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Off the Record (2005)
Did Jane Marlow have such an effect on her former neighbour that he wrote a hit song about her? That's what her brother thinks when he sees Teddy Rock on a music show, talking about his chart-topper Janey 245 from 13 years earlier. Suddenly plain Jane is in the spotlight - making radio appearances and being asked by her boss to woo Teddy as a client.

Bachelorette #1 (2003)
Sarah has joined the hopefuls competing for the heart of bachelor Chris on reality TV show The Stag. But as a married mother of one, her intention isn't finding her true love, rather she's writing a magazine expose about the type of women desperate enough to go on a dating show. But soon Sarah is as desperate as the other women in wanting Chris to light her candle (similar to The Bachelor's rose ceremony) - and it's not only to stay in the competition to get more dirt. She's become friends with the other girls and shared some romantic moments with Chris. Will she remember what she has at home or will the bachelorette life seduce her? Take a night off from reality TV and read this fun, escapist story instead.

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