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Eloves me, eloves me not (2012)
With a newly broken heart, Kayte, 39, is determined to find her Mr Right. She is on the path to finding true love through the ups and downs, pleasures and dangers, of dating - blind and internet - and has to kiss a string of toads to find her prince. Together with her best friend and number one male (Dylan the dog), her happily married friend Chloe, and the mysterious Bigbadwolf (aka Roman) and his Book of RROOD (pronounced RUDE) for Roman's Rules of Online Dating, Kayte sets off on her roller-coaster pursuit of love. Kayte is a modern, fit and healthy, IT-savvy Bridget Jones - and this romantic comedy has a chuckle or a twist on every page mixed with just the right amount of passionate liaisons. It has great one-liners, is fast moving and very entertaining. It is a fabulous debut. (AT)