Nine Uses For An Ex Boyfriend - Sarra Manning (2012)
Hope and Jack have been together for 13 years. During that time, they've settled into a companionable lifestyle in which Hope can rely on Jack to be there for her during the worst of times. Then one day everything changes. When Hope hosts her first grown-up dinner party, she never expects it to end in disaster. Especially not the disaster of her boyfriend and long-time neighbour kissing her beautiful best friend, Susie. In a fit of rage, Hope storms out the door and leaves Jack hanging for the night. However, the next day she goes back home, presumably to pack her things, but instead she listens to Jack's explanation and believes him. The sad thing is that Hope doesn't "get even" - she doesn't even seem to have the willpower to leave Jack after he betrayed her. This was the beginning of the end, for me, because even though I'm a huge fan of Sarra Manning and her previous work, I just couldn't fathom how Hope could go back to Jack after he did such a thing - and at her own dinner party to boot! However, things get complicated where emotions are concerned and Hope begins to wonder if she really wants to be with Jack anymore. Their indecision about what they really want from life and each other causes Hope and Jack to go back and forth like this for much of the story, which seemed a little bit drawn out. Then there is Wilson, who is one of the more likeable characters. He is Susie's ex-boyfriend, who was also hurt during the dinner party kiss. Where does he come into play? Can Hope ever learn to like him? While this is a good story, it's not a great story. It lacks something. Girl power maybe? The I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass-to-the-curb attitude would have made Hope a whole lot more likeable and relatable. That being said, there are surely many women who can relate to Hope's situation and may feel the same emotions and make the same decisions. The question is are they the right decisions? (AS)

Going straight on to our 2012 must-read list is Nine Uses For An Ex-Boyfriend, by Sarra Manning. The summary says: "Hope Delafield hasn't always had an easy life. She has red hair and a temper to match, as her mother is constantly reminding her. She can't wear heels, is terrified of heights and being a primary school teacher isn't exactly the job she dreamed of doing, especially when her class are stuck on the two times table. At least Hope has Jack, and Jack is the God of boyfriends. He's sweet, kind, funny, has a killer smile, a cool job on a fashion magazine and he's pretty (but in a manly way). Hope knew that Jack was The One ever since their first kiss after the Youth Club Disco and 13 years later, they're still totally in love. Totally. They're even officially pre-engaged. And then Hope catches Jack kissing her best friend Susie. Does true love forgive and forget? Or does it get mad ... and get even? Nine Uses For An Ex-Boyfriend is out in February.