December 2011

The Kardashian sisters released their debut novel Dollhouse – about three sisters called Kamille, Kassidy and Kyle - last month. Constantly in the media spotlight, the reality TV stars of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other spin-offs also co-own D-A-S-H, a boutique chain, and have published their autobiography entitled Kardashian Konfidential. (Interview by Angela Smith)
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1. How much are the three characters based on you and your sisters?
That's the fun part! They are obviously based on us to a degree, but I think trying to figure out which story happened to which sister - or if at all - that's the fun part of reading the novel! Some things have even happened to people we know and we may have witnessed.
2. Where did you get the idea for the book from?
We really enjoyed the experience of writing Kardashian Konfidential, which WAS about our lives! There were a lot of stories we left out because maybe they were too wild or racy, so we included them in here, maybe exaggerated or toned them down :) and had a fabulous time doing so!
3. How did you collaborate on it?
We work together so well! We all shared fun stories that we experienced with each other or with friends! The best part of this book is you don't really know which sister experienced which story!
4. Are there any more books in the works?
We hope so! The success we've seen from this in the short period of time it’s been out has been amazing and inspires us to want to continue to write more!
5. What are your plans for 2012?
In 2012 I plan to just do more for others! Gonna be a give-back year and incorporate that in my daily life!
6. If you could have dinner with anyone - dead or alive - who would it be?
My dad without a doubt! I'd love to just see what he thinks of this crazy life we lead and wish he could just be here to enjoy it with us, even if it is just for one more dinner!
7. What is your favorite book?
I have more than one favorite book! LOL I love: Embraced By The Light, Coldest Winter Ever, 48 Laws of Power, The Bible, and of course Dollhouse, Kardashian Konfidential, Kris Jenner ... And All Things Kardashian.
8. Did you think every novel should have a villain?
I think there should be a villain in every book! It makes it feel more "real life" if that is what kind of story you are going for. Even in fantasy stories, there usually is still a villain … it makes it more interesting!
9. What advice would you give your fans who want to become authors?
The advice I would give to write a novel would be to always write your thoughts, feelings, and your life stories down. I always write everything down - it is very therapeutic. Everyone who wants to be, can be an author, as long as you write down what comes to your mind! Use your imagination and make sure you translate your thoughts into words.

Listen in to a segment from the Kardashian Konfidential audiobook