TOP 10
Here comes the bride, all tense inside. Will she make it down the aisle? Getting married is one of life's rites of passage. In chick lit, you just never know if the girl is marrying the right guy, if she's going to turn into Bridezilla or if meddling relatives will ruin the day. Here's your invitation to the best bride lit books . . . no RSVP required.

1. Celebutantes - Ruthanna Hopper & Amanda Goldberg
2. Unpredictable - Eileen Cook
3. The Glamorous (Double) Life of Isabel Bookbinder
- Holly McQueen -
4. Fat Chance - Lyndsay Russell
5. Clicking Her Heels - Lucy Hepburn
6. His Other Lover - Lucy Dawson
7. Bridesmaids - Jane Costello
8. Face Value - Kathleen Baird-Murray
9. Schooled - Anisha Lakhani
10. The Ten Best Days of My Life - Adena Halpern