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The Lovesick Cure (2012)

Imagine one day having everything you want - a good job teaching a subject you are passionate about and planning your wedding to the school principal. Then a few months later, you have lost your job and your fiance has replaced you with a new bride. Needing to escape, Jessie decides to visit her Aunt Will in Ozark County. Her aunt is known as the Yarb Doctor, forever making potions and herbs to heal people. When Jessie arrives with her heart broken, her aunt makes her a lovesick potion. Not expecting it to work, Jessie goes along with her aunt's craziness. Enter Dr Piney, with his son growing up and starting a new life with girlfriends, he too is feeling a bit lovesick. When Jessie and Dr Piney meet and things start to go well, is this the lovesick cure at work or is it real love? The Lovesick Cure is a nice, light-hearted and fun novel that will have the readers believing that somewhere out there true love does really exist. (PP)

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