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Finding Out (2012)
This is the story of Sheila Davenport who was unceremoniously dumped by her long-term boyfriend on the footpath outside her New York apartment. While she thought he was the one, Joe was forging a life with his younger, more attractive assistant. He fails to pay the mortgage, steals her money, and to make matters worse, Sheila has to deal with a drug-induced boss, a lazy co-worker and a senior management team gone mad. At a time when she feels alone and bereft, she reignites a friendship with her 86-year-old neighbour, Ruth. It is through this charming old lady's stories that Sheila learns the strength to deal with her own problems. Sheila as a character is somewhat unappealing and the reader doesn't overly care for her. The real star is Ruth but her inclusion feels contrived and an attempt to add depth to an otherwise light story. The questions is though, will Sheila get over her rotten ex and find herself? (LF)