What You Wish For - Kerry Reichs (2012)
When you want a child, you have a vision of how it will happen. You will meet the perfect partner, get married and have the baby. But what happens when life intervenes and things don't go exactly as planned? Dimple, Maryn and Wyatt all want to be parents. However, the road to parenthood is not as smooth as they were hoping it would be and they soon learn to adjust their idea of what makes a family. Although a bit confusing in the beginning due to the number of characters and intermingled stories introduced all at once, I soon found this book hard to put down. Each character's situation is one real people struggle with every day, which made the book highly relatable. The added uncertainty of how each story would wrap up made for a great read to the very end. (LEK)

What You Wish For, by Kerry Reichs, is about the pursuit of family in all its forms. The summary says: "Having a baby is . . . complicated. Dimple knows. She's a successful actress who is turning 40 - though her agent and her resume insist she's only 36 - and she figures it's now or never. Certainly it's not a good time for an intriguing director to show up at her door with a great script. Eva, fabulous agent to the stars, doesn't want kids - and never wanted kids. Why is her decision so damned hard for everyone else to accept? When Maryn was undergoing treatment for cancer, she and her husband both agreed to have embryos frozen. But that was way before their divorce and her remission - and now she's single and childless, and caught in the middle of a controversy she never saw coming. The traditional and non- traditional couples desperate for a baby - the adoptive parents, the single mom - and the two who want nothing to do with parenthood. This is a thoroughly modern story of the pursuit of family in all its forms - and of five very different ways of getting there." What You Wish For is out in July.