August 2009

S. J. Foster has a BA in Media Studies from Penn State University - the college attended by the heroines of her Champagne & Butterflies novel. The married mother lives in Georgia and is working on her latest novel. (Interview by Annmarie Ottman)
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What inspired you to become an author?
I've always had an extremely vivid imagination and lots of stories to tell. The characters I write about are people I know in my mind, typically people I've mentally had friendships or relationships with. I spend a decent per cent of each day inside my head so late at night, when I do most of my writing; I put those thoughts on paper.
Kyla or Kimari? Which character are you more like?
I'm definitely a combination of the two. I'm leaning more towards Kyla because I'm certainly soft spoken and reserved. I wish I had the guts to sharply say what I'm thinking at the moment I think it the way Kimari does. She's my hero for her unapologetic boldness.
Did you base Kyla and Kimari on the Hilton sisters?
No. That was just a fun and likely comparison I gave to the girls through their peers in the novel because it seemed to fit. But during the writing stages - the Hilton sisters or their likeness never came into play.
Kimari goes to some fabulous NYC parties in your novel. Did you get to do any fun research for writing that part of the book?
I wish I could say that I did. While I have partied in NYC and other cities (more than I'd like to admit) - I'm married now and had to vicariously base those events off my memory of traveling while young, wild and free.
How did your own sister help you with the books?
Well, Alisa is currently entering her senior year at Penn State so her input was useful when keeping things current as far as the lingo, setting and atmosphere currently at the campus. Things can change quickly on campus life and I'm glad I was able to lean on her for the updates.
Do you ever think about what happens to your characters after you've finished your novel?
Absolutely! Kyla and Kimari and even their mother Farrah were each near and dear to my heart and I wouldn't be surprised if they pop up in my works again.
Any chance of a sequel to Champagne & Butterflies?
There is a chance. And even if I choose not to write a full title sequel to Champagne & Butterflies - some of the characters will definitely work their way into my other stories.
Tell us about your debut novel Shades of Blue and its plans for re-release?
Shades of Blue is a much darker novel - it's what I describe as a Cinderella story turned harsh reality. The lead character, Nahla Regine, chooses excitement over complacency when she falls in love with Zaire Whitaker - who shows her in a dramatic way that not all that glitters is gold. I plan to update that novel and re-release it in the early part of 2010.
Can you tell us about your next novel?
Well, being the super secretive writer I am, I'll just say that as in all my works - there will be plenty of fashion, action, and passion - FAPulosity as I like to put it. My heroine in that novel will have a lot of darker dealings to work through however, but the glamour and luxury will be in her story as well. What can I say - I can't live without it!
You have stated that you love reality TV. What reality show would you like to be on?
That's a tough one since so much of what I watch is train-wreck TV but if I had to choose - I think that I'd fit in really well with the Real Housewives franchise. Not in any tragic way - I'm a concerned mother and wife but I'm still young and youthful and I do care about having a social life and fabulous clothes (within a great deal of reason.)
Name your favorite:
- Designer: For day to day, I'm very much a Banana Republic girl. I tend to wear my hair loosely, bohemian style, and I counter that with stylish, conservative but still sexy clothes and people tend to love it! For more upscale, I'm a BCBG Max Azria girl who tends to tip-toe over to Chanel once in a blue moon if I spot an item I simply can't refuse!
- Celebrity: I think I'll go with Kim Kardashian right now. You have to admire a girl with shameless drive for celebrity. Despite the world seeing her do extremely personal acts on film that would make Madonna blush had she ever been exposed in such a way; she walks around with her head held high and continuously exploits the 'industry' for publicity, celebrity and last but not least - money.
- Movie: Tough one here. I have to narrow it to my top 3 (and trust me that was difficult.) This list only proves how 'all over the place' I truly am.
- Gladiator
- The Lion King
- Love Jones (a must-see for those who haven't!)
What is your favorite chick lit book?
Honestly, I'll have to go with all things Jackie Collins because I've never read one of her novels that wasn't a page turner.
If you weren't an author, what would you be doing?
I think I'd own a boutique. I'm a clothes and shoe gal and an upscale consignment shop would be heavenly for me. This, of course, is in my fantasy world of the future where there is no deficit or recession for that matter.
What upcoming book are you most looking forward to reading?
I wish I had the time. Between home life and work for Champagne & Butterflies - as soon as I get a free moment I'll be writing my next novel. Recreational reading is a fun and distant memory - for now.