One Day - David Nicholls (2009)
Emma Morley and Dex Mayhew first get together on the night of their college graduation in Edinburgh, July 15, 1988. Neither is sure where the future is going to take them. Emma is an honour student in English and History, while the super-confident 23-year-old Dex is heading off the next day to travel the world. The story then traces what each is up to on that same day over the next two decades. As their fortunes wax and wane and life dishes up both success and disappointments, sometimes they become tantalisingly close to getting together, at other times they couldn't seem further apart. Having heard much praise for this book with its intriguing same-day-each-year concept, I went in with very high expectations. I especially love will-they-or-won't-they storylines and this has to be the best I've read. By fluke I read it on July 15 - the same date the book is centred around. The rapport between Emma and Dex is magnificent, their exchanges witty, clever and moving. All I can say to anyone who hasn't read it, don't wait another day to pick this one up.

The movie adaptation of One Day stars Anne Hathaway as Emma and Jim Sturgess as Dex. After one day together - July 15th, 1988, their college graduation - Emma Morley (Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Sturgess) begin a friendship that will last a lifetime. It is directed by Lone Scherfig (An Education) and is due to hit cinemas in August 2011. Check out the trailer below: