I was sure I wasn't going to like Letters to Juliet. Everything I knew about it pointed towards schmaltz and sappiness. The one, no, the two things that lured me into watching the film were Vanessa Redgrave and Italy. Give me a film set in Italy and I'm there. Give me a legend of the screen such as Ms Redgrave and I'm generally on board. So I sat down to watch it with my husband (he was certain to despise it) and, though we were a little put off at first by Amanda Seyfried's lack of energy as she portrayed Sophie, an aspiring journalist, we were encouraged by the dynamic Gael Garcia Bernal who played Victor, her restaurateur fiance.
Seyfried's energy improves on embarking upon the expedition, and she proves herself a very emotionally connected actress. As soon as the action shifted to Italy, Verona to be specific, we were transfixed. And when Sophie, on a food tasting trip with Victor, discovered the wall beneath the legendary balcony of Juliet's, where lovelorn women have been leaving their letters to Juliet for decades, we were hooked. Beyond that, a brigade of well-meaning ladies, "secretaries to Juliet," as they're called, actually collect and answer the letters every day - a wonderful premise based on the book, Letters to Juliet: Celebrating Shakespeare's Greatest Heroine, the Magical City of Verona, and the Power of Love, by Lise and Ceil Friedman. I haven't read the book but from the description, it seems as though it's a study of this incredible phenomenon which actually occurs in Verona, and it inspired the love story that the screenplay brings to life.

Movie reviewed by Georgina Young-Ellis