Misfortune Cookie - Michele Gorman (2012)
Hannah is no stranger to rash decisions - she moved from America to London on a dare, where she met the charismatic Sam. Now she's decided to move to Hong Kong because Sam has gotten a new job there. Starting over in another new city is hard, and particularly so because Sam has been posted to a position in another country. Despite having her best friend move over to live with her, Hannah begins to have doubts. Sam didn't technically ask her to move with him, and the long distance is taking its toll on their relationship. When things start to go wrong in the dream job that she landed despite the odds, she begins to wonder if she can make a life in Hong Kong after all, or did she make a terrible mistake? The protagonist Hannah is humorous, witty and relatable, I fell in love with her from the beginning. The descriptions of Hong Kong were particularly well written. A funny, feel-good read. (LO)

Misfortune Cookie is the sequel to Michele Gorman's Single in the City. The summary says: "Following your heart will pay off in the near future. The fortune cookie had spoken, affirming Hannah's decision to move to Hong Kong to be with her boyfriend. She's no stranger to rash decisions - after all she moved from the US to London on a dare, and that worked out, didn't it? Ever the optimist, she's determined to make a success of her move, no matter what anybody says. Unfortunately, anybody seems to be everybody and her life isn't going exactly to plan. Sure, she's found a career in fashion that she loves, her best friend Stacy moved to be with her, and they're exploring all that's weird and wonderful about Hong Kong. It's her love life that's not quite living up to expectations. It isn't easy having a relationship with a boyfriend who's been posted to a job in another country. Particularly one who seems a bit too cosy with his new boss. When things also start going wrong at work, Hannah begins to think her friends and family were right. Has she made the worst mistake of her life?" For details on how Gorman took an interactive approach to writing the book check out her post for Connect.