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Some Nerve (2006)
Celebrity journalist Ann Roth is under pressure to get the big interview with media-averse actor Malcolm Goddard. After seducing him with his favourite cheesecake, he grants the interview but only if it happens while he's piloting his Cessna. But Ann has a huge fear of flying - and Malcolm knows this. When she bottles out of the interview, a furious boss fires her from Famous magazine. Heading home to Missouri, she learns that Malcolm is headed for the local hospital - under an alias - for heart treatment. Seeing her chance for payback and a ticket back to Famous, Ann becomes a hospital volunteer with the intention of befriending Malcolm and then worming out of him his life story. But is she willing to risk everything for the big story?

Name Dropping (2000)
Preschool teacher Nancy Stern discovers another woman with the same name has moved into her apartment. The other Nancy is a glamorous journalist who writes about celebrities. Nancy would love to live her life and in fact begins to, opening her mail, answering her phone calls and going out with a man who calls for a blind date. But then the other woman is found murdered and Nancy begins to wonder if maybe she was the target. I liked the concept of two very different women sharing the same name but found the mystery was solved too early and there needed to be more of a twist for this book to score higher.

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