September 2014

Jill Knapp, a native New Yorker, is the author of What Happens To Men When They Move To Manhattan? – the first in a series. She is a former adjunct professor of psychology and a former figure skater. She has also recently taken over by Jade Craddock)
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1. How would you describe What Happens to Men When They Move to Manhattan in one sentence?
A hopeful yet realistic read about trying to make it in New York City.
2. The novel is about the life of some early 20s in Manhattan - did you draw on any of your own experiences in the story?
I did, yes. For instance, all of the restaurants and bars are places I have been to. NYU is actually where my sister goes to graduate school, so she helped me out a lot in terms of describing the setting. I tried to incorporate some dating stories I had heard from my friends, and some of my own experiences over the years, but put a fictional spin on them. Nothing is exactly what happened to me or anyone else. It’s completely a work of fiction.
3. Did you take any inspiration from real people in your characters?
Yes, as you can see in question #2. Having said that, none of the characters are really like any of my friends though. Bryce is a pretty stereotypical archetype that you see a lot in Manhattan though. I like to think of Amalia as a mix between One Tree Hill’s Peyton Sawyer, and Dawson’s Creek’s Joey Potter.
4. What made you want to look at early adulthood? And what do you think of the New Adult genre?
The New Adult genre is still pretty … well, new. I love it because it focuses on what I believe are the toughest years for some people, at least they were for me. I’m 29 now, and while I am going through my own troubles, I have a much better understanding of who I am as a person than when I was 23. These books take a look at the “turning point” years of a person. It’s a time for living on your own, without a safety net. I like to think of my book as a coming of age story, with the rest of the series completing these character’s stories.
5. You’ve competed in and taught figure skating, been an adjunct professor of psychology and been a blogger and journalist before becoming an author. How did your move to writing come about? Is it something you always thought you’d do?
I started writing my first novel while I was blogging for Huffington Post and working at the university. So it all kind of happened together. When I moved from the North down to the South, I was faced with having to find a new job. I looked around at a few universities, but none of them were really hiring. I realized that I really wasn’t that disappointed. I mean I was from a financial standpoint, but not from a career perspective. While I really enjoyed teaching psychology, I didn’t LOVE it. I love writing. It’s my “job” but it doesn’t feel like work. I have always had an interest in writing, ever since high school. In college, I took creative writing classes whenever possible. If I was given the opportunity to teach a writing class however, I would jump at the opportunity. I could wax on about characterization, the writing process, and literature in general all day.
6. The book is the first in a series, how many books do you plan and what can readers expect?
This series will have 3 books. The second one has already been submitted for edits, and has an expected release date for late fall this year. I am currently working on the third! The second and third books flip between Amalia and Olivia’s POV. IT’s a little different from the first novel.. but I think readers will enjoy learning more about the characters.
7. You’d previously self-published, so how did the publishing deal come about?
HarperImpulse, HarperCollins was holding an open submission, which I always say is comparable to an open casting call on Broadway. I submitted a PDF version of my book, which was self-published at the time and called Chase. I followed up feverishly until one day I got a call from my now editor. I am very fortunate that my book got picked up!
8. What’s been the best part of following a traditional publishing route?
The BEST part of it is knowing that a professional is going to edit it after you write it and catch all of those typos and errors that you made while typing like a mad woman!
9. You also run, what does chick lit mean to you?
Chick lit to me means books that are written with the intention of being aimed toward a female audience. You don’t have to be a female writer to write Women’s Fiction. And just because something is aimed towards women, that doesn’t make the writing less important than general fiction.
10. How important do you think blogs are to chick lit?
Extremely. They spread the word of upcoming and current releases, and they give new authors a platform that they wouldn’t otherwise have.
11. Do you think the genre gets the credit and visibility it deserves?
Sadly, no. There’s this terrible stigma, attached to more than just literature, that if something is for women is it in some way “less than” than things that are aimed towards men. Such as the word “chick flick” is often used to describe a romantic comedy. I can only hope that our novels get the attention and respect they deserve just as other books that are not “chick lit” do.
12. How has blogging helped you as an author?
Surprisingly enough, I’m going to say no. I look at them as two separate things. Although I am still using the creative part of myself to write my articles, they are usually based on actual events that have happened to me, or subjects that I feel strongly about. My novels are completely fiction.
13. Who are your influences as a writer?
Joss Whedon, Kevin Williamson, Lauren Weisberger, Emily Giffin, Sara Shepard.
14. And finally how would you describe the New York dating scene in one word?