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The Baby Planner (2011)
Katie Johnson has just lost her government safety and product recall job. She makes a detailed step-by-step pregnancy book for her newly pregnant sister - including the safest products, furniture, and clothes on the market - and realises her talent could be profitable. Katie becomes an instant pregnancy guru in San Francisco. Her website becomes the "go-to" website for expectant mums, and Katie finally finds a career she loves. There's only one problem - Katie, 37, is longing for a child but her husband Adam doesn't want children. Each time Katie approaches the subject with him, he puts it off, and Katie isn't sure what's more important to her anymore - having a baby or being married to Adam. Things get a bit more complicated when Katie becomes attached to her most desperate client, Seth Harris' daughter Sadie. Katie has some serious decisions to make. When I started reading this book I was sure I knew the ending but I was so so wrong. I read it in one day and I loved every page. (AV)

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