Babe Walker follows up White Girl Problems with another memoir called Psychos. The summary says: "If you're one of Babe's 800,000+ Twitter followers who devour her daily musings, including 'It's so sad when you're not dating Ryan Gosling' and 'Good deed of the day: Tell a fat person they're nice,' then you'll love riding shotgun with Babe at the wheel as she travels the globe trying to figure out just who she is. After spending four months in rehab conquering her alleged shopping addiction, Babe Walker embarks on a personal journey of self-discovery. Her faith in the Universe and its messages leads her all over the world: from Los Angeles to Paris to Amsterdam to Greece and New York City. Throughout this wild string of globe-trotting misadventures, Babe finds herself reunited with - and then torn apart from - an ex-lover, excommunicated by the fashion industry, and trailed by a mysterious stalker who clearly wants her dead. Although the post-rehab Babe has been re-birthed as a 'New Babe,' something that hasn't changed is the 'lack of filter' that allows her to say what it is we're all usually thinking, but are too afraid, embarrassed, or polite to say ourselves." Psychos is out in April 2014.

White Girl Problems - Babe Walker (2012)
White Girl Problems may sound like it has a lot of promise but reader beware you're either going to love or hate the rich, overly obnoxious Babe Walker. The book starts out good, talking about Babe in rehab for going on a spending spree at Barney's. Then she begins to chronicle her life and all of her "problems". Everything from the time she lost her virginity (to her gay best friend) to the time she tried to get a job but got bored is told in a witty way. However, there are some parts that readers might find offensive. For example, Babe feels that her woman parts don't look right and she needs to get them fixed ASAP. In this section, she compares her odd-looking vagina to a child with Down Syndrome, which just didn't sit well with me, personally. Instead of being funny, it came of as offensive and stupid. Other than that, Babe is just ridiculous and pretentious, not offensive. So, if you don't mind a bit of dark humour, you'll probably enjoy this book, but if you're looking for a funny, light read you might want to give this one a pass. After all, there are enough of these real socialite types on TV to last a lifetime, who needs to read about one too? (AS)

White Girl Problems (@whitegrlproblem) has been keeping the Twittersphere amused with dilemmas that affect a rich girl living in LA, such as "Is there a surgery that will make my boyfriend taller?", "I'm just saying you look ten pounds lighter when you're speaking French" and "They just tried to kick me out of the gym for smoking on the treadmill". Now Babe Walker is releasing a book in January called White Girl Problems. The summary says: "Babe Walker, centre of the universe, is a painstakingly manicured white girl with an expensive smoothie habit, a proclivity for Louboutins, a mysterious mother she's never met, and approximately 50 bajillion Twitter followers. But now her "problems" have landed her in shopping rehab - that's what happens when you spend $246,893.50 in one afternoon at Barneys - and she's decided to write her memoir, detailing White Girl Problems such as:
- All I want for my birthday is for you to know what I want for my birthday without me having to tell you.
- I'll eat anything, as long as it's gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, low-fat, low-calorie, sugar-free, and organic.
- No matter what I do, I will never be as strong or thin as Gwyneth.
Like Cher from Clueless or Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, Babe Walker will annoy, inspire, and endear herself to readers in equal measures."
Brothers David and Tanner Cohen and friend Lara Schoenhals are the brains behind the fictional obnoxious socialite. Head to the website to read a chapter or two.