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Where the Love Gets In (2010)
Actress Sarah heads to an Irish coastal town, wanting her autistic seven-year-old daughter Maia to get up close with the dolphins. She believes that the sea creatures will help unlock whatever has kept Maia silent until now. As they head out daily to spot dolphin Star with fisherman Aidan, who runs dolphin tours in his trawler, Sarah finds she is falling for him. Her guilt compounds when his wife Fiona, a doctor, tries to befriend her. But soon all her worries are focused on a fight to protect her daughter's future. This book may not jump off the shelf at you but the story about a love triangle is particularly heart-wrenching and is well worth your attention. It totally exceeded all expectations.

Eating Peaches (2004)
Dublin solicitor Elena reluctantly moves to set up an office in Ballyknock, on the promise of her boss Tyrone Power that she will be made partner. She leaves behind boyfriend Paul and moves into a cottage in the middle of nowhere. However she soon realises life in the country isn't as bad as she thought, especially when the local publican has seven handsome sons.

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Also by author:
Sowing the Seeds of Love
Making it Up as I Go Along
A Brush with Love