Authors - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A Girl Like You (2012)
Emma is a journalist for a Florida lifestyle magazine. She loves her job and really likes her new boss Ben. They have a great working relationship and she thinks there may be something more there as well. When Ben asks for suggestions for an upcoming issue, Emma promises an interview with Nascar's hottest star who she went to high school with. Even though she was never really friends with driver Trip Monroe and hasn't seen him since school, she is determined to get the interview and impress Ben. But she is having a harder time than she thought getting the interview and heads back to her small town to try and reach Trip through his family. Emma stumbles upon a few secrets while she's back home along with a possible new love interest who is nothing like Ben. Emma thinks that she knows everything about the people she works with, her parents and her friends but she comes to realise she doesn't really know anything. She thinks Ben is the man of her dreams based on what little she really knows about him. There's a possibility she may find the man of her dreams where she least expects to. This is a fun story about a woman who thinks she knows exactly what she wants and ends up with the complete opposite. (AR)

The Boyfriend of the Month Club (2010)
Thirty-year-old Grace O'Bryan works at her parents' tourist shop in Daytona Beach. She has waited two months for Daytona's most eligible bachelor, Brandon Farrell, to ask her out. When he finally does, the date is a disaster and ends with Grace knocking over a pitcher of beer into Brandon's lap. Frustrated by her date, Grace and her girlfriends transform their boring book club into a boyfriend of the month club, where women come and review the men of Daytona Beach. Just as the boyfriend club takes off in popularity, Grace finds herself in the unfamiliar position of being pursued by two successful men. Brandon, her former date from hell, turns out to be a very nice guy who wants a second chance. And a fluke incident, that results in Grace having a chipped front tooth, lands her in the chair of sexy dentist Joe Rosenblum. Joe is perfect but Grace wonders if something is missing from their relationship. This is a hysterical novel about a woman trying to find the perfect man. Grace's close-knit family and friends serve as great secondary characters that add so much humour and love to this novel. (AO)

Bunco Babes Tell All (2009)
Every Thursday night, a group of women in Whispering Bay, Florida, get together to play Bunco. Kitty Burke is the only single woman in the group. Things start to heat up when Steve, the mysterious nephew of a family friend, arrives in the small Florida town. Kitty's best friends, Shea and Pilar, disapprove of Steve. He's been married three times, his career appears to be non-existent and he is definitely not Kitty's type. However, Kitty cannot deny the chemistry between her and Steve. As things heat up, Kitty learns that Steve is hiding a shocking secret. This is a hysterically funny novel about friendship, love and the gossip that surfaces at the Bunco table. (AO)

Bunco Babes Gone Wild (2009)
In the sequel to Bunco Babes Tell All, Georgia Meyer is devastated when her long-term boyfriend, Spencer, gives her a calculator instead of an engagement ring for their five-year anniversary. She escapes to her sister's house in Florida to re-evaluate her relationship. Her sister and her outrageous friends make up the bunco babes of their small beach town. In the midst of rolling dice and drinking margaritas, Georgia meets Dave Hernandez. Just as things with Dave heat up, Spencer comes crawling back to her. This is the perfect steamy beach read full of fun characters. (AO)