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Good Catch (2011)
Maddie Chilton has worked incredibly hard to get the PR career she always wanted but now she unexpectedly finds herself being replaced by a younger version of herself. In order to get away from it all for a while, Maddie receives a trip to a location in Maine from her co-workers. However, instead of a relaxing stay at a luxurious spa, which would have been fitting, Maddie finds herself at a fishing camp in the middle of nowhere. At first, Maddie wants nothing more than run back to Miami but knowing she has nothing further to lose, she decides to give the fishing camp and its slightly strange inhabitants a chance. The basic plotline of this novel is one of the classics within the world of chick lit; a female from the city ends up in a place in the middle of nowhere, somewhere she at first thinks she doesn't belong, but she decides to give it, and the people she meets there, a chance after all. The location is an original one, though, namely a fishing camp. I have to admit, I wasn't too sure about this setting at first, but Tracy Ann Lord really managed to turn it into a fascinating and enjoyable story, and I ended up quite loving the idea of this fishing camp. Maddie is an interesting protagonist and I really enjoyed seeing her character develop throughout the novel. The mixed cast of secondary characters play a significant role in this and really added something to the plotline. I specifically warmed to handsome and slightly mysterious Cal and quirky cook Flo. The plotline is also more than just Maddie trying to survive a week at fishing camp and it had me captivated until the last page. (JoH)