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Love Water Memory (2013)
We find her standing in the San Francisco Bay, legs ice cold, and expensive outfit soaking wet as a local swimmer tries to guide her to shore. Where is she, why is she up to her thighs in freezing water, and why can't she remember her name? Lucie Walker has suffered major memory loss from an unknown trauma that may or may not be permanent. She knows nothing about her current life, and doesn't even recognise the attractive man who is calling himself her fiance. Grady Goodall has just picked up his fiance Lucie from a psychiatric ward over a thousand miles away. Their wedding is just shy of six weeks away and they haven't even sent out invites yet. He's never seen her look so dishevelled and out of control. She has all of these questions about herself, about him, and about what made her leave their home that day - how much should he say? Should he take advantage of a fresh start and leave out some of the horrible details of their last day together? Helen Ten Hands has just seen her estranged niece on national television. "Missing" the broadcaster announced. The police are ignoring her helpful tips about Lucie's past. Of course the girl snapped! Who wouldn't with all she's been through? This is an interesting story told from three different points of view. I didn't expect a few of the plot twists that were thrown in, which is always a pleasant surprise. I felt the story was a little slow towards the end and found myself itching to skip a few pages ahead and skip some of the irrelevant backstory. Though the buildup is slow, the ending is worth it. (AV)

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