MaryJanice Davidson also writes the Undead paranormal chick lit series
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Me, Myself & Why? (2010)
Cadence Jones is an FBI agent with a special talent. A sweet blonde, with blue eyes, Cadence has two very different multiple personalities or sisters as she calls them - Shiro, an Asian-American bad girl who specialises in martial arts, and Adrienne, a red-headed free spirit with a thing for singing and getting into trouble. Cadence's psychological quirks come in handy when she gets assigned the case of a statewide serial killer dubbed ThreeFer, for killing in threes. She utilises her sister's special abilities to get to the bottom of her new mystery, the only thing she can't figure out is why ThreeFer seems to be leaving messages specifically for her at his very public (some would say artistic?) crime scenes. This book kept me guessing and had a delightful yet sinister twist, a must-read for murder-mystery lovers, and even those who aren't. MaryJanice Davidson has me impatiently awaiting her next book. (AV)