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Between You & Me (2007)
Cate Wishart and Margie Holland were childhood best friends but now two decades later they live at opposite ends of the country and don't keep in touch. Cate is married to a doctor and mother to three daughters. But she's wanting more attention from her husband Dan and to just find the time to finish her interior design course. Margie is a senior news producer who's single (apart from occasional nights spent with the star correspondent) and happily child-free. When the two women get an invite to their high school reunion, they hook up again and help each other in ways that only a best friend can.

Mother's Day (2006)
Gwen, Alison and Katherine meet at a morning tea for class mothers at Farquhar's. Gwen's husband, Rob, is made redundant as another baby is on its way so he heads off to work in England while she stays at home with their other three children. Alison, a journalist with one daughter, is writing a series about attacks on prostitutes but her husband, Darren, is making her feel guilty about all the overtime and her reluctance to extend their family. Katherine, a trophy wife whose two children are reared by a nanny, finds her husband has moved on to one of his mistresses.

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