The Triumphs and Travails of Talisman Turner is the debut novel from Cinda Fernado. The summary says: "Talisman Turner has just been dumped. It's not her. It's not the guy. It's the Red Sox. Tali's ex-boyfriend has convinced himself that sacrificing their relationship will reverse the curse plaguing his beloved baseball team. Determined to reverse the curse haunting her sorry love life, Tali arms herself with a bevy of psychological theories - like the MHC theory of attraction which links sexual chemistry to immune-response-coding genes and a person's unique scent ... as well as the facial feedback hypothesis which states that smiling in the mirror should make people feel happier because it increases the flow of air-cooled blood to the brain. The facial feedback hypothesis doesn't work any magic - but a new job and new romantic prospect do. Graham Salisbury, a British restaurant owner, seems to be Tali's perfect counterpart - immunologically and in all other ways. But falling in love is not a science ... and Talis' path to relationship bliss is anything but smooth." Fernado is working on a sequel. You can find out more, including a sample chapter, at the author's website.