Also writes under the names Gemma Fox and Kate Lawson.
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One Night Only (2012)
Helen Redford once had a glittering soap career, but for the past few years work has been drying up. Her agent Arthur thinks appearing on TV series Roots would be the boost her career needs. But does Helen really want a TV crew digging into the secrets of her past? Persuaded to go with it she goes back to her home town, and for one night only she performs a one-woman show that will lay the skeletons of her past to rest once and for all. The book is set between the current day of Helen filming Roots and her story of breaking into show business. The two stories are entwined with the secrets being exposed in the filming of Roots. It's a well told, enjoyable story that has you racing through the chapters. (AB)

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Also by author:
The Surprise Party
Double or Quits
Fallen Women
Guilty Creatures
Moving on Up
Off the Record
Just Desserts
A Few Little Lies