June 2014

Kelly Rimmer is the author of Me Without You and Suspending Reality. She lives in rural Australia with husband Daniel and two children. (Interview by Jade Craddock)
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1. Tell us about Me Without You and where the inspiration for it came from?
Me Without You is the story of Lilah MacDonald and Callum Roberts, who begin a relationship after a chance meeting on a ferry. It’s a story about daring to love and be loved, and how that can both break your heart and transform your life. I was literally on a ferry when I had the first idea that lead to this book! I saw a lady in a suit - without shoes - and a man tried to pick her up. She was quite dismissive and it was actually rather awkward, but it got me thinking ... why was she barefoot ... what if it wasn’t like that ... what if they had hit it off…? I’d had a few key ideas that I wanted to explore, and the opening scene became the vehicle for that broader story.
2. What were the challenges in writing this book?
I’d say the biggest challenge, other than the inevitable difficulty in finding enough time to write, was convincing myself to really dig deep. At one point, my editor sent me some notes with the comment ‘be brave!’ on the page. There’s an infinite number of ways to express an idea - I had to constantly remind myself not to pick the safest way.
3. What are you most proud of with this book?
I wanted to write something that moved and inspired people, and I think (hope) that’s what Me Without You will do.
4. What do you hope readers take from the book?
Life is a really fragile thing, and you have to make the most of now - because it’s really the only guarantee you have.
5. How did you feel when you’d finished writing Me Without You?
Oh, so many things - but the loudest emotion was definitely relief!
6. Your book has been compared to One Day, Me Before You and The Notebook, how do you feel about such comparisons?
They are overwhelming comparisons - it’s beyond humbling that anyone would compare something I have written with such well-loved books.
7. Has writing this book taught you anything about yourself?
Writing is like therapy for me - so I probably learned something on every page of the book - but overall the biggest lesson has been how many people are behind me. My friends, family, colleagues etc have been overwhelmingly supportive, it didn’t occur to me for a minute that people would be so excited and enthusiastic about my writing!
8. How did you feel about letting your book go?
It’s nerve-wracking, because of course you want people to ‘like’ it, and naturally not everyone will. It’s also just thrilling, because I’ve been dreaming of this since I was tiny.
9. What writing ambitions do you have for the future?
I’m working on a new book which I’m really excited about. Long term, I just want to write fiction which speaks to people’s hearts.
10. Who is your favourite women’s fiction author and what is it that speaks to you as a reader?
I have a list of author-heroes longer than my arm!! I love fellow Bookouture author Renita D’Silva’s books, because no one sets a scene like Renita - talk about transporting a reader! I am a Talli Roland fan-girl too, her books are always just so much fun and easy to escape into. But the turning point in my approach to writing came when I read my first Jodi Piccoult book, it was actually My Sister’s Keeper. That book was an absolute revelation to me - it was the first time I’d really read something that was so easy to read, but that tackled monolithic subject matter! That book created the aha! moment that changed my approach to writing, so I am a particular fan of hers!
11. When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how did you go about making that dream come true?
I was the toddler who desperately wanted to read, the kid in the kindergarten who cried when they made us put the storybooks away, then a bookworm as soon as I could put words together for myself. It’s amazing how many photos from my childhood feature me carrying a book !!! As for making the dream come true, I just started writing stories and never stopped, they just got longer as I grew up. Some people sew or paint or love cars or play games ... the only hobby I’ve ever really loved was writing. As for making the dream come true, it was a series of baby steps over the last few years that lead me to Bookouture. I self-published a novel in 2012. I survived that experience but decided it was not for me, and started researching publishers. I’ve been so, so lucky to find such a brilliant and supportive publishing ‘home’ in Bookouture.
12. What characteristics do you need to have to succeed as an author?
At the end of the day, I think it all boils down to a love of storytelling. Just about everything else can be developed, but you really have to love it, because writing is a very long process and there are inevitable knocks along the way.
13. How has the publishing experience been for you?
I honestly don’t think I could have found a better publisher - Bookouture has been 100% behind me from the first contact I had with them. It was a dream come true to have the support I’ve had throughout the entire process, and the book is a million times better than it ever would have been without them. Not to mention, they are publishing such wonderful books - it’s an honour to stand alongside their other authors.
14. Are there any more books in the pipeline?
There’s another book in the works - no release date as yet, but readers who are interested can sign up for my new release mailing list at