Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes - Lauren Baratz-Logsted (2012)
What happens when you find your boss murdered one fine day? While for many of us, a dead boss might be a Godsend reply to our unanswered prayers, for Minnie it spells something quite opposite!! Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes kick-starts with a particular "Black Friday" night when our protagonist Minette Monroe's boss Colin is knifed to death. Minnie is the unfortunate one to discover his body. The plot then moves back into the past to chronicle the day's events when Colin encounters a threat from almost everyone. Starting from his ex-wife to his present one, his former business partner, his own employee and his daughter, Colin manages to piss off each and every person on the day he is killed - giving them all a motive to murder him. Adding to the hotness quotient of the murder mystery is the smart and smoking' hot young police officer Michael "Mickey" Maus who assists Minnie on the killer hunt. When you sit down with one of Lauren's book, you know, without any doubt, that it is going to be a side-splitter. When I started reading this one, I thought that as a murder mystery it might be a bit somber but as it proceeded I realised that Lauren has once again delivered the laughs that are her trademark. The only thing that may hamper your read is that this novel has a lot of characters that you need to keep track of since each is a suspect. (PD)