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Confessions of a Serial Dater (2005)
Rosie is dumped by boyfriend Jonathan after she fights off his lecherous boss at a dinner dance. But the night is not completely lost because she also meets a gorgeous doctor, Dr Love, who saves her from a pair of crippling shoes. She thinks she's finally found her dream man when a chance encounter brings her into contact with the doctor again but Luke Benton has a secret past. Somehow Rosie ends up on a wedding table from hell to find she's slept with all the men present (like a female Hugh Grant from Four Weddings and a Funeral).

32AA (2003)
Advertising secretary Emma Taylor wants an engagement ring and a job promotion for her 30th birthday. Instead her boyfriend Adam (also her boss) announces that he's seeing another woman and that she's been passed over for the junior account manager's job. Convinced that her small breasts are somehow to blame, homeless Emma is rescued by her stepmother's brother Jack. He once made fun of her breasts at a family wedding but now seems quite enamoured with her.

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