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Imperfect Bliss (2012)
This takes us into the life of the Harcourt family in modern-day America. Harold Harcourt and his wife Forsythia have four daughters - Victoria, Elizabeth, Diana and Charlotte. Forsythia is obsessed with everything royal and hopes that by naming her children after the British royal family, they will one day meet their princes and live happily ever after. The family though are about to enter into a world of chaos when Diana is chosen to star on a new reality TV show, similar to The Bachelor, called The Virgin. Now the family must work together as their everyday life is broadcast. Elizabeth, aka Bliss, is back home after a messy divorce and never seems to have a shortage of men. But unfortunately they all seem to be unavailable one way or another. Meanwhile her four-year-old daughter Bella dreams of being a princess and elder sister Victoria faces an on-screen marriage proposal. With Diana's romantic on-screen antics and Charlotte - the one who reminded me of Lydia - Imperfect Bliss is one of the best Pride and Prejudice-inspired stories that captures the whole Bennet clan rather than focusing on Elizabeth and Darcy. (PP)

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