Fast Forward - Juliet Madison (2013)
Kelli is a gorgeous supermodel. It's her twenty-fifth birthday and today she should be celebrating her birthday with her smoking hot boyfriend and amazing best friend. But instead she has woken up as a fifty-year-old with rolls of fat, a husband who is looking forward to kinky sex, and children, one gay, the other pregnant. Kelli has no idea how and why her life has taken such a big leap and desperately wants her old life back. This is a super funny and fabulous debut by Juliet Madison. I totally loved Kelli. She is sweet, caring and a bit crazy. I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes. (SS)

Fast Forward, by Juliet Madison, sees a woman end up in a life where she is double her age. The summary says: "Aspiring supermodel Kelli Crawford seems destined to marry her hotshot boyfriend, but on her twenty-fifth birthday she wakes in the future as a fifty-year-old suburban housewife married to the now middle-aged high school nerd. Trapped in the opposite life of the one she wanted, Kelli is forced to re-evaluate her life and discover what is really important to her. Will she overcome the hilarious and heartbreaking challenges presented to her and get back to the body of her younger self? Or will she be stuck in the nightmare of hot flushes, demanding children, raunchy advances from her husband and hideous support underwear forever?"