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Not Ready for Mom Jeans (2010)
In this sequel to A Bump in the Road, Chicago event planner Clare is returning to work after the birth of daughter Sara. Even though she loves her job, she is worried about spending time away from her baby. Plus how on earth is she going to function without a proper night's sleep or without being able to fit back into her pre-pregnancy wardrobe? As Clare blogs her experiences and pulls together events, including a golfing day for an ex-boyfriend, she begins to wonder if she should instead be a stay-at-home mum. Written as diary entries, Lipinski's wry humour shines through again and many will relate well to Clare's dilemma. But the story jumps around a little too much to feel like a well-rounded novel - perhaps this chaotic style was intentional to represent Clare's new hectic life.

A Bump in the Road (2009)
After a weekend in Vegas with her new husband Jake, event planner and blogger Clare realises that mixing antibiotics with birth control pills is not a sensible option. Having a baby right now was the last thing on her mind - and giving up alcohol for nine months is going to be murder. In between organising a big black-tie gala, staying neutral in her best friends' feud, dealing with a disapproving in-law and writing for her popular blog, Clare slowly adjusts to the fact that a new life is just around the corner. It took less than 10 pages for me to know that I was going to love this book - Clare is a loveable, quick-witted character who is just cut out for a sequel.