What Stays in Vegas - Beth Labonte (2011)
Tessa Golden needs a change. She works in a dead-end job doing mundane administrative tasks for people she doesn't particularly like, all while dealing with the miserable winter weather of the northeast and the fact that the man she's in love with has married someone else. When she gets the opportunity to work in her company's Las Vegas office for three months, she jumps at the chance. Her new boss, Kendra, is recently divorced and not handling that situation very well at all, their biggest client is making their lives a nightmare, and Chris, the cute guy in the next office, seems to be just as interested in Tessa until her former love interest, Nick, shows up in Vegas, wondering if he made the right decision by getting married. Tessa definitely seems to have left mundane behind. What Stays in Vegas is a really enjoyable book about getting the opportunity to see where life can lead. The characters are wonderful and well-developed and the story is well-written and believable. (LEK)