Miss Jane Austen's Guide to Modern Life's Dilemmas - Rebecca Smith (2012)
Are you wondering what you should be looking for in a man? Do you have a parent who continually embarrasses you in front of your friends? Maybe you are desperate to interject some personality into your conservative work wardrobe but aren't sure what is appropriate? For the answers to life's most pressing issues facing the women of the 21st century, one needs look no further than beloved author Jane Austen. Miss Austen was very wise when it came to human nature and social graces and her great, great, great, great, great niece, Rebecca Smith, has written a witty, smart and sensible guide for modern women based on her aunt's life and writings. Covering all manner of issues, from love to family to fashion, Smith conveys in great detail just how relevant Miss Austen's insights are still to this day, nearly 200 years after the author's death. If you are the person who, when faced with what seems to be an insurmountable dilemma, ponders "what would Jane do?" then this is the book for you. (LEK)