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Who Is My Shelter? (2011)
In this fourth book in the Yada Yada House of Hope series, Gabrielle Fairbanks' life has been a series of ups and downs since her husband, Philip, kicked her out of her home, cut all her finances and left her virtually poor. Now working her way up through the chain at Manna House, it seems Gabrielle's life is looking up for a change. Her work has had a dedication towards for a lovely mural, she is attending church regularly and has a good steady relationship with legal aid lawyer Lee. So when her ex-husband Philip is beaten up by thugs due to gambling debts and more, why does Neta feel guilty? For the sake of her sons, should she sacrifice what she has worked so hard for and go back to Philip or will she suddenly realise that she has an awesome thing going with Lee? This novel shows readers that when all else has failed, no matter what a family member has done to hurt you, blood is thicker than water. (PP)

Who Do I Talk To? (2009)
Gabrielle Fairbanks knew that after the phone call she had left at her husband's work, she would have pushed his buttons. But she didn't realise exactly how upset her husband was with her. Coming home, she is faced with the reality of becoming homeless as her husband has changed the locks on their house, cancelled her credit cards and up and left with her two sons. Now Gabrielle, her elderly mother and their dog Dandy are living in Manna House - a homeless shelter where Gabrielle has worked for the past two months. Can Gabrielle regain her confidence and with the assistance of her boss Mabel and Legal Aid lawyer Lee get back what she has lost? Another book in the Yada Yada House of Hope series, this is a story about the value of friendship and family. In the last place she ever imagined she'd be, Gabby will discover what she's made of. (PP)

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Who Do I Lean On?
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The Yada Yada Prayer Group