September 2010

Maria Geraci was born in Havana, Cuba, and raised on Florida’s Space Coast. She lives with her husband and children in north Florida where she works part time as a labour and delivery nurse by night and writes romance full time during the day (sleep is not an option). Her third novel The Boyfriend of the Month Club is out in December. Visit her website at (Interview by Annmarie Ottman)
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1. Tell us about your latest book The Boyfriend of the Month Club.
It’s a story about a woman who’s tired of dating losers and decides to empower herself by turning her dwindling book club into a boyfriend club, where the members come together and “critique” the men they’ve dated, comparing them to classic literary heroes and villains. It’s fun, romantic women’s fiction and makes a perfect beach read anytime of the year.
2. Which literary hero do you think would make a great boyfriend?
I’ve always loved Laurie from Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. I’m a big believer that friendship is the ultimate anchor for a romantic relationship. Plus, Christian Bale plays Laurie in the movie version of Little Women and I have a huge crush on him.
3. Why will readers relate to Grace?
Grace is spunky but she’s also vulnerable. She’s loyal and quirky. She thinks with her heart when she should be thinking with her head, and vice versa. Who doesn’t make mistakes in their relationships?
4. What inspired you to write your Bunco Babes series?
Women know the power of female relationships. Our friends, sisters, mothers … those women make a huge impact on our lives and I wanted to write a book that celebrated that. I’ve played Bunco for years and it seemed like the perfect backdrop for a novel.
5. Any chance of any more novels about the women in Whispering Bay?
Right now, there are no current plans for any more Bunco Babes books. But hey, to quote Grace from The Boyfriend of the Month Club, “never say never!”
6. You work part time as a labour and delivery nurse. Have you ever seen a woman in the midst of labour and her relationship or situation makes you think that her story would make a great novel?
Oh my God, yes. I have dozens of those stories in my head. There’s one in particular that keeps popping back up and I think, “I have to write that!” But then another idea comes along and it doesn’t seem like something I can work into a story. But maybe someday.
7. What are you working on now?
I’m working on a story about a woman who breaks up with her fiance then donates her engagement ring to her home town’s scavenger hunt to help save the town from financial ruin. It’s inspired by the Race for the Rock, which is a real live event that’s been done by several towns. Most of the time, the event is done to help boost local tourism, but sometimes it’s done to raise money for charity. There’s lots of quirky characters and of course, a romance.
8. Do you think being Cuban gives your writing a particular flavour?
Definitely. Who we are, our beliefs, the way we think - all that seeps into our stories. I was born in Cuba, and raised in central Florida. All my novels are set in Florida with themes that are important to me. Love, friendship, family. It all finds its way in there. As does the occasional recipe for flan!
9. How did your first book deal come about?
I was fortunate enough to land a terrific agent, Deidre Knight, of The Knight Agency, which is based outside of Atlanta. I pitched my idea for my Bunco Babes novel to her and she told me to write it and she’d sell it. And she did! Of course, it all didn’t happen over night, but relatively speaking, it was pretty fast.
10. How long does it take you to write a novel?
About six months. But then there’s editing involved. I like some time between drafts to let the whole thing marinate. Ideally, I’d like to have a year to produce a finished novel.
11. Who are your favourite authors?
Sophie Kinsella, Jennifer Crusie, Emily Giffin, Mary Kay Andrews, Madeline Hunter. They’re all automatic buys for me.
12. Which book do you wish you had written?
That’s such a hard question! The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, is a wonderfully written book set in the south during the civil rights movement and I totally ate it up. But although it’s a fabulous read, it’s not the kind of book I write. So I guess the book I wish I’d written is still floating around in my head because I can only write what’s inside me.
13. What do you need to start a real Bunco group?
All you really need are 12 fun women. Or a mix of 12 fun and not-so-fun women. The not-so-fun ones will turn fun once you start playing Bunco. I promise.
14. The Bunco Babes of Whispering Bay love their cocktails. What is the perfect signature Bunco drink?
Margaritas. Or wine, or martinis, or cosmos ... You get the drift. You really can’t go wrong when you have Bunco in the mix!