March 2008

Lucy Dawson has been a journalist and magazine editor and her debut novel His Other Lover is out this month. She lives in Kent, England.
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What inspired you to write His Other Lover?
I read a newspaper article about infidelity which highlighted the different ways in which women deal with finding out their partner is a cheat. Apparently, Italian women blame the man, French women blame the other woman and British women blame themselves . . . it all started from there.
Why will Mia appeal to readers?
Mia is a very normal girl who is at heart a gentle soul just wanting to hang on to the life she's built with her much-loved boyfriend. When another woman arrives on the scene, she begins to tread a thin line between a natural curiosity and irrational behaviour. She goes places for real that most people would only ever go in their minds.
What's the craziest thing you've heard someone has done after finding out their partner is cheating?
Stayed with the cheat in question.
Did studying psychology help you create the characters?
I'd love to say yes but sadly my degree was less social psychology and more statistical analysis and models of language - I didn't read the prospectus properly.
Did you always intend to leave the ending ambiguous?
I'd hate to give away the story by going into detail, but for me, it felt like a satisfying end to Mia, Pete and Liz's tale.
In a movie version of His Other Lover, which actors would you see as perfect for the key roles?
I think Kelly MacDonald is brilliant . . . but I'm sure there are lots of actresses out there who would do the job very well!
How did you get into writing?
I had an English teacher in secondary school who really encouraged me in class. When I got to university I started on the student paper which was a lot of fun and it was then I thought I'd try my luck at making a career out of it.
How did your book deal come about?
I have a really good agent who was passionate about selling my material to a publisher who was equally very enthusiastic. I'm very lucky.
Who are your favourite authors?
Among many; David Mitchell, Zoe Heller, Jonathon Tropper, Andrew Clover, Jilly Cooper and James Herriot.
What are you reading now?
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson.
Do you have another book in the pipeline?
Yes I do - I'm about two-thirds through the first draft.
What do you do to escape writing?
Writing pretty much IS my escape. I've always loved storytelling and I can't believe I'm now lucky enough to do it for a living.