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Just Look at Me Now (2010)
Tia is beauty editor at glossy Platinum magazine. But back at high school, she was a fat girl called Barbara. No one knows about her secret past or makeover into a slim brunette, apart from her godmother Gin. But when her old nemesis Juliet and her high school crush Josh crash back into her life, will they recognise her and expose her unglamorous past? Tia certainly seems to be catching Josh's eye - much to Juliet's disgust. For those who like ugly-duckling-into-swan stories.

Crystal Clear (2010)
Azure Dawn, who prefers to use the name Zee, has never quite made sense of her mother's alternative lifestyle. She has created a normal life for herself as a teacher, who lives with her accountant fiance, Simon, far away from her mother's craziness. With one phone call, Zee's new life is taken apart as she returns home to care for her sick mother, Marla, and help to run her crystal shop. Waiting for her is Drew, the boy who broke her heart many years before. Her mother soon has her involved in a variety of harebrained activities and it looks like Zee won't be travelling down the path to normal anytime soon as she untangles the past and tries to see where the future lies. An enjoyable read that lets you get to know the characters and hope that Zee makes the right choices. You certainly end up believing you know what's right for Zee but does she? (NR)

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