It's Complicated isn't, really. This is a movie to rent (or better yet get free On Demand) when you just want a little something pleasant, an evening's distraction, maybe a few laughs. It's a film aimed at the menopausal set ... not that there's anything wrong with that. Women sit around with their wine glasses laughing about men and sex, while the men sort of flail around without a clue about how to deal with the women in their lives. There's a bit of stereotyping going on here on both ends, by writer-director Nancy Meyers, which may not ring true to many viewers. Thankfully, the high-quality actors help make the film watchable, though they are rather wasted on the non-complicated story.
Thankfully, the high-quality actors help make the film watchable, though they are rather wasted on the non-complicated story: divorced couple has a fling, former husband Jake falls back in love with former wife Jane while cheating on new wife Agness, as Jane is trying to move on with new boyfriend Adam. That's about it. Why are the stellar talents of Meryl Streep and Steve Martin required? Please, they could do it in their sleep. And the likes of Rita Wilson and Mary Kay Place cast in teeny roles as part of Jane's supportive klatch of friends is simply a waste. Alec Baldwin is fine for his part as Jake; he's funny, he's smarmy; he's Alec. But Meryl doesn't particularly shine in this average role as an average woman. Give Ms Streep a character and an accent and she'll bring you home another Oscar nomination, yet for the part of Jane Adler, a lesser actress would have been sufficient.

Movie reviewed by Georgina Young-Ellis