And Then It Happened - Linda Green (2011)

Mel lives with her childhood sweetheart Adam and daughter Maya. As their 10th wedding anniversary approaches, she thinks it is only a matter of time before the bubble has to burst. Life just can't stay this good forever! At then it happened. Adam sustains a serious brain injury at work and is left in a coma - a coma he may never emerge from. The story was partly inspired by a newspaper report Green wrote about a woman caring for her comatose husband which ensures it is a very authentic read. Touching and thought-provoking, this is undoubtedly one of the year's best books.

Linda Green's latest novel And Then It Happened is about a woman who can't believe her good fortune will hold. The summary says: "Mel Taylor found her Mr Right at age 13. Twenty years on they remain blissfully in love. Everything is perfect - she has the man she loves, a gorgeous daughter, a great job and a dream home. But Mel's happiness is overshadowed by a niggling feeling that it's all been a bit too easy. Despite her husband Adam's efforts to reassure her that nothing bad is going to happen, Mel can't shake the feeling that all good things must come to an end. And then it happens..."

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