The Book of Ordinary People, by Claire Varley, is about a group of people who are about to have their lives changed. The summary says: "A grieving daughter navigates the morning commute, her mind bursting with memories pleading to be shared.
A man made entirely of well-cut suits and strictly enforced rules swims his regular morning laps and fantasises about his self-assured promotion.
A young lawyer sits in a fluorescent-lit office, typing indecipherable jargon and dreaming of everything she didn't become.
A failed news hack hides under the covers from another looming deadline, and from a past that will not relent its pursuit.
And a young woman seeking asylum sits tensely on an unmoving train, praying that good news waits at the other end of the line ...
In this charming, moving and affectionate novel, Claire Varley paints a magical portrait of five ordinary people, and the sometimes heartbreaking power of the stories we make of ourselves." The Book of Ordinary People is out in July 2018.