Nine Months - Paula Bomer (2012)
If you are a pregnant woman who spends her days daydreaming about the moment you will hold your new baby, this is not the book for you. The author introduces us to Sonia, a Brooklyn mother of two who find herself pregnant with her third child. Overwhelmed by the idea of raising another child, Sonia abandons her husband and two children during her last trimester and takes off on a road trip. She smokes, has unprotected sex with a stranger at a reststop and visits an ex-boyfriend during the trip. Finally, her impending birth forces her to choose her future. As a mother of three, I thought I could sympathise with Sonia's overwhelming fear of failing as a mother, however, the author made Sonia such an unlikeable and selfish character that I couldn't relate at all. (AO)

Nine Months, by Paula Bomer, is about a pregnant mother who abandons her family in search of an identity that is hers alone. The summary says: "Sonia, a young Brooklyn mother shaken by her unexpected (third) pregnancy, abandons her husband and kids and takes off on a cross-country odyssey in search of an identity separate from her family. She does everything a pregnant woman shouldn't do, engaging in casual sex and smoking weed as she retraces her past and attempts to reclaim her sidelined career as an artist. Nine Months is a lacerating response to the culture of mommy blogs, helicopter parents and 'parental correcteness' as well as an unflinching look at the choices women face when trying to balance art and family." Nine Months is out in August.