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Sight Reading (2013)
Hazel has moved on with her life. She's managed to pick herself up, shed the grief she once wore like a cloak, and has forgiven those who've hurt her. But forgiveness doesn't mean she isn't shocked when she seems Remy again: the woman her first husband, Nicholas, left her for over twenty years ago. Flash back to 1987, and we meet Nicholas, a talented young composer, who has arrived in Boston to work with a symphony orchestra. With a budding international career, he travels a lot and often leaves Hazel to pack up their lives, and chase after him. While in Boston, he meets Remy: a gifted violinist who is nothing like his wife. They eventually become friends, and find a soul mate in one another. Hazel is devastated that her husband, the man she thought was the love of her life, has left her, and wonders how she'll ever be happy again. This complex love triangle was written in such a way that I felt empathy for each character, even if I didn't agree with what they were doing. I sometimes became bored though, especially while reading Nicholas' chapters. Some of the plot twists also didn't seem necessary (the whole affair with Yoni comes to mind), but just added bulk to the story. Details about Nicholas' past and Yoni's complicated feelings for Remy and Nicholas were never fully explained either, which is frustrating for me as a reader. Overall, I enjoyed this book, and could hear classical music playing in my head while I read it. (CK)

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