Jaded, by Rhonda Sheree, is about a woman who must decide whether she'll accept an indecent proposal. The summary says: "Syeesha Green knew something wasn't right the second she entered her office. And within minutes of her arrival, she was back on the street again. Fired. Fine for a wealthy twenty-something with an Ivy League education. Not so fine for a 30-year-old legal secretary who's also struggling through law school. To make matters worse, she doesn't have anyone to lean on for help. In the midst of a new job hunt, Syeesha meets Christian Chambers, the ambitious younger man she's never noticed in class before. It isn't long before the two fall in love. Relationship, one. Career, zilch. Soon, however, Syeesha lands a job as personal assistant for Jade McCann, a rich politician's wife. Syeesha looks up to Jade and enjoys working in the glitzy New York penthouse. Finally, the pieces of her life are falling into place again. Until Jade reveals the real job: seduce Jade's handsome husband. It's the only way Jade can void her pre-nup. If Syeesha obliges, she'll collect a cool quarter million bucks. Or so Jade says. If she doesn't, Jade has sufficient evidence to frame Syeesha with grand theft-an allegation that could ruin her legal career before it even begins. Syeesha must decide if the much-needed cash is worth losing her self-respect, and the love of her life. Or maybe she's learned enough tricks from Jade to devise a financially lucrative scheme of her own."