A Moment Like This - Anita Notaro (2012)
Antonia is a shy, retiring type who is a carer for her invalid mother and sings in her church choir. When someone puts forward her name to audition for TV show That's Talent, suddenly she is thrust into the limelight. With the support of her village, two friends who appoint themselves her stylists and a dreamy doctor called Niall, Toni has to deal with stage nerves, jealousy and becoming the media's darling. How will fame change her? This will appeal to those who love watching talent shows or enjoy seeing the shy girl triumph. There is a sad footnote to this story in that shortly after finishing it, Notaro was diagnosed with dementia.

A Moment Like This, by Anita Notaro, is about an ordinary girl whose life is turned upside when she auditions for a TV talent show. The summary says: "Be careful what you wish for... Antonia has always put everyone else before herself. Shy and quiet, her life in a small village in Wicklow has been devoted to her invalid mother and singing in the local church choir. Somehow, it's easier that way. But when she is left alone her friends encourage her to audition for a television talent show. Blessed with a glorious singing voice, she is suddenly thrust into the limelight and enters the world of celebrity and glamour. She's the Girl from Nowhere, but can she cope with this startling new life? Antonia discovers that this business is tougher than she ever thought possible, but also that she's stronger than she thought she was. And she finds that help can come from the most unexpected places."