April 2014

Monica Murphy is the author of the One Week Girlfriend and Billionaire Bachelors Club series. She also writes romance as Karen Erickson. A native Californian, she lives in the foothills below Yosemite. (Interview by Jade Craddock)
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1. You write romance so what made you decide to write New Adult?
It started out as an experiment. I read a ton of New Adult books and thought, I want to write something like this. And then an idea attacked me. Just grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let me go. So I started writing it … and it just poured out of me. That book turned into One Week Girlfriend. I chose to self-publish it under the Monica name to see what might happen. If it failed, no one would know and I could carry on. But it didn’t fail. What happened was completely unexpected. And awesome.
2. Why do you think New Adult has been so successful in the last couple of years and do you think it will continue?
There was nothing like it on the market. Not only are they romances (for the most part) but New Adult books are all about those experiences we all have when we’re eighteen to approximately twenty-three, twenty-four. You’re on your own for the first time, going to school or getting your first real job, your first real, intense love, etc. All of these things add up to a lot of heightened emotion. So there’s a lot to explore, both as the writer and the reader. I hope the trend continues because I do enjoy so many of the books. I think the readers enjoy them too. I expect some changes within the New Adult category though. What, I’m not exactly sure…
3. What’s been the most enlightening thing for you in writing New Adult?
Remembering what it’s like to be young. Times may have changed, but we all know what it’s like to be nineteen, going to college or working, out on your own, hanging out with your friends, dating that one guy. We’ve all gone through this so we can all relate.
4. Which other NA authors do you admire?
Oh, so many. Abbi Glines, Colleen Hoover, Cora Carmack, Jennifer Armentrout (J. Lynn), Samantha Young … the list goes on and on.
5. What advice do you have for any aspiring authors?
Always read and see what are the latest books out there that are doing well in the New Adult category. Staying aware is important. Also, finish the book. That’s my advice to all writers. Once you finish the book, even if you think it’s terrible, you also feel like you accomplished something. And you did. You finished a book! That’s not easy. I think it’s Nora Roberts who says you can’t edit a blank page? So very, very true.
6. The One Week Girlfriend series is a quartet (with an additional novella) - did you always plan it like this?
I didn’t mean for it to go beyond the first two books originally. Once my agent and I realized that we were going to sell the series to a traditional publisher vs. me keep on self-publishing, I came up with a plan to continue the series. I had the other two books in place and all was good, but so many readers asked for more Drew + Fable. That’s how the novella came to life. I approached my agent and editor and they both agreed it was a good idea. I did it for the readers. Plus, it was fun to write. It’s always fun to go back into Drew + Fable land. As of this time, I have no plans to continue the OWG series. In my mind, it’s done. Though I get a ton of reader response asking for more since Owen’s book has come out.
7. Do you have a favourite couple/character from across the series?
I have mad, mad love for Fable. And so do a lot of my readers. She’s just so strong and loyal. Fierce and protective and sweet when she needs to be. I love her and miss writing her.
8. What’s been the biggest challenge and biggest triumph for you in this series?
The biggest triumph is what both One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend did for my career. It’s completely different from where it was at the end of 2012. I can now call myself a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. I’ve sold foreign rights to multiple countries. I’ve met some amazing industry people, fellow authors, bloggers and readers. It’s been an amazing ride. The biggest challenge is maintaining everything. That’s been tough. My writing schedule last year was insane. Plus I travelled a lot so that was difficult. And reader expectation scares me too. I don’t want to disappoint them! Ah, the pressure we writers put on ourselves is pretty epic.
9. You’ve given a whole new meaning to the word marshmallow, did you realise when you wrote it how significant and special it would be?
No! That was such a random selection. I wrote the book around Christmas (2012) and I got to the part where they were discussing their code word. I paused, looked around and saw a box of caramel marshmallows nearby. I was like, marshmallow. I didn’t mean for it to become so significant!
10. Fans of your books will have been waiting for Owen’s story, how did it feel to finally write it?
It went really smoothly and it was such a joy to write. I felt like I really knew Owen and how I wanted his story to play out so once I started writing, the words just came to me. Chelsea was easy to write too. They made a good couple, those two. And of course, it was a lot of fun bringing Drew + Fable back into the mix.
11. You’ve created some pretty memorable book boyfriends, but do you have your own book boyfriend from another book?
Hmm, I have so many book boyfriends it’s ridiculous. But I must say that the hero who still makes my heart pitter patter is Cameron Wilder from Jill Shalvis’ Instant Attraction. That guy makes me swoon every time I (re)read the book!
12. Are there any plans for any more New Adult books in the pipeline?
Not at this particular moment but I have been playing around with a mature YA book idea … and I have a sexy contemporary romance series coming out, with the first book available near the end of the year.