Kate's Wedding - Chrissie Manby (2011)
Kate, 39, has just been proposed to by Ian. The couple want a very simple affair and plan to just tie the knot at the local registar's office. But as Kate announces her engagement, her mother Elaine informs the family that she has breast cancer. Kate's sister, Tess, decides Kate's wedding couldn't come at a better time to cheer up their mother who thought Kate would never get married. So Kate and Ian's simple wedding turns into a more lavish wedding - the sort of affair Kate never wanted. Diana is engaged to Ben and is the total bridezilla - she knows what she wants and she is going to get it! Diana was born on the historic day of Prince Charles and Diana's wedding in 1981 and was even named after the princess. Once she hears that their son, Prince William, and Kate are getting married in the same month as herself she feels that it is fate and that she needs to have the best wedding ever. Armed with her father's credit cards and her mother who is trying to give her the wedding she never had, it seems Diana's wedding may turn into an over-the-top affair that Ben never wanted. Which bride gets the man and the wedding of their dreams? Released to coincide with the royal nuptials, this hilarious story puts the spotlight on two totally different brides. At first it was hard to get into but it turned out great in the end. (CG)

The engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton inspired Chrissie Manby to take a new direction with her novel-in-progress called Kate's Wedding. She reveals on her website: "I was struck with a bolt of inspiration that seemed too good to waste. It happened on the day Kate Middleton and Prince William announced their engagement. I had already made several pages of wedding-related notes for my next novel, which was tentatively titled (quite by coincidence), Kate's Wedding. It was about a woman in her late thirties, getting married for the first time a whole decade later than her friend. The original idea came out of my own experience of a late engagement! Well, the news about Prince William and his Kate got me thinking about the Royal Wedding back in 1981. I remember how excited I was the day Diana married Charles. I was eight years old and enthralled by the romance of it all. Sixteen years later, as a newly-dumped twenty-something, Princess Diana's death also affected me deeply. If she couldn't make love work, what chance did the rest of us have? I decided to weave my reminiscences of those pivotal dates into the life of my character Kate. I added another bride, called Diana, because she was born on the 29th July 1981." The summary for the book out in March says: "Thirty-nine-year-old lawyer Kate Williamson had almost given up on love when she met her fiance. Now she's planning for the wedding she never dreamed she'd have. Diana Ashcroft, born on the day of the 1981 Royal Wedding never doubted that she would find her prince. Now engaged, she's in full Bridezilla mode. Meanwhile, Melanie Harris, owner of Bride On Time, is making both their dresses, carefully spinning the aura of romance though after her own painful divorce she really thinks marriage is a joke. In the six months leading up to their April 2011 nuptials, against the backdrop of another Royal Wedding, all three women will learn much about the nature of love."