Sleeping Around: Flings and Faux Pas of an American Girl in London - Catherine Townsend (2009)
This is the book Sex and the City should have been. With non-stop sex and numerous lovers, this memoir makes you take a look at how to handle the men who come in and out of your life. The book is loosely based on the author's life detailing her descriptive sexual experiences. Catherine, an American, is trying to find love in the wrong places, which makes the book more interesting to see the type of men who enter her life - starting with the man who she was moving to London for, just to be dumped as she was set to fly to the UK. She ends up staying in London anyway to conquer the city as a writer to prove to him that she can still make it. With her best friend Victoria at her side to help her sort out her life and career (she becomes a sex columnist) it's a great escape! I recommend reading this book with an open mind and you will enjoy all its quirks. A UK version of this book was released in 2007, subtitled Secrets of a Sexual Adventuress. (CG)