Caren Lissner's Carrie Pilby was first released as a Red Dress Ink book in 2003. The story about a rather unique 19-year-old grabbed No. 27 spot of the Chicklit Club's Ultimate 100 Chicklit Collection, compiled at the end of the Noughties. This July, Carrie Pilby is being re-released for a younger market with a fresh cover by Harlequin Teen. The new summary says: "Carrie Pilby doesn't understand the immoral, sex-obsessed peers she's supposed to date after graduating from Harvard three years early, and yet, it's lonely to be a nerd in Manhattan. But is the problem with everyone else, or with her? Is she too black-and-white about morality? A therapist gives her a five-point plan to socialise, including forcing herself on dates and to parties. She tries to answer the question: How much should a person compromise to fit in?"

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