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Field of Schemes (2013)
When Claire's 11-year-old daughter, Rachel, is scouted for a soccer club, little does she realise that she has entered a world where normal rules of conduct don't apply. Having recently lost their husband and father Steve to leukaemia, a fresh start in Santa Bella, California, is just what they need. But Claire makes an enemy in power-hungry team manager Mimi, develops a crush on one of the soccer dads, and has to deal with the crazy antics of parents who believe winning is everything. This is a very funny book that shines a light on the bad sports who grace the sidelines of junior sports.

Reinventing Mona (2005)
When a redundancy package becomes available, Mona decides to leave her engineering job and lead a different life. First step is winning over her dream guy, family accountant Adam, so she sets out to become the sort of woman she thinks he'd want. She even hires an obnoxious magazine columnist, Mike, to advise her and this leads to her learning how to strip and hiring actors to play heartbroken former lovers. Meanwhile best friend Greta really thinks Mona should concentrate on finding herself first. Readers will empathise with why Mona feels so adrift in the world when her family tragedy is revealed. But no prizes for guessing who her dream guy actually turns out to be.

The Wife of Reilly (2004)
Life is complicated for Prudence - you see she is both married and newly engaged which means she is in the middle of planning not only a wedding but a divorce. On a trip back home to Ann Arbour for a homecoming weekend, Prudence runs into her old flame Matt - the one guy she has been convinced all her life is her soulmate. Caught up in the thrill of rekindled romance and a proposal, she now needs to deal with her husband Reilly. With the help of her three best friends, Prudence devises a plan to find Reilly a new wife so that when Prudence divorces him, he won't be lonely. And because no one knows Reilly as well as Prudence, she even goes to the trouble of finding her replacement. What follows is a journey - fun in parts and sad in others - which demonstrates the lengths the women will go to find a replacement wife for Reilly. It will have you wondering whether Prudence is doing the right thing and is there such a thing as soulmates or should one true love remain in the realm of fairytales? (PP)

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