January 2008

Jerramy Fine fell for the Queen's oldest grandson, Peter Phillips, when she was a child and followed her heart from America to London to meet and marry him. Her memoir Someday My Prince Will Come was released earlier this month. Fine lost her chance at an earlier book deal for a novel based on her time at Guinness World Records when the company threatened legal action.
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Tell us about why you decided to write the memoir Someday My Prince Will Come.
I've always enjoyed writing and I knew that my story was a unique and funny one - with a theme that lots of girls could relate to. There's lots of negativity and skepticism in the world these days - so most of all, I wanted my book to convey the importance of listening to your heart, holding tight to your childhood dream and believing in the impossible - no matter what those grumpy cynics out in the real world may tell you!
Did you ever worry about sharing the details of your life with a wider audience?
Although I have been known to shield my farm town/ hippie background in certain circumstances, for the most part, I've always been very open about things. I guess sharing my life story with the entire world can seem scary if I think about it long enough, but it's already on the shelves so it's too late for me to worry! Still, if even a handful of girls are inspired by my story and motivated to pursue their own dreams - putting my life out there for all to see has been worth it.
What did your parents and friends think of the book?
My friends love the book and are already begging for a sequel. As for my parents, they seem to like it too. My mom said I used the word 'hippie' so many times it makes it sound like I have a poor vocabulary, and then suggested I use 'Aquarian' or 'naturalist' as alternatives. Meanwhile, my dad told me he was happy that his cannabis ministry was getting some PR.
When did you decide to become a writer?
To be honest, it was never one of my major goals. (I was going to be a princess, remember?) But everyone around me constantly told me I should write a book, and when a friend of mine who had recently become a literary agent told me the same thing, I decided to give it a try.
How did you get over the disappointment when your first book was dropped after a legal row with your then employer at Guinness World Records?
This one was on the toughest, most heartbreaking ordeals I have ever lived through. However, life goes on. And when you pick yourself up after something as challenging as that was, you genuinely arise with new power. For a while I was sure I would never write again, but a little voice in my heart told me to put the past behind me and give it another shot. I've never been one to ignore those voices and suddenly I realised that not only did I have the strength to write again, but I had something else to write! I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and perhaps Someday My Prince Will Come was meant to be my first book all along.
Have you met others who have had a similar longing to be a princess?
I think women of all ages long to be princesses! And there are certainly quite a few who dream of marrying a prince. My agent used to write love letters to Prince Edward and my editor used to have a crush on Prince Albert (of Monaco) - so that's two right there! I've also had lots of people on MySpace write to tell me about their secret royal crushes - so I think the phenomenon is more widespread than people realise!
What message do you hope readers will take from your book?
That once you make a decision about something, the entire universe will conspire to help you achieve it. That each of us has the power within us to move beyond our circumstances to something greater. That fairytales are real. That anything is possible if we believe it. And that your childhood dream is the most honest dream you'll ever have - you should honor it, do your best to indulge it and never let anyone make fun of it.
What advice do you have for girls aspiring to fit into an aristocratic circle?
Always be polite, but getting your foot in the door is not easy so be prepared to punch your way in! Once you're there, be sure to dress appropriately, to smile demurely and to say as a little as possible. (And don't forget to memorize Debrett's!) But above all, have confidence and believe in yourself. If you carry yourself with the grace and dignity of a princess, you have every right to move in regal circles. (Watch the ball scene in My Fair Lady for more details.)
With Peter Phillips getting married in May (to Canadian Autumn Kelly), what do you think you'll be doing on the royal wedding day?
I'm not sure yet. Finding out that Peter was getting married was like finding out that an ex-boyfriend was getting married. Except that Peter was my imaginary ex-boyfriend!
10. What do you think of the other British royalty - Posh and Becks - and their arrival in America?
I don't consider Posh and Becks to be royalty in the slightest. And I find it disturbing that Posh never smiles.
Do you have any more books in the pipeline?
I'm hoping to write a guide for Americans living in London - dating etiquette, table manners, which neighborhood to live in, etc.
What are your plans for 2008 and beyond?
I will keep promoting Someday My Prince Will Come, attempt to write my second book, and continue to take temping contracts in order to pay the bills!
Who are your favourite authors and what are you reading now?
I love absolutely everything by Evelyn Waugh, Oscar Wilde, Truman Capote, Edith Warton and Nancy Mitford. Right now I'm simultaneously reading The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud, Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos.
And if you ever have a son, which name are you going with - Peter or Phillip?
Probably neither. Thought I haven't ruled out the names Hugh or Grant.