebody to Love - Kristan Higgins (2012)
Parker Welles, a single mum and daughter of a wealthy businessman, is devastated when her father loses the entire family fortune in an insider trading scheme. Parker's first trip is to Gideon's Cove, Maine, to sell a house that she believes will be a beautiful ocean mansion. Her father's attorney, James Cahill, accompanies her on the trip. When the two arrive at Gideon's Cove, they quickly learn that the house is a dilapidated nightmare in need of major repair. James sticks around and helps Parker fix up the house. Although James and Parker had a steamy encounter years ago, Parker now views James as solely her father's wingman. Parker and James work extremely hard to fight any feelings towards each other, however, as they spend so much time together repairing the house, the attraction seems inevitable. Characters from Higgin's former novels, The Next Best Thing and Catch of the Day, make appearances throughout this novel. (AO)

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Someday My Prince Will Come - Jerramy Fine (2008)
Jerramy Fine was raised by hippie parents in Colorado, all the time believing that she was switched at birth and actually came from an aristocratic background. Fascinated by royalty, at six she spies the Queen's first grandson Peter Phillips' name on the Windsor family tree and decides then and there that he's her future husband. She even sends a few letters to him c/o Buckingham Palace. As a young adult, she heads to a faraway kingdom (England) to study and circulate in noble circles. Most of the men she meets are appalling (I actually think she'd have done better with the likes of the Mitchell brothers from Eastenders) but Jerramy just couldn't keep away from any guy with a posh accent and floppy Hugh Grant hair. Having taught herself etiquette courtesy of Debrett's and styled herself along the lines of Grace Kelly, she is soon receiving invites to ring in the new millennium in an Indian royal palace and proposals to marry a gay aspiring politician. Along the way, she rubs shoulders with royals including Princess Anne (Peter's mother), Diana's brother Earl Spencer and Fergie. But just as it looks like Jerramy's time in England has come to a miserable end, her prince appears. It may sound a crazy thing to do but Fine's tale about searching for her Prince Charming and believing in the power of dreams is truly enchanting.

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Someday, Someday, Maybe - Lauren Graham (2013)
Franny Banks has six months left of a three-year plan to become an actor in New York City. While working towards her big break, she's also waitressing, taking acting classes, and trying not to get swept up in James Franklin, the hottest and most talented guy in her acting class. She is hopeful the upcoming showcase for her acting class will be the springboard to stardom she is looking for. If not, she will be forced to come up with a "Plan B" for her life, which she realises she's not quite prepared to do just yet. Actress Lauren Graham has created some really wonderful characters and given them a storyline that is both fresh and entertaining. The dialogue is brilliant and conveys in great detail Franny's feelings and insecurities about her chosen profession, the people around her, and her life as a twenty-something navigating life. First time is a charm for Ms Graham! (LEK)

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Some Girls Do - Clodagh Murphy (2014)
Shy and inexperienced Claire writes an erotic blog, Scenes of a Sexual Nature, under the pseudonym NiceGirl. When she is offered a book deal by publisher Mark, it becomes clear that the pair have feelings for each other, but Claire is worried because her erotica is mainly fictional and fears that Mark may be expecting someone a lot more experienced in the bedroom. She enlists the help of struggling artist Luca, to teach her a thing or two about sex. But will she succeed in fooling Mark into believing she is like her alter ego, and find her Mr Right? Having recently read the prequel ebook Scenes of a Sexual Nature, I was very excited to get stuck into this novel, and I wasn't disappointed. Claire was so likeable, and so at odds with her alter ego, that I couldn't help but hope she would find her happy ending. I was worried that the frequent sex scenes would give a feel of reading erotica rather than chick lit, but they were well written and not too smutty! There were some unexpected twists and some poignant moments, and I very much enjoyed it all. (LO)

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Some Like It Haute - Julie K.L Dam (2006)
Style writer Alex Simons, a woman who keeps track of her designer label outfits by spreadsheet, is in Paris to report on Fashion Week. But she herself is catapulted into the tabloids after a humiliating tangle with a model on the Chanel catwalk. Cornered by the paparazzi, she is then thrown together with another person making trouble at the shows - American Nick Snow. Can Alex resurrect her reputation with a story about a reclusive designer amid some romance?

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Some Like It Hot - Amanda Brobyn (2011)
This follows the lives of five very different women who come together every week to spice up their lives with curry and confidential confessions. Their curry club offers a lifeline to ladies who usually keep private matters exactly that - private - but when presented with the opportunity to discuss those things generally best left unsaid, the women jump at the chance to share their innermost thoughts and secrets - as long as nobody knows who those thoughts and secrets have come from. From one bowl a curry is served while in another, five anonymous questions sit tightly folded until just one is drawn out for discussion. Each question drawn brings with it excitement and heated opinions - with everyone wondering just whose life is being dissected this time round. And these ladies have plenty to hide and confess in secret, if only the others around the table knew it. Elegant, poised Jude has it all from the outside - the looks, the family, the lifestyle - but turning her back on her own career aspirations to support her husband's rise to the top has left her feeling emptier inside than anyone could ever imagine. Sexy Sophie uses and abuses men while she builds her business empire, but is an unthinkable secret driving her devil-may-care behaviour? Helena is stuck in a passionless relationship. Just how far will she go to get out of it and make a new life for herself? Filthy rich, stuck-up Roni feels trapped by her dull, safe existence with her husband Peter. When Peter hires a handsome young man to teach Roni how to swim, the way to spice up her life becomes obvious to Roni - and it doesn't involve curry. Fitness freak Kath is fond of alcohol and getting physical - in every sense. But although her married life is a happy one, that doesn't mean her family life is. Each week, one of the women gets free advice while keeping their problems completely confidential from those around the table. It's an intriguing premise and one that gives the reader a strong insight into the development of each character as we unravel the women's secrets and desires. Keeping the momentum up in a book when there are five main characters can be difficult, but the author carries it off with the aplomb of a much more experienced writer. The book overall marks a big departure in style from the author's debut, Crystal Balls, but Amanda's trademark risque scenes are prevalent in Some Like It Hot too - as you might expect from a book of this title! (SBB)

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Some Nerve - Jane Heller (2006)
Celebrity journalist Ann Roth is under pressure to get the big interview with media-averse actor Malcolm Goddard. After seducing him with his favourite cheesecake, he grants the interview but only if it happens while he's piloting his Cessna. But Ann has a huge fear of flying - and Malcolm knows this. When she bottles out of the interview, a furious boss fires her from Famous magazine. Heading home to Missouri, she learns that Malcolm is headed for the local hospital - under an alias - for heart treatment. Seeing her chance for payback and a ticket back to Famous, Ann becomes a hospital volunteer with the intention of befriending Malcolm and then worming out of him his life story. But is she willing to risk everything for the big story?

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Someone Else's Wedding - Tamar Cohen (2013)
Fran is attending the wedding of Jamie, along with her husband Saul and their grown-up daughters Pip and Katy. Fran and Saul have been having difficulties in their relationship and the wedding offers its own very peculiar set of circumstances. The family have just got to get through the next thirty six hours ... but a lot can happen in that time. This is a hugely accomplished novel, intense and gripping from the start. It is a story full of dark secrets and untold mysteries and whilst some of these are uncomfortable, they serve to consistently challenge the reader, to shock, question and evaluate their responses. The structuring of the novel is compelling with chapters arranged by each of the thirty-six hours of the wedding and Cohen moves seamlessly between the present day and past memories to slowly unravel the story. The twists and turns are stunning. As for the characters, like the plot, they test the reader and evoke reaction both positive and negative. An intense and unsettling read, I'm not sure that you could want much more from a book. (JC)

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Someone Special - Sheila O'Flanagan (2008)
Romy, an archaeologist living in Australia, is called home to take care of her mother, Veronica, who is undergoing back surgery. Romy has always felt like the odd one out in her family. She and her mother have never seen eye-to-eye; Veronica is preoccupied with appearances and maintaining her youth, while Romy has no concern for fashion or glamour. Romy's step-siblings, Darragh, who runs the family business in Ireland, and Kathryn, who lives in New York City, have always dismissed her and have no regard for either her professional or personal life. When the entire family is reunited in Ireland, they must confront the issues that have driven them apart throughout the years. Unfortunately, I found the entire premise of the book implausible. Why would Romy have to come home when Veronica's cherished son lives close enough to care for her? I also found several characters unlikable; Veronica is superficial and cold, Darragh is more concerned with money than he is his family, and his pregnant wife Giselle values her appearance more than her baby's health. Furthermore, based on the title, I would have expected more of a romantic element. While Romy does kiss her best friend Keith goodbye before leaving Australia, and subsequently wonders if there is more to their relationship, that storyline is only really explored at the very end of the novel. There is a twist in the last 100 pages or so that reveals Kathryn's struggles and increases the pace of the storytelling; I just wish that it had occurred sooner. Someone Special pales in comparison to O'Flanagan's other wonderful novels. (LB)

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Something Blue - Emily Giffin (2005)
In the sequel to Something Borrowed, Darcy Rhone's charmed life is shattered after she loses her fiance, Dex, to her ex-best friend. Unwilling to be alone, she moves in with Dex's best friend Marcus but they soon break up. Darcy, who then discovers she's pregnant, heads to London to stay with a school friend, Ethan, while she tries to put her life back together.

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Something about You - Julie James (2010)
Assistant US Attorney Cameron Lynde is a key witness in a high-profile murder investigation and Special Agent Jack Pallas is assigned to the case. Jack and Cameron worked on another case three years ago and Jack still blames Cameron for nearly ruining his career. Jack and Cameron may have a history of animosity towards each other, however, as the investigation proceeds, they can't fight the sexual chemistry between them. This fantastic novel does not disappoint - the dialogue is witty and the characters well developed. (AO)

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Something Borrowed - Emily Giffin (2004)
Attorney Rachel White has always been the consummate good girl - until her 30th birthday. After too many drinks, she ends up in bed with her best friend's fiancé, Dex. They then continue their secret relationship as his wedding to Darcy approaches. What best friend would ever do that? But there's always two sides to every story: Rachel has always lived in the shadow of her often selfish best friend. Darcy has effortlessly breezed through life getting exactly what she wants, while Rachel's just had to watch from the sidelines. Rachel needs to decide what is more important - friendship or true love. Giffin writes from both friends' perspectives - Rachel then Darcy's - in a book that tops the favourites list for many chicklit readers.

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Something Borrowed - Tina Reilly (2004)
Dublin toy shop manager Vicky is not at all happy that the boss' son is coming to work with them. After all he is probably after her job. Ed comes with heaps of good ideas and Vicky is annoyed to find everyone falls for his charms. Even her flatmate Sal, who is trying to score herself a job on a magazine. Meanwhile, Vicky has decided to trace her birth mother - even though she knows it may upset her parents. And she is dating Marti, whose life revolves around the boy band he manages - to the detriment of his relationship with his young son.

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Something from Tiffany's - Melissa Hill (2011)
On Christmas Eve, two very different men are shopping in Tiffany's on 5th Avenue in New York. Ethan's agenda is to buy his girlfriend Vanessa an exquisite and expensive engagement ring, while Gary happens to be passing the store and realises that he needs an afterthought Christmas present for Rachel, the woman who brought him on a trip to New York. When Ethan comes to Gary's aid after he is hit by a cab, the men's Tiffany purchases become mixed up. Rachel discovers the ring while Gary is in hospital and assumes that Gary was about to propose. Ethan, meanwhile, is gearing himself up to propose to Vanessa on Christmas morning until he discovers that his magical Tiffany's box contains ... a charm bracelet. It's not long before Ethan realises how the mix-up occurs and resolves to track down Gary and get his property back - but with a very expensive ring at stake, will it really be that easy? As time moves on and Ethan's attempts to reunite the ring with the woman it was actually intended for come to nothing, the reader is forced to question if fate has other ideas for the couples. The concept of this book is inspired, and one that will appeal to all demographics. Having read all of Melissa Hill's books, I found this one particularly interesting because I usually can't turn the pages fast enough to get to the twist, but with Something From Tiffany's, the concept was big enough in itself for me to enjoy the book on that level alone. When the biggest twist in the book unfolds, I actually found it secondary to the enjoyment of the characters' journey. There really is something for everyone in this book - not just twists but also good characterisation, romance and mystery. It's definitely a book to recommend to a friend. (SBB)

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Something I'm Not - Lucy Beresford (2008)
Amber is married to psychiatrist Matt and works as a headhunter for a London firm. And with her friends being her family, she's never really wanted children. But as more of her circle enter into parenthood, including her best friend Dylan who wants to adopt a baby with his boyfriend, she begins to wonder if she's made the right choice. And she's wondering if her missing maternal instinct is a result of her own stand-offish mother.

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Something in Common - Roisin Meaney (2013)
On her way back from a job interview, Sarah meets Helen. They soon part ways, without knowing each other's names. Later, journalist Helen writes a scathing book review in a newspaper, and aspiring author Sarah writes to her to complain about the harshness of the critique. Without being aware that they have met in the past, they begin a correspondence that leads to a friendship spanning two decades. This book really blew me away. My interest was instantly captured by the initial meeting on the bridge, and the way in which the two seemingly incompatible characters develop their relationship from strangers to friends was extremely well written and thought out. It was a highly original idea for a novel, and it was well planned with plenty of plot twists throughout to keep you engaged right until the unexpected ending. This is the first book I have read by this author, and I was hugely impressed. I would highly recommend this one. (LO)

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Something You Should Know - Melissa Hill (2004)
Jenny thought she'd met the love of her life in Roan Williams but then he walked out on her life and broke her heart. Then Jenny met Mike and is happy, that is until Roan walks back into their lives. Jenny is keeping a secret, and it could destroy everything. And with Roan around, she finds secrets aren't always kept hidden. This book starts off in the present day and then goes back into the past to find out what happened with Jenny and Roan. Melissa Hill always manages to introduce characters you can relate to. My favourite was Mike as I felt sorry for him throughout, as he was such a nice person but wasn't treated fairly. (KD)

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Somewhere Only We Know - Erin Lawless (2015)
Alex isn't exactly living a thrilling life. His desk job for the immigration department is safe but boring, he has the hots for his best mate's girl and his social life is hardly firing. But then he becomes friends with Nadia, a vivacious Russian who has lived in England most of her life but is facing deportation. Leading up to her final appeal, Nadia ticks off her bucket list of things to see and experience in London. Taking Alex along for the ride, she helps him appreciate life again - and perhaps realise his new friend may also be his perfect girl. Told from both Alex and Nadia's viewpoints, there is also an interesting ensemble of minor characters, including the unrequited love Lila and the dedicated friend Holly. This is a heartwarming read with endearing characters and a message about living life to the full.

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So Much For My Happy Ending - Kyra Davis (2006)
When department store manager April Silverperson's boyfriend Tad Showers unexpectedly surprises her with a marriage proposal after dating for only three months, she thinks that the fairytale ending she has always anticipated has arrived. Tad is the man of her dreams - witty, incredibly romantic, ambitious and most importantly, her source of stability and security. However, after the wedding, April starts to find that things are not what they seem on the surface as Tad's true colours emerge. This book is a drift from the mainstream chick lit books about marriage as it gives a deep insight into how the main protagonist deals with her husband's bipolar disorders, obsessive and eccentric behaviours; it also raises an interesting point about the lack of understanding between couples, whether it would lead to the same outcome as Tad and April. However, on the downside, the plot is kind of predictable and gets draggy and boring at certain points. (XT)

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So What If I'm Broken - Anna McPartlin (2009)
aka The One I Love, Alexandra GoneTom's wife, Alexandra, disappeared after catching a train one day. Months later, he meets three women - Jane and her sister Elle, and Leslie - when they all get stuck in an elevator at a concert. Jane happened to be Alexandra's best friend in childhood but they had since lost contact. Now a single mum, she has spent her life caring for her son Kurt, eccentric artist Elle and her cantankerous mother Rose. Leslie has the cancer gene and has lost her entire family to the disease. She decides to live alone, to spare anyone the pain of losing her. The women offer to help Tom find Alexandra - and in the process they all find themselves taking steps to get their lives back on track. This is a real page-turner as you wonder what has happened to Alexandra.

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Soup in the City - Kelly Hollingsworth (2008)
When Avery loses her hedge fund job she realises she needs a change. She takes stock of her life and sees that she has done nothing but abuse her credit cards and eat everything in her sight. Her biggest obsession is watching Sex and the City and thinking she can live like Carrie Bradshaw and spend ridiculous amounts of money on shoes and clothes. When she loses her apartment she starts working for a local grocer delivering groceries to neighbours. She ends up staying at a friend's apartment and in her depression starts making soup constantly. She ends up making so much soup that she has to store it at the grocer so comes up with the idea of selling the soup. With the recession in high gear here is another way to make ends meet in this hilarious story. (CG)

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Southern Charm - Tinsley Mortimer (2012)
Minty Davenport has always been fascinated by New York City. A Southern girl at heart, Minty wants nothing more than to make it on her own in the big city and lead a charmed life. However, upon moving to the Big Apple, Minty finds that she doesn't exactly fit in with the stick thin women, all dressed in plain colours and with extensive connections. In need of advice - and a friend - Minty reaches out to her sorority sister, who lives in New York and works for Saks. Luckily for Minty, her friend knows exactly who will hire her and with that one meeting, Minty is launched into a career at a PR firm and soon becomes a social butterfly. However, when the boy who stole her heart in Palm Beach many years ago reappears and asks her on a date, Minty is a bit thrown. On top of that, someone is making Minty a staple on Page Six - and not in a good way. Who would want Minty to fail at her new life in NYC? And is it worth it for her to try and save her reputation or should she just go home and try her luck down South where she fits right in? With a lot of insider knowledge, this novel is fun and frothy and totally addictive. Minty is a sweet Southern girl who wants to make a name for herself on her own, but fate just might have another plan for her and it might be a lot better than she ever could have expected. (AS)

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Spare Brides - Adele Parks (2014)
Lydia, Ava, Sarah and Beatrice are a group of friends adjusting to life after the end of World War I. Whilst their world is one of glamour, parties and frivolities, they cannot escape the realities of their lives. Lydia is beginning to question her marriage; Ava is living the fast life determined not to settle down; Sarah is still coming to terms with her husband's death; and Beatrice is hoping to finally secure a husband. These women are living at a pivotal moment in history as the world moves ahead but with attitudes still trapped in the past they may have to risk a lot to get what they want. Set in the 1920s, this novel sees a new direction for Adele Parks. The characters are authentic and honest but surprisingly modern and their stories universal. The glamour and atmosphere of the setting similarly lend an air of sophistication and worldliness. Indeed, this is not a dull period drama but an engrossing portrait of the birth of the modern woman and I found it read as well and as easily as a contemporary novel, no doubt thanks to the storyline surrounding Lydia. At times I wished Ava, Sarah and Beatrice's stories were as well-developed - they certainly seem to get consigned to the sidelines. Parks masters this genre and feels completely at home therein. I loved the new direction for her and can safely say whether it's contemporary or historical I look forward to Parks' next story in the safe knowledge that it will be well-written and most likely a corker. (JC)

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Sparkles - Louise Bagshawe (2006)
Sophie has an enviable life as the wife of Pierre Massot, the head of the incredibly wealthy Massot jewellery firm. There is a certain comfort that comes in being Pierre's obedient wife, keeping the home fires burning and looking after their opulent chateau, all of which Sophie enjoys immensely. But when Pierre suddenly disappears one day, her life becomes a saga of horror and sadness. She suffers quietly for seven long years. And then finally, she takes a decisive step of declaring her husband dead and taking over his business empire. Suddenly, she is thrown into a web of scandal and danger that threaten to destroy her. She also learns secrets about her husband that he had tried to conceal. This gripping tale of love, ambition and betrayal will keep you riveted right up the last page. It is by far one of Bagshawe's best books, highly addictive with a carefully crafted and well-executed plot. (AC)

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Spa Wars - Chris Manby (2008)
All Emily's dreams come true when she opens her own beauty salon, The Beauty Spot. And clients come flocking after she helps reality TV star Carina Lees survive a nail emergency on the way to an awards ceremony. Expanding her Essex business on the advice of the well-groomed financial adviser Matt, Emily takes on Natalie, a talented but badly groomed beautician. But then things start to go wrong. Who has got their sharpened talons out for Emily and her salon? The perfect book to while away your time at the hairdresser's, read it for its very funny take on 15-minute fame.

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Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace - Becky Monson (2015)
Bridgette thinks she has it all - a great boyfriend, a rent-free apartment, and a job that she is secretly hoping will give her a promotion soon. After two years with Adam, when he invites her over for dinner she thinks he is going to propose. But dressed in sweats and a shirt that she has tried to throw away countless times, Adam instead tells her that he doesn't think their relationship is going anywhere and that that should break up. Blindsided, she cries all the way home to the apartment that she shares with her grandma. Unable to understand why Adam has done this, she meets up with his mum, Carla, who tells her Adam's new girlfriend doesn't hold a candle to her. Shocked that Adam has moved on so quickly, Bridgette announces she also is dating. Meanwhile her ex from college, Ian, comes back into her life. A lot of ups and downs are in store for Bridgette and she has no idea which guy she is actually in love with. This is another great read from Becky Monson. (CG)

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Special Delivery - Zoe Barnes (2007)
Ally Bennett is happily married to social worker Luke, with two young children. But for years she's been living in the shadow of her older sister, Miranda, a former model who is now a successful interior designer and married to wealthy property developer Gavin. But what Ally didn't realise is Miranda is missing something from her perfect life - and all the IVF attempts in the world have failed to give her a much-wanted baby. When Miranda turns to Ally to be a surrogate and carry her husband's baby, Ally isn't sure how to respond. Could she ever hand over a baby to someone else, especially Miranda? With an increasingly absent husband and an overly attentive brother-in-law, the implications of Ally's decision will be felt for much longer than nine months.

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Speed Shrinking - Susan Shapiro (2009)
Julia Goodman is the author of two self-help books, the first chronicling her drug and alcohol reliance, the soon-to-be-released second is about her food addiction. Julia thinks she has her addictive personality under control and is revving up for her book tour when her shrink moves to Arizona, her husband has to take off for a job in LA and her best friend gets married and moves to Ohio. Filling the void and feelings of abandonment, Julia starts overeating and rapidly gaining weight. About to go on national television to plug her book on kicking her sugar addiction, Julia needs to lose weight quickly. She seeks out eight shrinks for an eight-day speed-date marathon to find a replacement doctor who can get her addictions under control. This is very funny and hard to put down - addictive even. (AV)

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Spin - Catherine McKenzie (2010)
Kate Sandford has just gotten an opportunity to land her dream job at hip magazine The Line. But on the eve of her 30th birthday, the night before her big interview, Kate goes out with some friends and gets totally drunk. The next morning, she goes to her interview terribly hungover. Her prospective employers know she's in no condition to interview - how can they not with her running out of the meeting to throw up? - and send her on her way. Crestfallen, Kate heads home. But later The Line calls her to tell her they have the perfect assignment for her - they want her to go into rehab for a story. The deal is that Kate needs to go in undercover at the $1000-a-day Oasis rehab centre to get the dirt on IT girl Amber Sheppard who has been in and out of rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. If Kate can stay 30 days without getting kicked out and deliver an inside piece on Amber, then she will score that job at The Line. Sounds easy? Well, not really. Once in rehab, Kate finds that she may actually have a drinking problem. Plus she develops a friendship with Amber and doesn't feel right spying on her. But Kate knows she's there to do a job so when mega movie star Connor Parks, Amber's on-again-off-again boyfriend, also enters Oasis things get a little touchy. Especially since he's brought along his manager, Henry, who Kate falls head over heels for. Can Kate deliver her story without hurting her friendships? And will she finally own up to her drinking problem? Surprisingly good - especially Kate's developing relationships with Amber and Henry, this is a riveting and raw story that may make you feel like you're in therapy yourself. It's certainly addictive! (AS)

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Spinning Around - Catherine Jinks (2004)
Mother-of-two Helen's life is sent into a spin when a friend tells her she saw her husband, Matt, looking too cosy at a lunch with The Girl with Purple Hair. Rather than confront Matt directly, Helen starts checking their phone accounts, rifling through his drawers and employing a private detective.

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Spinning Out - Christine Darcas (2009)
Virginia (Ginny) is at a crossroads when she is sacked from the corporate advertising job she loves in New York. Her life is a mess: she keeps waking up in the bed of her charming ex-boyfriend; has a distant relationship with her mother and just can't get over the fact that she had a dance career that went down the gurgler years ago. So when a friend in Australia beckons her to visit, she seizes it as an opportunity to sort herself out. Predictably she falls for an Aussie guy and moves Down Under for good. When tragedy strikes, she reignites her love of dance and makes some attempt at finally carving out her own path in life. (LF)

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Splinters of Light - Rachael Herron (2015)
Nora Glass is a household name thanks to her popular blog about being a single mum. Her daughter Elsie is now sixteen years old and Nora has worked hard to be the perfect mother. Nora takes clues from Martha Stewart and is always a competent and self-assured woman. Nora's precise blogs have detailed whether green products really clean and what should be packed for the perfect picnic. Lately, Nora has convinced herself that her memory loss, mood swings, and confusion are the telltale markers of perimenopause. As she sits down with her doctor to discuss her symptoms, the doctor's diagnosis is devastating. Nora cannot be the picture of composure anymore. She needs to rely on her twin sister Mariana more than ever. Nora and Mariana could not be more different from each other and have always had a complicated relationship. The two sisters will embark on a new relationship where roles are reversed and the bond of sisters is tested. This is an incredible story about the bond between a mother and her daughter and the bond between sisters. The author does a beautiful job of dignifying a woman in her forties dealing with a devastating disease. (AO)

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Spotlight - Ilana Fox (2010)
American Madison Miller dreams of becoming a famous singer and she is going to do all she can to make it happen. Starting off in an exotic strip club, Madison meets Beau Silverman, Slade record manager. He offers her a sweet deal and the chance for all her dreams to come true and become "the girl in the spotlight". But after a series of events, Madison realises that being famous has its price and it is now up to her to make the decision of a lifetime - is it really worth it all to be famous? Across the Ditch in the UK is Jess Piper, in a dead-end job as an assistant fashion writer for the Daily World. Jess dreams of becoming a famous fashion designer. On a whim she jets to New York where she meets Beau, who also offers Jess the chance at her dream. But as Jess gets sucked in deeper into his world, can Jess escape before it consumes her? When Jess and Madison meet it's like looking at twins. Can these girls turned against each other by Beau instead form a bond. This is a really enjoyable story that sucks you into the world of celebrity and fame. (PP)

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Spying in High Heels - Gemma Halliday (2006)
Maddie Springer is not only late but late! She's late to meet Richard, her lawyer boyfriend for lunch, but also needing-to-buy-a-pregnancy-test late. After arriving at his office for their lunch date, she witnesses Richard coming out of a meeting with a look of concern, accompanied by another guy, who has a hard look and a lot of tattoos. Richard disappears that very day with no warning. No call, no text, no email. And after a thorough search of his apartment, and an encounter with the tattoo guy, she finds out tattoo guy is a cop and Richard is under investigation for embezzlement. This launches Maddie into a frenzy, desperate to locate Richard (stopping only to design some Strawberry Shortcake sandals to keep her job as a children's shoe designer), to warn him about the charges against him, but also to get to the bottom of the shady things she discovers along the way, including a condom wrapper in his desk drawer at work. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as Maddie initially thought, because the people she is depending on for answers suddenly start dropping like flies. Maddie finds herself teaming up with Dana to weave deeper through the web of lies that Richard has created. She gets so involved that she becomes the next target for the killer who desperately does not want their secret to be known. As the opener to Gemma Halliday's High Heels series, this book definitely leaves you wanting more. The relaxed writing style makes you feel like you're having a conversation with your own best friend, and her observations about her supposed pregnancy that appear throughout the novel are enough to keep you giggling. This book is one that I could not put down. The best part is that just when you think the case is solved after the climax of the book, you run into a cliffhanger that leads you into the second book. Anyone who enjoys a light-hearted, easy read will definitely be entertained by not only Spying in High Heels, but the entire High Heel series. (MD)

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Stand By Me - Sheila O'Flanagan (2010)
Dazzling Domino, as Dominique Delahaye is known, is the wife of a wealthy businessman and on the outside has the perfect life. She and her husband have always stood by each other no matter what obstacles they've faced in their marriage. Yet as her perfect world begins to come crashing down around her, Dominique - for the first time in her life - has control over her own destiny. Spanning Dominque's adult life, the novel jumps through her pivotal moments, weaving the story of where she came from and how she ended up as the famous dazzling Domino. By jumping through the years you get a great insight into her character and why she makes the decisions she does. It's a brilliant book about relationships between lovers and within families, and how they cope with the decisions they make in their lives. (AB)

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Star Attraction - Vanessa Stubbs (2013)
Madison is a news reporter who is finding it difficult getting her stories a run in her newspaper. Too bad most of the attention seems to go to celebrities, relegating the important stories of the day to the back pages. And she is far from impressed to be assigned a face-to-face interview with the latest gorgeous Hollywood movie star, Jamie Hall, during his Australian publicity tour. A disastrous interview leads to her not only getting in trouble with her boss, but a falling out with her closest friends too. As punishment she has to stake out Jamie all night. And somehow, despite herself, she finds herself forging a connection with him - and she ends up becoming news herself. Its focusing on celebrity culture and falling in love in the spotlight makes this an appealing concept and the author, a journalist, knows her stuff. But a bit too much introspection and too little action made it drag, especially towards the end.

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Star Struck - Anne-Marie O'Connor (2009)
Catherine doesn't want to be a star - she just wants to sing. So with trepidation she auditions for reality TV show Star Maker. She nearly doesn't make it through when her mad Manchester family crash the audition but she is given a second chance by head judge Richard Forster. From there, Catherine's life is turned upside down, with makeovers, singing lessons and media training. She also has to deal with Richard's Machiavellian plotting, a right diva for a roommate, her father's media blitz and a relationship with a cameraman. This will be a hit with anyone who wants to know what could be going on backstage on a show like the X-Factor or Idol. But the real show is in Catherine's family dramas.

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Star Struck - Jane Lovering (2011)
Skye's life comes crashing down when she loses her fiance, her best friend and her memory in a car crash. The once confident actress will barely leave the house and her only company is friend Felix and Falling Skies, the sci-fi series. When Felix persuades Skye to attend the Falling Skies convention with him, the only thing that gets her to Nevada is the possibility that she's going to meet her idol, the star of the show. While confronting her fears of the outside world at the convention, she meets Jack Whittaker, the moody writer of the show. She discovers she isn't the only one who is trying to get away from her past. The two of them try to fight their attraction to each other with too many problems of their own to pick up each others but will they be able to continue to fight it? Set against the backdrop of a geeky sci-fi convention, it isn't your run-of-the-mill chick lit setting when it comes to celebrities, which is definitely part of the charm. The scenario works well for the characters staying on top of one another, and there is a great supporting cast of super fans. Although it is a little similar to the plot of Jane's last novel Please Don't Stop the Music, where the two main characters are trying to run away from their past, it is still an enjoyable read as the secrets are teased out until the end. (AB)

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Starting from Square Two - Caren Lissner (2004)
Gert Healy's husband Marc - her college sweetheart - died in a car accident a few days before September 11. Now, a year and a half later, her friends, cynical single girls Hallie and Erika, are trying to convince her that it's time to get back out on the competitive New York City dating scene. On her first foray out with the girls, she meets a nice guy called Todd. Surely it's not possible to find your perfect match again - especially so quickly?

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Starting Over - Sue Moorcroft (2009)
Tess Riddell had a fiance, Olly,who dumped her via email. She falls apart, loses a baby and flees to Middledip, a little town where no one knows her. Tess has a habit of running away from life but finds the locals of Middledip welcoming and warm. She meets one eligible bachelor by running into the back of his truck. A frosty friendship develops between them until Miles Rattenbury (Ratty) decides he'd like to develop a closer bond. Just when it all seems to be going well, Ratty discovers a secret that Tess can't handle and once again, she runs. Once she's seen the error of her ways, will Ratty take her back? Neither of these main characters are particularly likeable and do not always act in an expected way. (LF)

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Stay - Allie Larkin (2010)
Van Leone stood by as maid of honour as her best friend, Janie, married Peter, the man Van has been in love with since college. After a long night drowning her sorrows in vodka, Van accidentally purchases a puppy on the internet. Van is shocked when a huge German Shepherd arrives at the airport from Slovakia. But she quickly becomes devoted to her new dog, Joe, and her life takes a turn for the better when she meets adorable Alex, Joe's vet. Just as things with Joe and Alex are starting to work out, Peter and Janie return from their honeymoon and past emotions are stirred up. This is a wonderfully written debut novel with characters that you will fall in love with. (AO)

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Stay Tuned - Lauren Clark (2011)
TV producer Melissa Moore is in a rut. Her only child has left for college, her mother is battling dementia and her relationship with her husband has evolved into communicating solely through post-it notes. At work, Melissa struggles with her two dramatic anchors. When the two anchors become enraged on air and punches are thrown, Melissa is forced to suddenly take over and put herself in front of the camera. The public loves Melissa and as she fills in as an anchor she finds herself paired up with her new handsome co-anchor. If you've ever wondered what it's like to work behind the scenes of television, this is the book for you. (AO)

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Staying at Daisy's - Jill Mansell (2002)
Daisy MacLean has had her fair share of heartbreak. Her marriage seemed perfect to some outsiders but after her husband's death the cracks began to show. Especially after her husband's mistress, Mel, showed up in town. Years later she still hasn't put herself back out on the dating scene, instead she hides out in the hotel she manages - owned by her over-the-top father Hector. But she is forced to reassess her feelings when notorious womaniser Dev Tyzack checks in. Immediately she tells herself to stay away, yet she is drawn closer to him. This book is full of witty dialogue, mesmerising characters, and though it's obvious how things will end, it's enjoyable nonetheless. (SN)

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Stella Makes Good - Lisa Heidke (2012)
Stella, Carly and Jesse are three friends who finally catch up for their new year's drinks at the end of January. Librarian Stella is moving on after ex-husband Terry has moved in with a younger woman. She is on good terms with him but their teenagers and his mother are not happy about his new life. Carly thinks her husband Brett may be having an affair and starts flirting with a group of doctors, including a good-looking divorced school dad called Mike who Stella's got her eye on. Meanwhile Jesse has to leave early because her obnoxious husband has let her down again. As Carly and Stella head off to a party, the night takes an unexpected turn with ramifications for them all. This novel offers an amusing and often touching look into what goes on behind suburban doors, highlighting a range of issues affecting women - from divorce and empty nest syndrome, to anxiety disorders and alcohol problems. You may never look at your neighbours the same way again!

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Step Back In Time - Ali McNamara (2013)
When accountant Jo-Jo goes to deliver some reports to a client, she steps out of the shop and on to a zebra crossing ... where she is hit by a car. Upon waking up, Jo-Jo finds herself in another decade. Luckily, she recognises Harry from the record store where she was before she was hit but other than that everything is different. She's no longer an accountant but is instead a receptionist at a record company. She's also dressed in the attire of the decade - from head to toe. Deciding the best thing to do is embrace everything and hope that it's all one bad dream, Jo-Jo eventually starts to enjoy herself ... but just when she gets the hang of everything she's hit again and transported to another decade. This happens over and over again, the only constants being Harry, George, who owns the record store, and Ellie, Jo-Jo's former assistant in 2013. What's happening to Jo-Jo and why? Can she figure it all out and get back to her real life before it's too late? This story had a lot of promise but it didn't really deliver as I'd hoped. I liked Jo-Jo but felt that all the switching time was a bit much to keep up with. Just when you started to enjoy 1960s Jo-Jo, she'd be gone and replaced with another version of herself. It was a bit weird, to be honest. However, that being said, it's still a cute story written with all the charm you'd expect from Ali McNamara. If you like to try to solve a mystery while reading, it's definitely worth giving this story a shot. (AS)

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Stick or Twist - Eleanor Moran (2009)
When Anna's boyfriend of 10 years proposes during a weekend away, Anna knows that although she loves him, she can't marry him. Somehow the spark has gone out of their relationship. So she moves out of their flat and on to the sofa at her friend Polly's place. While working on a major work assignment - planning a wedding promotion for her slightly uncool magazine Casual Chic - she meets super-sexy photographer Harry. Perhaps the grass really is greener . . . Although there will be no surprises about who Anna and Polly - or even the loveable German flatmate Horst - end up with, this is an enjoyable read about a 30-something woman making a painful decision not to stick with the man everyone expects her to marry.

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Stick or Twist - Eleanor Moran (2009)
When Anna's boyfriend of 10 years proposes during a weekend away, Anna knows that although she loves him, she can't marry him. Somehow the spark has gone out of their relationship. So she moves out of their flat and on to the sofa at her friend Polly's place. While working on a major work assignment - planning a wedding promotion for her slightly uncool magazine Casual Chic - she meets super-sexy photographer Harry. Perhaps the grass really is greener . . . Although there will be no surprises about who Anna and Polly - or even the loveable German flatmate Horst - end up with, this is an enjoyable read about a 30-something woman making a painful decision not to stick with the man everyone expects her to marry.

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Stiletto Safari - Kate Metz (2012)
Zara Hamilton pretty much has it all - a great job as a corporate lawyer in New York plus a seriously gorgeous boyfriend. The course of her life changes in one day when her man, Nick, is arrested for insider trading and she is implicated. Zara's world tumbles around her as she is then escorted from her fancy legal office and told not to return for six months until matters blow over. And worse still, the man she thought she loved disappears and won't take her calls. With the help of some friends, Zara flees her troubles and lands herself in Africa of all places, volunteering at an animal reserve. Minutes after her arrival she realises that the slinky black dresses and the snakeskin stilettos she's packed probably won't get much use out in the middle of the plains of Africa. Life on the reserve becomes more interesting when arrogant Hamish arrives but is he really into her or does he still lust after his elegant supermodel ex-girlfriend who is coming to do a photo shoot at the reserve for Vogue magazine? At the end of it all, will Zara really want her old corporate life back or has she been changed forever in the wilderness of Africa. An impressive debut. (LF)

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Still Alice - Lisa Genova (2007)
Alice Howland is a 50-year-old psychology professor at Harvard and mother of three grown-up children. When Alice finds herself lost in her neighbourhood she knows there is something very wrong. Alice is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease and finds herself living a very different life. The story is told in the third person, as Alice details her mental decline and how she is an observer of her own life. It is a very emotional subject which has been approached by the author with great sensitivity and is a must-read for anyone with a family member suffering from this terrible disease. (BS)

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Stop the Clock - Alison Mercer (2012)
It's the dawn of the new millennium and three friends are talking about their futures. Tina wants her own newspaper column, Natalie wants a baby with her college boyfriend, and Lucy wants to create the perfect home life. Ten years later, the women have achieved their goals - but somehow things still aren't perfect. Tina has spent the past decade secretly dating a married politician who will never leave his wife, Natalie is experiencing the return of a longing she thought she had buried, and Lucy discovers having her younger sister around the house is not a good idea. How these women deal with their difficulties and life-changing events becomes the crux of this engaging story. Readers will no doubt see shades of themselves or friends in these characters.

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Straight Up - Catriona McCloud (2008)
Verity's husband, Kim, has moved on with another woman and to deal with her trauma, the florist writes a book called Straight Up about a mountaineer who dies a lonely death trapped in an icy crevice. When Hollywood comes calling, a few white lies lead Verity deep into trouble. Soon the people she's meant to impress - including script scout Jasmine and producer Patrice - believe that her husband is dead, and that her novel is based on a true story. As the buzz grows, someone turns up in LA who could expose her lies. And it appears not everyone is being straight up with Verity either. This will appeal to those who like a quirky story.

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Stranded - Emily Barr (2012)
Esther spends her 40th birthday in paradise - snorkelling and lunching on a deserted island in Malaysia. She has travelled halfway around the world, leaving behind her 10-year-old daughter, Daisy, to recover from her broken marriage. But it may be a case of careful what you wish for - lazing around on a tropical island may sound idyllic but what happens when the boat that dropped Esther and her fellow tourists off at the island doesn't return. Not that night, not the next day, not the next week. She is stranded on the island with six other holidaymakers including a pair of American honeymooners; a bickering Australian couple; single traveller Katy and backpacker Ed. Another story - about a girl called Cathy who lives with a religious cult - is interwoven and readers are left to wonder how the two stories will tie together. How everyone deals with being on the island reveals much about the characters and all in all it's a riveting read that is a sort of mix between Lost and Survivor.

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Strange Bedfellows - Jennifer Crusie (2003)
Tess Newhart knows her former boyfriend Nick isn't right for her - he's an uptight Republican trying to make partner; she was brought up in a commune and works as a teacher. Still he talks her into going away for a weekend for a meeting with a prospective client that could make or break his career. The outspoken Tess takes an immediate dislike to the client, author Norbert Welch, and also finds herself fighting her attraction to her ex again.

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Strangely, Incredibly Good - Heather Grace Stewart (2014)
Cat is overweight. Not just a little bit overweight but quite a lot. As a single mum with two teenage daughters, living with her 91-year-old grandmother was not what Cat intended for her family. After a tragic event during her teenage years changed the course of her life, Cat's guilt led her on a path to emotional overeating, falling pregnant to an abusive man and having to face her two beautiful daughters as they look down on her with disdain and disappointment. Choosing to make a difference to her life, Cat joins a gym but feels humiliated at the prospect of having to face the gym bunnies in their slim outfits and perfect bodies. Overwrought with sadness, Cat leaves the gym and drives through the pouring rain. Having to stop to gain composure, she parks in the driveway of a yard sale and spots a brand-new Wii Fit for sale. Cat's life takes on a whole new journey the minute she plugs the Wii in to begin finding the new her. Eugenis is a genie... trapped inside the Wii Fit awaiting his new master. As he undertakes the challenge of helping Cat find her way, a new journey begins for the not-so-great taskmaster of wish making. Can three wishes change the course of one's life? As the story opens, there is a true sense of sadness emanating from the pages. The writer details the struggles of the obese protaganist and the sadness her life has brought her. This is not a book to read whilst devouring a triple layer chocolate mousse cake. Emotionally, the story behind Cat's weight gain is difficult to read. Even though her weight is never detailed in numbers, it is graphically described and one cannot help but feel for the main character. Cue the genie and the book takes on an entirely different feel. As readers, we know the possibility of a genie popping out of the Wii will never happen, but for this novel, you need to look past the 'fairy-talesque' theme and look deep into the stories of Cat and Eugenis. Both characters have stories to tell and both are coming to terms with the knowledge that one's heart and mind are more important than physical appearances or what one can achieve in life. Yes at times, the novel comes across as far-fetched, but I believe it is the stories of the characters which will resonate with the readers. (MP)

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Strawberry Wine - Lee Adams (2012)
They say that in order to hold something close to your heart and cherish it for a lifetime, you must lose it first ... that to come back together forever, true love must first break apart. Tanya Smith, 27, has carved out a successful life as a music promoter in New York. One day she gets a call which immediately transports her to a summer 10 years back, to a time when she met Marie. Tanya would always spend her summers at Laurel Lake with her family. The place was like a second home to her. During one summer, Marie stumbled into her life. From finding confidantes in one another and sipping strawberry wine on the beach to betrayal, heartbreak and a horrible incident, that summer turned out to be the best and yet the worst for both of them. Needless to say it was their last summer at Laurel Lake. Now 10 years later, a phone call drags Tanya back to Laurel Lake and she learns that there exists a link between her and Marie. And now Tanya has to return not only to pick up the pieces of her heart and Marie's life but also to bind them together. This is a sweet and refreshing read where the story flows seamlessly between the past and present. A point worth mentioning is that the author has drawn on her experience as an organ donor in this book and has portrayed the account of organ donation in an honest yet tender way. It showcases how giving in this instance can be so fulfilling that it fills up the gaps of your life with love and makes you whole again! (PD)

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Strawberry Shortcake Murder - Joanne Fluke (2001)
In the second book in the Hannah Swenson murder mystery series, Hannah is just getting over the last murder and preparing for the baking competition when another dead body shows up. This one belongs to the high school football coach, and though Hannah didn't like all aspects of his character, she dives into investigating the case. As she begins to feel like she's being watched, she realises the clues don't seem to add up. Meanwhile her constant struggle to choose between two men in town, the new police detective with a heartbreaking past and the ever-reliable Norman, seems to divide the town. This book sparkles like the one before it with mystery, sprinkled humour and cookie recipes hiding at the end of chapters. (SN)

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Strictly Love - Julia Williams (2008)
This is about two sets of friends who meet at ballroom dancing classes. Emily is an entertainment lawyer who feels guilty that she is not out defending a more worthy cause. Her friend Katie is feeling the strain of being the perfect mother and wife - especially with husband Charlie being away so much. Teacher Rob finds dancing is the best way to pick up women. He ropes newly single dentist Mark into coming to dancing classes with him where they pair up with Emily and Katie. Only trouble is none of them have been totally honest about their lives off the dance floor. Throw in a litigation-happy celebrity with rotten teeth and some life-changing revelations and you're in for an enjoyable read.

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Stuck in the Middle - Virginia Smith (2008)
This is the book that started off the wonderful Sister-to-Sister series about three sisters. This story focuses on the middle sister Joan Sanderson who is stuck in a rut. Her older sister, Allie, is starting a family with husband Eric and her younger sister Tori has an advertising career, a wardrobe to die for and dates lining up around the corner for her. Whereas Joan is Miss Reliable and Boring and she jokes her mother should have named her Jane so that she could be Plain Jane. She lives with her mother and grandmother and has a job in a furniture store. Then a sexy doctor moves in next door and Joan decides to take a risk and try to score a date with him. But Tori also sets her eyes on him and it becames a battle of the sisters. But with a little help from God, Allie and an enormous mutt with bad manners, can Joan build up the courage to ask the doctor out? (PP)

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Such a Pretty Fat - Jen Lancaster (2008)
Atkins, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers. Jen Lancaster has tried them all and isn't afraid to tell you what she thinks of them. Not wanting to, "you know, die," Jen Lancaster accepts the challenge of chronicling her attempts at getting healthier in her third memoir, subtitled One Narcissist's Quest to Discover If Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, or Why Pie Is Not the Answer. Her escapades on various weight loss programs and with multiple exercise regimens, including a trainer named ... wait for it ... Barbie, will have you laughing out loud. For everyone who has ever eaten pre-packaged diet food and wondered "is that all there is?" or religiously worked your butt off at the gym on a daily basis only to lose a measly pound that week, this book is for you. Jen captures dieting as only she can, with her usual wit, directness and sarcasm. You will lose weight just laughing. (LEK)

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Suddenly One Summer - Julie James (2015)
Investigative journalist Ford Dixon is an overprotective brother to his sister Nicole. She got pregnant after a one-night stand and is struggling as a single mum to her baby girl. So Ford is determined to track down the father of his niece. Divorce lawyer Victoria Slade has temporarily moved into the condo next to Ford. Victoria had been the victim of a home invasion at her previous townhouse. That crime has opened up issues from her childhood that are now manifesting themselves as full panic attacks. Victoria is immediately put off by the good looks and playboy ways of her neighbour. But Ford is convinced that teaming up with Victoria is the best chance he has of finding the father of his niece. Victoria has a soft spot for Dixon's young sister and her predicament, but is suspicious of Ford and has no interest in becoming one of the many notches in his bedpost. As Ford and Victoria work together, their chemistry becomes undeniable. Fans of the author will recognise Ford Dixon as the loveable best friend in Julie James' 2013 novel, Love Irresistibly. This book is a great summer with a smart feisty heroine. (AO)

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Suddenly Royal - Nichole Chase (2013)
A Duchess and a prince from a small European country have arrived in America and are visiting the university where Sam is studying a Masters in wildlife biology. She expects that they are looking to donate money so when they request a meeting with her, she is all prepared to plug the bird program she's involved in. But it turns out that Sam is about to get the shock of her life - it appears on her mother's side she is in fact a Duchess. Because the queen of Lilaria is the last one in her family line, she is requesting that the original families return and their titles be re-instated. Sam definitely doesn't feel like a member of the royal family and is halfway through her Masters program, not to mention her stepfather is currently receiving treatment for cancer. Can Sam up and leave everything and show the world that this American has what it takes to take a seat on the Queen's council as a Duchess and rule her own village? And what if there is some romance on the horizon with crown prince Alex? Suddenly Royal is a fun read and will appeal to those who devoured the Princess Diaries books. (PP)

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Sugar and Spice - Lauren Conrad (2010)
Jane, Scarlett and the rest of the LA Candy cast are back for a second season. Jane, who is LA Candy's main star, has decided to swear off boys for a while, but that proves very hard to do when her old high school boyfriend, Caleb, reappears and her crush, Braden, shows some interest in her. It becomes even harder when the LA Candy producer tells Jane that she needs to have a relationship on the show, so he starts fabricating one between Jane and Caleb. On top of that, Jane is still feuding with Madison for sabotaging her and then selling her secrets to the tabloids, but Madison is showing up at all of Jane's shoots and being super sweet on camera. Just when Jane thinks everything is getting too out of control in her life, she stumbles upon a gold mine of information that will change the course of all of the LA Candy cast members lives forever. Out of all of the LA Candy novels, this is probably the most uneventful. Though it follows the previous novel nicely, it just doesn't have as much action or drama as the others. However, the ending is well done and it often mirrors Lauren's real life, while still keeping the fictional feel of Jane alive. It also shows that what may look like reality TV to viewers, is nothing more than a bunch of staged interactions for the benefit of getting good ratings. (AS)

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Summer and the City - Candace Bushnell (2011)
Carrie Bradshaw is ready to take on New York and make it her own in this fun and frothy follow-up to The Carrie Diaries. While Carrie may be a fashion icon today, she wasn't always that way. When Carrie arrived in New York she was promptly mugged and had no choice but to ask her high school friend Donna's cousin Samantha for help. While Carrie is a virtual newbie to the New York scene, Samantha is someone who knows everything about the Big Apple and better yet, she knows everyone there is to know. As Carrie gets swept up in the glitz and glamour of the parties and people she meets, she finds herself dating an older, more fabulous man and writing plays while attending her first real writing course. But, can this country sparrow make it in the big city on her own? As Carrie soon learns, making it in New York isn't as easy as she first thought. New York will either accept you or spit you back out. Though the book starts off great, it slowly becomes more about Carrie and her obsession with losing her virginity, which turns the novel into something silly and frivolous. However, you have to give it to Carrie, because she has the tenacity and drive to actually make it in New York, even when it seems that she isn't good enough after all. (AS)

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Summer Blowout - Claire Cook (2008)
Make-up artist Bella is part of a madcap family that runs a chain of hair/beauty salons. She is obsessed with lipsticks, her Irish dad pretends to be Italian and her half sister has run off with her husband. When a dog-sitting experience brings a new love into Bella's life, she goes to desperate lengths to keep it. But will she be so open with Sean, who helps spark her entrepreneurial passions? A read that's fluffy, and heartwarming - just like Precious/Cannoli the dog.

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Summer Daydreams - Carole Matthews (2012)
Nell works in a fish'n'chip shop and lives with her long-term boyfriend Olly and their young daughter Petal. Their lives are happy but not particularly going anywhere. But after Nell helps transform the shop with a creative makeover, her boss encourages her to apply for an art course. This leads to Nell exploring her passion for designing handbags. Suddenly she finds herself with a burgeoning business - but Olly is not too happy about the toll it is taking on his family life. This is an enjoyable story centred around a likeable heroine with a desire to better her life.

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Summer Island - Kristin Hannah (2001)
Nora Bridge is an advice columnist with a radio show program. Her daughter, Ruby, is a struggling comedian. Nora doesn't realise how her past affects her daughter until both mother and daughter are thrown together by an accident. Ruby consents to take care of her mother after also agreeing to write a tell-all article about who her mother is. Throughout the book, Ruby is thrown curve balls by her past and as she gets to know her mother she is finally able to heal from her past. On a neighbouring island, two boys, Dean and Eric, have been connected to the Bridge family from childhood. Dean was Ruby's first love and his brother, Eric, bonds with Nora. Dean is brought back to the island to deal with his brother Eric's illness after the rest of the family has ex-communicated him. Eric and Nora strive to help Dean and Ruby come together again. This well-written novel was a great read. Hannah has a way of connecting her characters to the reader in such a way that the ride is worth every penny. (JG)

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Summer at the Lake - Erica James (2013)
Oxford tour guide Floriana receives a wedding invitation from her former best friend Seb. She is so distracted thinking about him getting back in touch after two years apart, that she walks out in front of a car. Luckily, two people rush to her aid - elderly lady Esme and newly single property developer Adam. The trio form an unlikely friendship, which leads to them all heading to Lake Como for the wedding. Perhaps it will be Esme's chance to find out what happened to a charming Italian man she met many summers ago. This is a lovely story from a superb storyteller, with the main characters bursting with kindness. The flashbacks to Esme's time in Lake Como were particularly enjoyable.

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Summerland - Elin Hilderbrand (2012)
It is high school graduation night on Nantucket Island and four teens are in a car crash. The driver, talented singer Penny, is killed; her twin brother, athletic star Hobby, is left in a coma; while Penny's boyfriend Jake and childhood friend Demeter are uninjured. The twins' free-spirited single mother Zoe is left to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile Jake's father, newspaper publisher Jordan, decides they need a break from the island and returns to his wife Ava's hometown of Perth in Australia. And Demeter is left with the guilt of her last conversation with Penny, and descends further into an alcoholic spiral. This story about the aftermath of a tragedy hooked me in straight away, and I was especially keen to see my hometown of Perth described through an American's eyes. Told from multiple points-of-view, the story focuses not only on the impact on family and friends when a life is cut short, but also what happens when secrets are revealed as the summer unfolds.

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Summer Loving - Allie Spencer (2011)
Beth could be called a control freak. She likes her life in order and never, ever takes risks. What's the point? They only result in some sort of mayhem. Which is why, when she finds herself and her three friends taking a risk after their perfectly planned holiday falls through, she is surprised that she enjoys it so much. While doing things spur of the moment isn't Beth's style, this holiday has proved that there is no other option. Though the villa is not a five-star resort and the beautiful island of Liminaki doesn't have the nightlife of Athens, Beth, Ginny, Anna and Kristin find that it has its own charms and quirks which makes it lovely. For one, the men are gorgeous, and the lifestyle is relaxed unlike the hectic life Beth leads back in London with her predictable boyfriend, Jack, and her overbearing boss, Malcolm. But, things aren't as great as they seem. For one thing, there is something going on with Kristin but she won't talk about it. And Ginny won't stop talking about her upcoming wedding, Anna has fallen head-over-heels for a local and Beth can't stop thinking about the handsome British sailor who almost killed her with his yacht. Though it's not a traditional holiday of clubbing and shopping, these girls soon realise this will be a trip they won't soon forget. With beautifully captured scenery and likable characters, this is one of those perfect summer beach reads that bring humour, heart and drama to a lazy summer day. (AS)

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Summer Nights - Allie Spencer (2012)
Flora Fielding is expecting to spend a loved-up few weeks in San Francisco with her boyfriend, Barney, but what she gets is a completely new beginning thanks to Barney being a complete idiot and dumping Flora on her 30th birthday. Already in San Fran, Flora decides that she'll make the most of her vacation by visiting her cousin, Bella, who is a nurse. What Flora doesn't realise is that Bella is also a lead singer in an ABBA tribute band and oddly enough, she doesn't have any money. Either way, Flora and Bella work it out - avoiding the sticky situation of what's really going on in Bella's life - and enjoy nights at the Lizard Lounge, where the battle of the bands is taking place and days spent on the wonderfully quirky Hope Street. However, relocation specialist Flora's over-eager clients seem to think that she's still at work and there to serve their every need and she can't help but be mesmerized by a gorgeous IT guy she met in a diner. Will this trip turn out to be all it was planned to be or will Flora end up missing her ex and going home to work things out? This is a fun read, with fiery characters and a message of "finding your tribe" and sticking with them. It's definitely a light, summery perfect for lazy days at the beach! (AS)

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Summer of Love - Katie Fforde (2011)
Single mum Sian has just moved with her young son Rory to a country cottage where they can grow vegetables. Her devoted friend Richard is hoping she'll soon decide to settle down with him. Sian meets friendly local Fiona, who offers her the use of her barn to do her furniture restorations. As the twice-married Fiona tries a bit of internet dating, her wandering son, Angus, is about to return to the village. And it seems he and Sian have met before. Obviously it is no surprise as to who Angus is but what follows is a pleasant romantic read.

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Summer Rental - Mary Kay Andrews (2011)
Ellis arranges the perfect getaway for a month at the beach. At least she thought she had organised the perfect getaway. The house is not what she thought it would be and it has definitely seen better days. Once Ellis has access to the house she tries to spruce it up for her friends, Dorie and Julia, who will be sharing the house. They are excited to have this month of August together in Nags Head. The women are all struggling with various aspects of their lives: Ellis being downsized from her job; Julia trying to make a decision about her career path; Dorie about picking up the pieces of her marriage. A stranger suddenly comes to the house needing refuge but has a secret past. The women are in for one big adventure at the beach. I loved this book - it's a summer must-read. (JG)

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Summer Secrets - Jane Green (2015)
Cat Coombs never felt like she was a part of her family. Her mum suffered from depression and her father treated her as if she was never good enough. Cat turned to drinking early on, she could out-drink a lot of the boys she was around and loved the way alcohol made her feel. The morning after another wild night, Cat has the worst hangover. But her mum wants to meet her and tell something important - that her late father wasn't really her father and she has another family in Nantucket. Cat is so excited to visit the US to forge a bond with her father and half-sisters but then something happens that Cat can never take back. She's asked to leave Nantucket and to never come back. Many years later, having given up the drink, can Cat restore the relationships that she has broken? Or will she forever feel regret and loss? Told with plenty of flashbacks, this is another great story by Jane Green - a real page turner! (CG)

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Summer With My Sister - Lucy Diamond (2012)
Polly and Clare are two sisters who couldn't be any more different to each other, yet share similarities they're unaware of. Polly has always been driven, and is living it up in London in the world of finance with late nights and partying. Clare is a divorced mum of two children struggling to make ends meet. But when Polly's life is turned upside down, she is forced to swallow her pride and turn to her family for help. Added into the mix is an old flame for Polly, a new career and mindset for Clare, and a family tragedy. From the first page the reader is drawn into Polly's city life and how she has a high-faluting lifestyle, going out all the time, working all hours and not seeing much of her family apart from Christmas. On the other hand, Clare is still living at home, in the village where she grew up and working as a receptionist at a doctor's surgery with her friend Roxanne. I disliked Polly initially as she seemed too full of herself and it isn't until she moves back home that we begin to see why she is like this. Clare is a brilliant character, trying to juggle single motherhood and a life of her own. Perhaps the big family secret was revealed a bit too early, but overall this was an enjoyable read which left me keen to see what Lucy Diamond will offer next. (KD)

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Surrounded by Water - Stephanie Butland (2014)
When Elizabeth Gray's policeman husband, Michael, drowns rescuing a young woman, Kate, her world comes crashing down around her. While Michael's mother Patricia, Elizabeth's sister Mel, and friends Andy and Blake rally round, Elizabeth is consumed by grief for the loss of the man she loved and questions she will never have the answers to: Why did he go in the water? Did he think about her when he was rescuing the girl? But as more facts come out, Elizabeth faces even tougher questions about her relationship with her husband. Written from various perspectives and interspersed with Elizabeth's posthumous letters to her husband, this is a powerfully delivered novel. The letters really capture Elizabeth's emotions and make the reader acutely feel her grief, loss and anger, whilst the plot intrigues throughout. It's a thought-provoking and moving read. A sensational debut that's not to be missed. (JC)

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Sushi for Beginners - Marian Keyes (2000)
Magazine editor Lisa Edwards is sent to Dublin to launch Colleen magazine. But despite her demotion in the professional world, Irish MD Jack Devine could turn out to be the consolation prize. And then there's her over-anxious, always-prepared deputy, Ashling Kennedy, ready to help her succeed. Will Ashling learn to stand up for herself, particularly to her often devious best friend, Clodagh Kelly, who is trying to get back into the workforce after having two kids.

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Sushi for One? - Camy Tang (2007)
Lex Sakai is about to become the OSFC (Oldest Single Female Cousin) of the family. This makes her a target of her infuriating grandma, who decrees that she will pull funding from the volleyball team Lex coaches unless she brings a boyfriend to the next family wedding. And grandma is quite willing to keep sending men Lex's way until one sticks. As a Christian, Lex is inspired by Ephesians to compile her own list of traits for the perfect man. But the one man she keeps running into, physical therapist Aidan, doesn't seem to fit the requirements on her list. As Lex battles to find another team sponsor, a serious injury brings Aidan into her life even more. A very promising, witty debut from Tang.

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Suzanne Davis Gets a Life - Paula Marantz Cohen (2014)
Suzanne Davis lives in a shoebox of an apartment in New York, writing press releases for an air-conditioning company, avoiding her vastly annoying mother and has the ever-increasing sound of her biological clock ticking. With her 35th birthday approaching, she decides to take matters into her own hands and employ the Jane Austen technique of keeping things small. But rather than focusing on three or four families in a village, she decides to search for her soul mate in her own apartment building. Her search takes us through a number of different social groups, namely the mothers in the local playground, a book club, dog walking group, her work and the ageing Jewish residents in her block. Whilst focusing all of her efforts on getting a life, Suzanne discovers that she has a serious illness, which causes her to re-evaluate her life and what she wants from it. Suzanne's character narrates the story and it is at times witty and always self-deprecating. You get drawn into her desire to meet the right partner and to settle down. I found the constant references to the size of her apartment and that she pays $200 an hour to see her therapist a bit wearing after a while. There were some witty and amusing parts; my favourite was her quest to help the elderly Jewish residents. However, I found that the author launched into descriptive paragraphs and detail which I started to skim over. The reference to her annoying toxic mother for the early stages of the book were not really substantiated in my view, however when Suzanne falls ill, her view of her mother is altered. Overall, there were witty one-liners, but nothing that made me laugh out loud and I never really felt that I truly connected with the character so couldn't sympathise with her as much when she became ill. This was a relatively short novel, less than 200 pages, and I did find myself at times skimming through the descriptive passages. Worth a look but not my cup of tea. (EH)

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Swallow - Tonya Plank (2009)
Sophie Hegel, a timid New York lawyer, has just graduated from Yale Law School and landed her first job. One evening during dinner with her fiance she feels a fist-like ball forming at the base of her throat and she realises she can't swallow. The "fist ball" is a form of the psychological condition Globus Sensate. Having trouble eating, speaking and even breathing, the fist ball is wreaking havoc on her career and relationships. With a very colourful cast of characters including a pornographer, a nude painter, and some charismatic New York lawyers, this book is an interesting read, if you can get through the slow beginning. (AV)

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Sweet Baklava - Debby Mayne (2011)
This takes us into the heart of the Greek community in Tarpon Springs, Florida. They are all preparing for the return of Nick Papadopoulos - who has spent the past two years in the airforce, leaving behind Paula who was smitten for him. Now Paula owns a successful soap and candle business and nearing Christmas, business is looking up and that's the excuse she uses to stop her reuniting with Nick. However the Papadopoulos family have other ideas up their sleeves as they plan ways to rekindle their relationship. Will they succeed in bringing the pair together as it is shown time and time throughout the novel that without each other "their lives are incomplete". A very light-hearted Christian chick lit novel that lays bare hands-on Greek matchmaking efforts. Just don't be expecting too much depth to the story and characters. (PP)

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Sweet Girl – Rachel Hollis (2015)
Max Jennings is a twenty-something who appears to be in a bad mood wherever she goes. Pushing people away and hiding herself from the outside world seem to be her specialty, so there are not many people who actually know the real Max. Ever since she was a little girl baking cakes with her mother in their home, Max has dreamt of becoming a pastry chef and owning her own bakery. So, when well-known chef Avis Phillips offers Max the opportunity to work in her kitchen, Max can’t shout "yes" quick enough. However, it is not easy jumping into the world of pastries and cakes without any professional experience, and soon Max finds herself trying to juggle her dream, her other job, her friends and family who are starting to get worried about her, and this new guy in her life whom she can’t seem to get out of her mind. Sweet Girl is the second part of the The Girls series following Party Girl, but can definitely also be read as a stand-alone. Max is a great but complex character; she has been through a lot which has changed her as a person and how she looks at the world. She’s a diabetic whose passion in life is baking. Max is an incredibly realistic character and together with the other characters such as Landon, Miko and Taylor, she really managed to win me over with her story and I simply couldn’t get enough of it. Rachel Hollis’ writing style is a true joy to read; it’s well-paced, easy to get into, detailed, warm and funny. It’s also clear she did some research to make sure she knew what she was writing about, such as what working as a pastry chef might be like. The book just had everything I look for in a great read: a relatable and easy-to-warm-to group of characters, a fascinating plotline, and a fantastic writing style to get lost in. (JoH)

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Sweet Jiminy - Kristin Gore (2011)
If you like your chick lit with a little mystery and a side of sweet, southern charm, then this is the book for you. In the deep south of Mississippi, Jiminy, a twenty-something law student has just dropped out of school and returns home to Fayeville, where she embarks on a search of self and contemplates her next step. She runs into old friends and makes a few new ones but spends most of her time with her grandma, Willa, and long-time family friend, Lyn Waters, and even develops a little crush on Lyn's nephew, Bo, much to the dismay of most of the people of Fayeville, who still don't approve of interracial mingling. What she didn't plan on stumbling upon is a 40-year-old unsolved crime but when she learns that she wasn't the first "Jiminy" to grace the town, she becomes determined to find out just what did happen to this sweet, little girl and her father, Lyn's only family, who were murdered. The more Jiminy keeps asking questions and fishing around, the more the old prejudices and secrets of Fayeville get stirred up and the old townspeople do not like it. Will the mystery of Fayeville's most infamous murder ever be solved or has Jiminy dug up more than she can handle? Gore is a very talented writer, who hooks readers in on page one. I did feel like the end wrapped up a little too quickly but it was still a satisfying conclusion. This book was a lot shorter than her Sammy series but I think its length was fitting for a mystery. (CH)

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Sweet Little Lies - Lauren Conrad (2010)
Continuing on where LA Candy left off, Jane Roberts, star of the hit reality TV show, finds herself in the middle of a national scandal after a tabloid publishes photos of her in a rather compromising position. Not knowing what to do or where to turn, Jane takes the advice of cast mate Madison and takes off with her to Cabo for some much-needed peace and quiet. But Jane can't run forever and she can't keep ignoring the persistent phone calls of her concerned friends, family and crew members either. Facing reality, Jane heads back to LA to make things right. Roommate and best friend Scarlett can't believe that Jane took off with that two-faced master manipulator, Madison. She tries to explain to Jane that Madison is the one who leaked the photos but Jane won't listen and this causes a rift in their long-time friendship. At this point, Jane doesn't know who she can trust anymore. To further complicate matters, Jane's heartthrob boyfriend Jesse is willing to take her back after she publicly humiliated him by cheating on him with his best friend, Braden. Though Jane loves Jesse (or at least she thinks she does) she really can't deny her feelings for Braden either. As Jane and Jesse's relationship becomes more and more turbulent, Jane has to decide what she really wants. Does she really want the cameras altering her life to fit what works for the show? Or does she want her old life back, when she wasn't America's sweetheart? Showing that Hollywood life isn't always so glamorous, this novel really takes the LA Candy series to another level. Though Jane is extremely naive about everything, it's still a suspenseful and intriguing page-turner. The only question is: Will Jane see the truth before it's too late? You'll have to read on to book No.3, Sugar and Spice, to find out. (AS)

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Sweet Little Lies - Alison Bond (2011)
Cool Chrissie and studious Anna became unlikely friends at high school. Chrissie is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who is largely absent from her life; Anna's father took on a teaching role at the school so his daughter could get a better education. Amid an immense betrayal, the girls fallout and go their separate ways. Anna goes on to be a journalist, while Chrissie pretty much is biding her time waiting for a well-to-do husband. Their friendship is resurrected again but how can a relationship survive under a cloud of lies? This is an interesting story which reveals the thin line between a best friend and a frenemy.

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Sweet Love - Sarah Strohmeyer (2008)
When Julie's mother Betty gives her a gift of dessert technique classes, the last person she expects to see there is her teenage crush Michael. Single mother Julie is now a TV correspondent seeking to make it on to the national election campaign team, and the last time she saw Michael, a political consultant, was six years ago when she did an expose of his candidate. The rekindled romance ignited by Betty - the woman who kept Michael and Julie apart all those years ago - is merely the icing on the cake. The real flavour of this book is its delving into issues such as job ethics, the mother-daughter bond and aging parents. And all the delectable descriptions of the desserts will have you licking your lips. Regarded by many as the author's best to date.

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Sweet Nothings - Janis Thomas (2013)
Ruby McMillan isn't quite sure what is more upsetting: the fact that her husband of 18 years has just declared that he is leaving her or the fact that the souffle she spent the morning slaving over has fallen. At 44 years old, Ruby has never been one to take chances. She has lived by the book, and always made the practical choice, including marrying Walter. Left with an unpaid mortgage, a bakery on the verge of financial ruin and two teenage children to care for, Ruby must step out of her comfort zone in order to make ends meet. Once her daughter gives her a makeover, Ruby gains a new sense of self-confidence, which propels her to start taking chances both with her career and her love life. Soon, Ruby realises that she is capable of more than she ever thought, including experiencing the kind of mad, passionate love she thought existed only in fairy tales. As Ruby learns, sometimes not following the recipe leads to the tastiest treats. Ruby's inner dialogue is very amusing, and I particularly enjoyed the way she used desserts to describe the people in her life. On an editorial note, Walter's new girlfriend Cheryl's name is always italicised, and Ruby's mortgage broker and love interest is referred to by his full name, Jacob Salt, throughout the majority of the novel which I found quite distracting. That being said, this is an enjoyable read that anyone with a sweet tooth will appreciate. (LB)

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Sweet Occasions - Linn B Halton (2014)
Katie and Adam are two strangers who meet each other on a rainy day. Katie has her own bakery shop, Sweet Occasions, and while she is closing up one day a handsome but soaking wet customer comes into the shop. His name is Adam and he got caught out with a flat tyre while on his way to visit his grandmother. Katie decides to help him out, which is a turning point in both of their lives and for the next two years they continue to bump into each other... Could this be fate or is there no such thing? Sweet Occasions is what the title already suggests: a sweet read. Katie is a lovely heroine and the book is filled with several other interesting and wonderful characters, such as handsome Adam, his cute daughter Lily and his charming grandmother Grace. The story is told from several perspectives and I really enjoyed being able to see things from both Adam's and Katie's point of view. Before picking up this book, I had read some reviews of Linn B. Halton's other works and she tends to add a touch of the spiritual to her stories. This counts for this book as well, but in a subtle and realistic way that fits the chick lit genre. The idea of fate and perfect timing plays an important role in the novel and I loved the plotline and how the story was set up. It was an enjoyable, sweet and feel-good novel with a lovely mix of characters at its core. (JoH)

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Sweet Temptation - Lucy Diamond (2010)
Maddie works for a radio station where the new bitchy DJ, Collette, likes to put her down - even discussing her weight problem on air. Beauty therapist Jess' overbearing fiance, Charlie, keeps postponing their wedding and her new manager has it in for her. And LoveHearts dating agency owner Lauren is feeling far from romantic after her marriage ended within six months. The three women all become diet buddies at the local Fatbusters group. As they shed the pounds, they also begin shedding whatever has been holding them back. This is a sweet, funny story about three women inspired to make some changes. Just right if you're looking to order a light read off the menu. Just make sure you read it while riding an exercise bike!

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Sweet Valley Confidential - Francine Pascal (2011)
Those Sweet Valley High twins Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield are back after a 10-year hiatus and suddenly the girls, who were always inseparable, are living on different coasts and not speaking to each other. Things are not so idyllic for the Wakefield twins and their friends from Sweet Valley High. Jessica committed the ultimate betrayal, which led Elizabeth to dash off to New York and cut off all communications with her sister. The once sweet and caring twin, Elizabeth now wants nothing more than to get revenge on Jessica, but what is the best way to go about punishing someone who ruined her life? On the other coast, Jessica is the talk of the town for what she did to her sister and she's not happy about it. Though she is doing well at work, she can't shake the need to be near her sister. However, that doesn't seem possible as Elizabeth is not even answering her phone. Will these two finally put their differences behind them and get on with life or is the rift between them too big to ever mend? Told through flashbacks of years gone by and also through current events, readers will either love the story or hate it. At points, the flashbacks were a little annoying, but overall the story is well told and gives a good glimpse of what happened to the famed twins over the past decade. (AS)

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Swept Off Her Feet - Hester Browne (2011)
Evie loves everything about the past. She works as an antiques dealer which allows her to imagine a story behind each piece she comes across. When the opportunity comes along to go to a Scottish castle for a week and appraise the contents of the house, she cannot wait to get there and immerse herself in its history. The castle's owners are preparing for the annual Scottish reeling ball when she arrives. Evie is immediately caught up in the stories about the owners' ancestors and the history of the house. While Evie cannot get enough of the house, the heir, Robert, has heard more than enough about it. Robert sees the house as a money pit that may bankrupt his family. Evie may find his attitude disheartening but can't keep herself away from him. Robert finds Evie's exuberance for the castle exasperating. He's under enough pressure to propose to his girlfriend without Evie trying to convince him how lucky he is to have the castle. Her sister is supposed to attend the ball with her boyfriend but when she cancels at the last minute, Evie has to take her place. Evie will get to live out her life-long dream of attending a ball in a real castle if she can learn to reel which is proving very difficult. All she needs to do now is find someone to fill her dance card. Evie is a very likeable main character who you find yourself rooting for. The reeling lessons are very funny and add to the old-time feel of the book. The chemistry between Evie and Robert is fantastic and makes this a wonderfully romantic story that combines the past with the very real problems of today. (AR)

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Swimming Pool Summer - Rebecca Farnworth (2013)
Three long-time friends - Frankie, Leila and Tor - are off to stay at a villa on a Greek island but they are lugging a lot more baggage than the bags they put on the airport carousel. Frankie is secretly in love with smooth-talking journalist Patrick and can't wait to see him again. Tor finds out she's pregnant just before the trip. But with her partner, Ed, being so much younger, she wonders if she should be tying him down. And Leila, the hostess, is hoping to have some downtime and revive the intimacy in her marriage to Tom. And she prays no one finds out that she has had a regrettable fling. With a few unexpected guests turning up and secrets being revealed, it's not going to be all fun in the sun. With characters you'll empathise with and a gorgeous setting, this is definitely one to toss in your holiday bag.

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Swimming Pool Sunday - Madeleine Wickham (1997)
It is the annual pool party at the Delaneys, where Hugh and Ursula invite the village along to raise money for charity. Louise's young daughters Amelia and Katie were going fishing with their father Barnaby but end up changing their minds. Louise is happy to see her daughters but could do without her estranged husband watching her with her new boyfriend, lawyer Cassian. When Katie is hurt in a diving accident, the village is split as recriminations turn into a legal stoush.

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Swimming Upstream Slowly - Melissa Clark (2006)
Sarah Salter is on the fast track to success, as executive producer of a hit children's TV show. She's even being profiled as one of LA's '20 Under 30s - Ones to Watch'. But during a routine pap smear, Sarah is astounded to discover she's pregnant - she hasn't had sex for more than two years! A specialist reveals that she's experienced a medical anomaly and unwittingly hosted a lazy sperm that has taken its time to reach her egg. Now Sarah has to track down her past lovers to test which one is the father. And a reporter may well be on the trail of medicine's quirkiest story of the year.

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Swimming with Dolphins - Deborah Wright (2010)
Julia Rothwell has just lost her high-paying job as a hedge fund manager. Instead of moping around, Julia's best friend, Reece, encourages her to write a list of 10 things she wants to do in her life. Before Julia can even finish the list, she finds herself embarking on the trip of a lifetime. Her first destination is Venice where she hopes to find a gorgeous Italian man but instead she finds Luke, a carefree, fun-loving guy who teaches her many lessons about love and life. From there she travels on to complete her other tasks which include going to Vegas and of course swimming with dolphins. Throughout the trip Julia is joined by Reece and her boyfriend, Ciaran, at times. However, Reece is annoying and seems as though she is crashing in on what should be Julia's trip. This is an excellent story about finding yourself and what you really want when life hasn't been too kind to you. The ending is especially spectacular and brings the whole story together, with Julia finding everything she has ever wanted is right in front of her. Overall, it's a sweet story that shouldn't be missed. (AS)

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Swinging on A Star - Janice Thompson (2010)
This sequel begins three months later: Bella Rossi has taken over her parents' wedding business Club Wed and is organising the wedding of the year with a Renaissance theme. As the couple's parents plan to go all out and install a castle complete with a moat, Bella discovers the best man (or in this case "the First Knight") is Hollywood's heart-throb Brock Benson. Her mission is to hide him from the paparazzi - and with Brock staying in her spare room, he's showing a more-than-friends interest in her. But Bella, of course, is already taken by her southern cowboy, DJ Neeley. Meanwhile Bella's Aunt Rosa is chosen to star on her favourite TV show The Food Network, which happens to be shooting at the same time as the wedding. This humorous and romantic story may well encourage you to go for a Renaissance-themed wedding yourself! (PP)

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Switchcraft - Lowri Turner (2004)
Emma and Gill may be identical twins but their lives are very different. Emma works in the fashion industry, is married to Max and has a teenage step-daughter. Gill works in a pub, shares with flatmates and doesn't even have a boyfriend. Fed up with their own lives, they decide to swap.

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Synchronized Breathing - Tara Ellison (2013)
After a failed marriage, Scarlett decides to move in with her mom at the age of thirty-five, which is not "old" at all, unless you have a mom like CeCe. Scarlett is trying to navigate her way back into the real world and her mom's choices may not be the best ones for her, since it has not really worked for her mom so far .... I can't help but feel some, sad to say, pity for Scarlett having to deal with her mom, who doesn't seem to be operating with all her pistons, shall we say?? Scarlett has to, in spite of that, find a way to make a life for her and her young son, Oliver. This story is so funny and more of us, than we would like to admit, could relate to Scarlett's story of finding the happiness they hope that's out there waiting for them, in spite of the past they are trying to forget. It was a great read for sure! (KARM)

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Titles S
- Sad Desk Salad
- Safe and Sound
- Safe Haven
- Salaam, Paris
- Salem Falls
- Salting Roses
- Saints v Sinners
- Samantha Smythe's
Modern Family Journal - Sammi Ever After
- Sammy's Hill
- Sammy's House
- Santa Baby
- Sapphire
- Sari & Sins
- Save as Draft
- Save Karyn
- Save The Date - Jenny B. Jones
- Save The Date - Allie Spencer
- Saving Grace - Ciara Geraghty
- Saving Grace - Jane Green
- Saving Saffron Sweeting
- Savour The Moment
- Scandalous by Martel Maxwell
- Scandalous Housewives
- Scared Scriptless
- Scarlet Nights
- Schooled
- School of Fortune
- Scot on the Rocks
- Screen Play
- Searching For Spice
- Searching for Tina Turner
- Searching for Tina Turner
- Search Me
- Second Chance
- Second Chances - Martina Reilly
- Second Chances - Charity Norman
- Second Time Around - Beth Kendrick
- Second Time Around - Erin Kaye
- Second Time Lucky
- Secret Celebrity
- Secret Confessions of
the Applewood PTA - Secret Diary of a Demented Housewife
- Secret Society Girl
- Secrets
- Secrets & Lies
- Secrets & Sins
- Secrets of the
Hollywood Girls Club - Secrets She Left Behind
- Seduction
- Seeing Me Naked
- See Jane Date
- See Jane Score
- Semi-Charmed Life
- Send Me a Lover
- Sense and Sensibility
- Separate Beds
- Separate Lives
- Serendipity
- Serve Cool
- Set Up in Soho
- Seven Days One Summer
- Seven Days to Tell You
- Seven Deadlies
- Seven Exes Are Eight Too Many
- Seven Up
- Seven Year Switch
- 7 Years Bad Sex
- Sex as a Second
Language - Sex, Lies, and Bonsai
- Sex, Lies, and Online Dating
- Sex, Murder and a Double Latte
- Shall We Dance?
- Shelf Life
- She's Gone Country
- She's Got Issues
- She's Having Her Baby
- She Sins at Midnight
- She Tells All
- She Went All the Way
- Shoe Addicts Anonymous
- Shopaholic Abroad
- Shopaholic & Baby
- Shopaholic & Sister
- Shopaholic Ties the Knot
- Shopaholic to the Stars
- Shopping With The Enemy
- Short Change
- Short Girls
- Should I Stay or Should I Go?
- Sight Reading
- Silver Girl
- Simply From Scratch
- Simply Irresistible
- Since I Don't
Have You - Since You've Been Gone
- Sinful Deceptions
- Single in the City
- Single White E-mail
- Singletini
- Sing You Home
- Sin Tropez
- Sisterhood Everlasting
- Sisteria
- Sister Pact
- Sisters in Law
- Sisters of Spicefield
- 666 Park Avenue
- Size Eight in a Size Zero World
- Size 12 Is Not Fat
- Size 14 Is Not Fat Either
- Skeletons
- Skipping a Beat
- Skinny
- Skinny Bitch In Love
- Skinnydipping
- Slacker Girl
- Sleeping Over
- Sleeping Arrangements
- Sleeping Around
- Sleeping Partners
- Sleeping with Schubert
- Sleeping with Ward Cleaver
- Sleepless Nights
- Sleigh Belles
- Slightly Engaged
- Slightly Settled
- Slightly Single
- Slim Chance
- Smart Casual
- Smart vs. Pretty
- Smokin' Seventeen
- Snap Happy
- Snapped
- Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake
- Social Lives
- So Damn Lucky
- So 5 Minutes Ago
- Softly and Tenderly
- Soldiers' Wives
- Solo
- Somebody to Love
- Someday My Prince
Will Come - Someday, Someday, Maybe
- Some Girls Do
- Some Like It Haute
- Some Like It Hot
- Some Nerve
- Someone Else's Wedding
- Someone Special
- Something about You
- Something Blue
- Something Borrowed
- Emily Giffin - Something Borrowed
- Tina Reilly - Something from Tiffany's
- Something I'm Not
- Something in Common
- Something You Should Know
- Somewhere Only We Know
- So Much For My Happy Ending
- So What If I'm Broken
- Soup in the City
- Southern Charm
- Spare Brides
- Sparkles
- Spa Wars
- Speak Now
- Special Delivery
- Speed Shrinking
- Spin
- Spinning Around
- Spinning Out
- Splinters of Light
- Spotlight
- Spying in High Heels
- Stand By Me
- Star Attraction
- Star Struck - Anne-Marie O'Connor
- Star Struck - Jane Lovering
- Starting from Square Two
- Starting Over
- Stay
- Stay Tuned
- Staying at Daisy's
- Stella Makes Good
- Step Back In Time
- Stick or Twist
- Stiletto Safari
- Still Alice
- Stop the Clock
- Straight Talking
- Straight Up
- Stranded
- Strange Bedfellows
- Strangely, Incredibly Good
- Strawberry Wine
- Strawberry Shortcake Murder
- Strictly Love
- Stuck in the Middle
- Such a Pretty Fat
- Suddenly One Summer
- Suddenly Royal
- Sugar and Spice
- Summer and the City
- Summer Blowout
- Summer Daydreams
- Summer Island
- Summer at the Lake
- Summerland
- Summer Loving
- Summer Nights
- Summer of Love
- Summer Rental
- Summer Secrets
- Summer With My Sister
- Surrounded by Water
- Sushi for Beginners
- Sushi for One?
- Suzanne Davis Gets a Life
- Swallow
- Sweet Baklava
- Sweet Girl
- Sweet Jiminy
- Sweet Little Lies - Lauren Conrad
- Sweet Little Lies - Alison Bond
- Sweet Love
- Sweet Nothings
- Sweet Occasions
- Sweet Temptation
- Sweet Valley Confidential
- Swept Off Her Feet
- Swimming Pool Summer
- Swimming Pool Sunday
- Swimming Upstream Slowly
- Swimming with Dolphins
- Swinging on A Star
- Switchcraft
- Synchronized Breathing